Aquarius astrology

Aquarius:Psychological astrology

Guardian planet, Uranus

Corresponding to the palace: the eleventh house

The corresponding phase: the sextile waning gibbous

Positive polarity:

Chemical element: the wind

Characteristics: fixed

Aquarius astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: the universe

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Awakening, revelation, perspective (overall), enlightenment, and an overview (panoramic), liberation, release, objectivity, vision, change and progress, breakthrough and reform

The prototype character

Prometheus, reformers, court jester, clever fool, rebel, revolutionaries, free people, those who were not hidebound, radical, offbeat, objective witnesses, anger idealistic, utopian, mad scientist/genius, eccentric, innovators, inventors

Stage of development

Between 68 and 80 - year - old.The retirement age, to the left and life.See life as a whole, and widen the vision of things.And before is defined as a status symbol (work, roles and positioning) separation.Extreme objectivity.Odd behavior of the elderly.Tell me frankly.Out of the self-identity and therefore lack of concern for others ideas.See themselves as from the past to the future part of the long human history evolution.Have to do anything the freedom and independence.Maybe start again willing to experiment.Partners may be died.Become a madman's grandparents.Leave, separation and isolation may be due to identity, loss of a friend or partner.May be overtaken by too many changes.

Behavior traits theme

Always observer: maybe we can call Aquarius forever observer, or merely a witness.As a wide Angle lens, Aquarius: let us stand in the above situation, conflict and process from the Angle of the detached observation.Aquarius has the ability to reach a fundamental objective, because it is for others to see the result of the situation there is no attachment.Therefore, Aquarius has a rare ability to see "the truth".Kindly, although is not influenced by personal feelings way, Aquarius unconditionally accept all of the human race.

Possible quality performance: cool, detached, dispassionate, fair, objective, impersonal, cold, cold, distant, observant, acute observation, unbiased, nothing to see, sad insight into the world, whimsical, eccentric

Love, the love of the brothers and sisters: as a universal sign, Aquarius on behalf of the principle of the love of the brothers and sisters, or Greek people call love.This is a man just because someone is human and to love each other.Platonic love is it another term, Plato use it refers to a higher level of love, the love from the personal passion to rise to the ideal of meditation.With romantic love,Leo) or erotic love (Scorpio), Platonic love has nothing to do with sexual desire, also do not need to give each other.This love by acknowledging to bind mankind as a whole inside the common core of all mankind, and transcends the differences of nationality, race or creed.Aquarius: do not judge, not like Leo, think "love my man is a good man, don't like me is a bad egg".Instead, Aquarius to realize and really looking forward to every individual completely unique.Differences automatically be acknowledged and accepted.Aquarius is not in consistent with social or cultural standards of trap, but by agree with the essence of human itself, and beyond the artificially to separate a group with another group of difference.So Aquarius's perspective makes people can freely admit to show any behavior ability.As the poet terence, Aquarius can say: "about people's things are familiar to me."

Possible quality performance: open-minded, friendly, corporate, open-minded, tolerant, egalitarian, not snobbish, impartial, liberal and objective

Mad scientist: Aquarius represents the demand for breakthrough into a new and better world.Like a giant Prometheus, Aquarius was driven by a divine discontent, want to steal fire from heaven, liberating mankind from ignorance, let human awakening become more enlightened.Therefore, Aquarius will promote new, untried and untested.Their forward thinking tendency of the traditional methods and procedures, to find, and continue to feel impatient, make the Aquarius naturally attract by technology progress.Computer and modern science is Aquarius casino.To see new possibilities and the ability to think of new ideas for Aquarius have specific talent compared with ordinary mind.This constellation represents our overall thinking ability, which is immediately see all parts of a system how to constitute the whole.This integrated, holistic perspective with fundamental insight about, this kind of Epiphany experienced searing, driving along the new knowledge, and is usually an unexpected direction.

Possible quality performance: experiment, invention, innovative, ingenious, futuristic, vanguard, advanced, progressive, forward thinking

Indignant ideologues: Aquarius represents the free of external control, limit and authority requirements.Aquarius: accept everything, and use it as a part of and integration, so there's nothing to defend, Aquarius has a sense of moral instinct, and for the human companions with constant faith.Aquarius symbol our ability to inspire civilized, and enlightenment can be defined as the lack of "ignorance".Dark side has been manufactured from self was abandoned in the fear of horror, and have been freed, and all of us in one "and" unique combination again.

Possible quality performance: rebel, the radical, anti-authoritarian, iconoclastic, anarchic, innovative, damage, the orthodox, a dissident, encouraged, rebellion and resistance, and social activist

Open container: the symbol of Aquarius is a man one leg bend your knees and shoulders up put in a water bottle.It is important to note that the container two openings.This image represents the container we act as a common human consciousness and the ability to channel, and the universal consciousness to move down from the sky into the earth.Because there is always symbolic significance on astrology, so the analogy is appropriate.Because Aquarius does indeed seem to act as a medium of expression generally thought.

Possible quality performance: enlightened and inspired, surprising and controversial,, shocking and disturbing, exciting, broken, comprehensive, logical, expose, awakening, abstract, unexpected, widely integrated

Absent-minded professor: Aquarius desires for freedom and change in combination with it for limit and structure, this is not a good one million organized planning.Again, the concepts of structure in Aquarius.Aquarius is just a hollow container to shed the cosmic wisdom, it despise planning things in advance or adhere to the schedule.Too tight!Aquarius might argue, "what does it matter in the long run?"Aquarius is committed to an infinite number of things, down to earth, will quietly take the lunch to mail out, put the key in the freezer, and ran to the local planetarium when dinner to see the latest space exhibition.It seems to be a kind of any order or it does not detect the need for stability characteristics.Because no matter how the universe at run the whole show, and did very well, Aquarius why worry?Why do it?Therefore, this constellation as more lonely, the geek and eccentricities.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: the abrupt, without the system, can't predict, disorder, chaos, not stability, distributed, eccentric, unreliable, unpredictable, schizophrenia, isolated, indifferent, not fit in with the state of mind

Aquarius: psychological astrology related content

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