Capricorn's psychological astrology

Capricorn's psychological astrology

Guardian planet, Saturn

Corresponding to the palace: the tenth house

The corresponding phase: four points waning gibbous phase

Polarity: negative

Soil elements:

Basic forms:

Capricorn psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: the universe

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Perfect, good, success, achievement, the structure, limit and form, order, organization, control, authority, responsibility, reputation, status, proficient and merit

The prototype character

Father (roles), and pundits, wise old man, old man, whose establishment, managers, executives, control, ruler, bureaucrats, scrooge, miser

Stage of development

56 to 68 years old.Professional achievement of the highest stage.Become the supreme authority.The peak of life (menopause).Feeling to build something of lasting value, and made an impact on future generations.Also, to accept the limits of life, one cannot continue.Success is the opposite of despair (eriksson).Can be done in a person's life or didn't do anything but to experience the profound regret.The final settlement.Despair can lead to depression (climacteric depression), which is the characteristic of the age.In this phase of life, the suicide rate rising dramatically.Similarly, concern about depression may prevail.People have to watch the pessimistic/negative.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Serious and melancholy mood: because Capricorn care is perfect, so the grave is the most prominent personality characteristics.Capricorn themselves very seriously.As a negative sign, Capricorn is quite stiff and cold.As an earth sign, it is heavy and formal.As a universal sign, it shoulders the weight of the world.

Climb the highest mountain in the sign of a symbol is a mountain goat, and that there is a good reason.Not like Capricorn constellation better at climbing to high places.This constellation symbolizes the pursuit of honor, and perfect drive.Don't climb to the peak and gain control, it will not stop fighting.Capricorn is probably the gourmet, can only make it meet the best of things.So Capricorn for constant pressure on the heart, want to do more, achieve more, more, be the best.Maybe we can call it "desire" of winning.For voice, the sign is "complete" in the future.

Possible quality performance: ambition, drive, tireless work, dedicated, have a purpose, cruel, attaches great importance to the status, have patience, persistence, concentration, climb up, insist, perseverance, tenacity, determined, diligent

Aiming at system: Capricorn with understanding the principles of order inherent talent.Time and space structure is in order to achieve maximum efficiency.Generally speaking, this will involve some hierarchy structure, Capricorn (naturally) at the top.Capricorn organization, time management and administrative talents.Capricorn instinctively understand anything needs to be done can be simplified to system, in which the tasks are arranged in a specific order.The schedule and deadline for Capricorn is very meaningful.Also, look for ways to accomplish goals, technical or criteria idea has intuitive appeal.Capricorn is the necessity of natural understand the rules, regulations and restrictions.As a universal sign, Capricorn tend to view to the long term."Good plan" is the fundamental key, long-term goal is Capricorn's specialty.

Possible quality performance: the orderly, administration, system, structure, smart, systematic, efficient, a method, the economical, organized, careful, rigorous

Discipline winners: no more prepared than Capricorn constellation of success.Capricorn is very suitable for your goal, no matter what may be the target.From a very real sense, define the meaning of become successful Capricorn behavior.In fact, without the following mentioned some quality, namely, discipline, responsibility and determination, it is difficult to succeed in any field.

Possible quality performance: discipline, reliable, effective, reliable, serious, dedicated, responsible, and warm-hearted, resolute, decisive, trustworthy, diligent, steadfast, realistic and practical

Contraction principle: Capricorn painfully aware of the current state and there is a gap between its struggling to pursue the perfect target.This can be for long-term sense of deprivation or lack of experience.Capricorn nature pessimistic, afraid of things get worse before getting better.The constellation symbol contraction principle, when it comes to financial management appeared when unrestrained greed.As the miser in the zodiac, known as the mean, the name of greed and selfishness.Best corresponds to the prototype dimension is Charles Dickens (CharlesDickens) "a Christmas carol" (AChristmasStory) of ebenezer scrooge (EbenezerScrooge).

Possible quality performance: cautious, frugal and thrifty, materialism, greed, stingy, stingy and selfish, savings, temperate, pessimistic, negative

Living machines: Capricorn in opposite signcancerWhen out of balance, Capricorn behavior looks very accord with compulsive personality disorder (behind on this pointvirgo).Demand for perfect so determined, Capricorn people may try to fixed system and life in accordance with the rules and patterns.Like "living machines", they chose not to personal preferences or the whims of subjective feeling for motivation, but through their own external specific indicator is motivated.

Possible quality performance: ruthless, resolute, stiff, annoyance of (?), cold, cold, is not affected, doubting (right?), not pity, without compassion, doubt, question, inflexible, stylized, insensitive

Depression: if not exposed to the feeling, and so cut off from other people's feelings, you will have a lonely way of life, lack of content.Committed to the success and status, the life achievement such external factors may not lead to love and happiness, the course difficult for Capricorn.Capricorn is one of the biggest problems tend to through the effort to distinguish himself as a superior, and overcompensate for their perceived shortcomings.However if personal sacrifice to come into contact with people and external goals and achievement of concern, this can only enhance the inspire ambition loneliness at first."Lonely at the top" such statements may Capricorn type resonant with irritability, this kind of person will eventually found that the price of success is lost love and family (cancer).This, of course, is ebenezer scrooge learned the lesson.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: meditation, lonely, sad, sad, not social, depression, depressed, taciturn, nervous, restrained

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