Pisces psychological astrology

PiscesPsychological astrology

Guardian star: Neptune

Corresponding to the palace, the twelfth house

The corresponding phase: waning gibbous phase starting

Polarity: negative

Water elements:

Changes in form:

Pisces psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: the universe

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Beyond, infinite love and beauty, the consciousness of unity, atonement and forgiveness, dedication, submission, and the life/natural unification, holy, holy, bliss and ecstasy

The prototype character

The savior, the messiah, martyrs, goats, saint, mystic, holy people, victims, patsy, casualties, a poet, a dreamer, artist, pain, weakness, helpless, the treacherous man, a beggar, inferior, liars, deceiver, cheating, psychic, witches, who savior, symbiosis, alcoholics and drug addicts, mental patients, patients with schizophrenia

Stage of development

To the end of the life at the age of 80.Maximum extend time and space, or split the limits of space and time collapse."Not I, not here, not now."Live in the imagination, "dream time".May be confused or lost.Passive, aging, may unconsciously into the unconscious.Memories fade, sparse.Loss and suffering.For the surrounding the dead me.End of life.May be isolated (retreat) or institutionalized.Body recession worse.Disease, without ability.Because individuals ready to death and reunite with source, so the spiritual may increase.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Real drift: "let it be.""Go with the flow.""Let's go to god."These expressions reflect the Pisces to surrender to impulse of the selfless love of the universe.Pisces symbolizes the state of the flow, no desire and effortless effort.As a universal water sign, Pisces to a whole one.This is not a personal love, it is a comprehensive, indiscriminate love.There is nothing, and no one can be excluded, because Pisces the essence of love is everything.Accept everything, but what all don't agree with, the desire to end.Because when all is considered a part of itself, the existence of what is also worth desire?Is for all the things.This and there was no difference in the overall identity creates the feeling of unity consciousness.virgoHope to analyze the reality, and compared the current imperfect reality and ideal, Pisces is different, that represents the ideal has come true.

May quality performance: tolerance, acceptance, loss of appetite, effortless, compassionate, tolerant, submissive, fluid, obedience, open, indiscriminate love, empathy, sensitive, inclusive of love

Redemption: because Pisces represents inclusive, indiscriminate love and compassion, so the Pisces is sensitive to all the world tragedy.In terms of our state, as Jesus said: "our brother's helper", our common responsibility because of poor, the disabled, the elderly, homeless people and patients caused by ignoring the human collective guilt.Pisces is the essence of identity, a victim of society, tried to help those looks not self-help, regardless of whether or not they really lack of capacity.And this is the problem.Pisces the selfless, loving nature often makes them and those who merely self-destruction involved on a personal level.When this happens, you often eventually become the victim of the victim.

Possible quality performance: rescue, save, soft hearted, dependent, redemptive love, SOB, tragedy, unconscious guilt

Everything is empty: when the boundary melting, the difference is no longer meaningful, a state of uncertainty.memoriesGeminiAnd virgo how to become a duality, because they all want to distinguish things.Subject and object, or the duality of self and others is self awareness relies on the basic distinction.On the contrary, Pisces beyond duality impulse on our behalf.To achieve unity consciousness means that the phenomenon was no longer perceived as a separate and unique, because everything has been classified as a greater reality.Such concepts are difficult to express in words, because words in essence is a separation and distinguishing.So, Pisces communication relies on the image to convey meaning.Symbol and metaphor is the language of Pisces, particularly those included in fables, fairy tales, dream, legends, myths and stories.Image naturally vague, of course, because the meaning depends on its overall context.Any subtle, indescribable, hazy or amorphous things are Pisces.

Possible quality performance: symbol, metaphor, fuzzy, obscure and unclear, formless, shapeless, imagination and metaphor, vague, hazy, not clear, overall, circulation, prototype, mysterious and hard to understand, hard to describe, incoherent, ambiguous, fable, apocryphal, unorganized, difficult to identify and vague, distortion, dim

Escapist tendencies: the behavior of the Pisces is characterized by specific pause or ambivalence.Pisces does not have its own point of view, so it is an ability to see all views at the same time, there exists the possibility of a large number of lost feeling.Again, you have no choice of reference point.Decided to deny its antithesis, a thing this is Pisces can't do it.This is tied two fish swimming in the opposite direction of Pisces symbol meaning.For Pisces, all views are equally true.Pisces is always plasticity, contradictory and hesitation.The otherworldly personality, because Pisces has clear so there is no incentive to deal with the secular reality of the world.

Possible quality performance: lazy, delay, hesitation, malleable, contradictory, hesitating, absent-minded, irresponsible, escape from reality, the affected, naive, weak-willed, weak

Alice in wonderland type mentality: Pisces for the ideal and magical reality of desire is very strong, so the constellation is very difficult to acknowledge that concrete has more unpleasant reality.Suffering loss or failure of this kind of truth and the material world of events may be suspended, or distortion is consistent with wishful thinking, so the so-called "real world" may seem clearly is illusory, and the kingdom of dreams and fantasies are more truly experienced.So this sign a striking feature is its ability to distort or deny the reality.

Possible quality performance: the elusive, flee, disguise, hidden, illusion and imagination, cunning and fraud, confusing, hypocrisy, deception

End - the ultimate attainment: as the last one zodiac signs of the zodiac, Pisces on behalf of the end or the return to the origin of all life.The self closed circle.inThe HinduIn philosophy, this is called printing, namely the maximum orgasm is formed with the universe.Buddhists call nirvana, namely the personality eventually disappear altogether, but there is no loss of consciousness.In Christian theology, image capture the essence of the pursuit of heaven.Pisces aspire to become whole servant, become a sacred channel, become a tool of expression solemn things.From this to divine selves, appeared the bliss, ecstasy and transcend all pain and limited experience.Although few are able to achieve such a lofty realm, but to understand the desire of some hints always evident in the act of Pisces, is ok.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: ideal, essentially, the ultimate, joy and ecstasy, sacred, mysterious and spiritual, unified, encouraging, holy, messianic, blessing

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