Taurus psychological astrology

TaurusPsychological astrology

Guardian star: Venus

Associated palace: the second house

Associated phase: gradually filled half sextile

Polarity: Yin

Soil elements:

Characteristics: fixed

Taurus psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: personal

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Safety & security, self & object constancy, predictability and stability (dynamic balancing), consistency & familiarity, comfortable, sensory meet

The prototype character

The earth mother, the colonists/new land settler, fertile goddess, yeoman, version, couch potato, goddess Demeter, goddess of grain, goddess of the forest, sensory, hedonist, ACTS of debauchery

Stage of development

From the age of 18 months to about 4.This is anal stage of the theory of Freud's model.Is perception of piaget system movement at the end of preoperation period in the early stages of thinking.Thinking is stubborn.Focus or "fixed thinking".Harmony."Paradise lost", the corresponding safety and attachmentfeeling.In addition to self and object constancy, obtain permanent object.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Plump and attention senses: no other than the Taurus constellation is better suited to enjoy "secular" nickname.Jupiter in Taurus is located in the rising point of mae west (MaeWest) said the most typical, "has too much good things is a great thing."Taurus has a natural charm and appeal.It in a gentle way to attract you.What is not necessarily unique beauty, is likely to be some kind of natural beauty, such as the French countryside milk a cow girl, or a sturdy outdoor man - may be a suck marlboro man (not smoke).In more extreme cases, it can also completely greedy, even lewd lewd.In some films of jack Nicholson, he deduced the element of this side.

Possible quality performance: natural beauty, sensual, secular, attractive and sensory stimulation, attractive, want to touch/hug, sexy, robust frame

Attention to comfort, safety and sensory satisfaction: Taurus not only attractive, and attract others.Known as materialism and Taurus possessiveness features suggest that they require material security.Whether the accumulation of material, or a strong attachment for things and people, that Taurus most concern is security.The zodiac is one of the major traits, save and store it earn money, financial ability.Joy and satisfaction is synonymous with "having material" and especially attached to the person. (this is Taurus possessiveness).In fact, the Taurus represents the attachment behavior and its results: in the development of self and the constancy of matter.

Possible quality performance: greed, enjoyment, materialists, hoarding, looking for comfort, attachment, stored, and the spoil, acquisitiveness

Treat things at face value: piaget described preoperational stage of thinking as "rigid".He noticed two to five years oldThe childMore inclined to "spread", also is the most prominent focus on the object or event a trait, and ignore other characteristics.The typical characteristics of this period is rigid thinking, so kids at this stage it's hard to do "reasonable inference".Instead, they will focus on the things that you can see at a glance, and little or almost won't understand how things change from one state to another state (lack of reversibility).At this stage, there will be considerable self-centeredness, reflect the child is unable to deal with a situation in which multiple aspects at the same time.Toddlers can't understand how things are changing, this is reflected in their focus too much on their own security and stability, have such obsession, of course it's difficult to understand any changes.All of these is a typical Taurus awareness.

Possible traits: real, basic, simple, lack of imagination, material, thick, palpable, slow

Looks calm: because Taurus need stability and security, so they have a natural calm qualities.Taurus is most prominent, in fact, a trait is its downy, these qualities.Gary cooper (GarryCooper) is a good example;Or recall (if you can remember) singer perry ke (PerryComo) that a soothing voice.Taurus is both comfortable and consolation.Taurus is unlikely to be offended or be provoked, in this regard, other signs are slightly inferior.

Possible quality performance: calm, happy, cautious, conservative, gentle, quiet, firm, stable, gentle, quiet, calm, security, settlement, halcyon, gentle, comfort, likeable, security, naive

Possible quality performance: firm, predictable, familiar with the system and orderly, patience, persistence, slow and steady, consistent, tedious, stubborn, can rely on, perseverance, tenacity, and reliable

Had wisely: all behavior is for their own safety and security, this is Taurus.No more conformist than Taurus constellation or risk averse (remember adventurersAriesThe prototype of the Taurus is just the compensation that).They are more interested in comfort, and cherish than any things to this point.So, Taurus are notoriously couch potato, can use lazy languid, relatively boring boring to describe.If the situation required to move forward, that is annoying.However, if the target is "stand your ground", might as well all tied a group of Taurus, that will be impregnable.

Possible quality performance: conservative, conservative, quiet, traditional, degradation, restraint, change, listless, lazy, careful, deliberate, boring, lazy

Extreme exclusion changes: Taurus people are afraid of change, almost to the point of sickness, extreme.Have no sense of security and the attachment is the most terrible nightmare.It's interesting, borderline personality disorder is unable to achieve self constant constant as well as the object, thus causing their attachment, unsafe behavior, which is the typical characteristics of the disorder.Similarly, if we don't have good Taurus type of sensory integration, extreme jealousy, possessiveness and stubborn will occur.All the emergence of these extreme behavior is to make up for the lack of inner security.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: stubborn, stubborn, lazy, reluctantly, attachment, fixed, stiff and rigid, stubborn, and do not move, resistance, reluctantly

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