Leo's psychological astrology

LeoPsychological astrology

Guardian star: the sun

Associated palace: the 5th house

The trine associated phase: the growing surplus

Positive polarity:

Elements: fire

Characteristics: fixed signs

Leo's psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: the social

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Identity, recognition, love to play, innovative, self-esteem, focus, self-expression, positive self image, worship, enjoy

The prototype character

Male hero/heroine, performers, egoist, peacock/good to show off, star, creative artists, party animal, the king/queen, playmates

Stage of development

12 to 18 years old.Teenagers.Identity crisis.The need for consolidation and identified.Need from the maternal family, so will become rebellious and challenge the authority of the parents.Adhere to choose their own values, beliefs and habits.Like to try all sorts of different roles and status.Heroes and role models for their attractive.Good at formal operation, has the ability to abstract thinking.Has a deep sense of self and others.Relations with peers has a major position, but thirst for self-esteem is supreme.Sociable, like parties, like the pursuit of love.Obsessive attention to appearance, image and popularity.Self as the center.Eager to independent personality already, also want peer acceptance.Be badly in need of attention and recognition.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Peacock: Leo heart naturally have a kind of my most important consciousness, is almost a peacock.There is no doubt that self-confidence and self-esteem is characteristic of its behavior.Leo: give a person a kind of royal fan or star temperament.However, are often afraid of just mediocrity.

Possible quality performance: pride, self-confidence, worship, noble, dignified, magnificent, noble, worthy of praise and praise, snobbish and arrogant, superior, pretentious

The quality of the intensive social: Leo, self-love and the love between people are awakened.Therefore, Leo was very good at brings a kind of love, appreciate and enjoy the feeling.Because of the participation of the sun, no matter when, as long as Leo will be attention to you, you will feel as if bathed in warm sunshine.I have a friend Leo, every time I do, as long as they are approved by really applauded for me.Usually it's not because I'm really worth so, but because it was out of their nature.As a fixed sign, the Leo let you with.Leo is so attractive, happy is completely its real strength and positive energy and good will.Leo is very happy living.This is a optimist, no more lovely than Leo constellation.

Possible quality performance: warm, warm, lovely, sunshine, radiant, lively, energetic, love, love to have fun, happy, happy, fun, magnetic, attractive, charming, lively and cheerful

Need recognition: as the saying goes, "everybody loves a lover", it is particularly suited to Leo.Keep in mind that the Leo symbol is very important to feel, special and unique requirements.When the project need onto others, Leo will also be so treat them.Moreover, they have the ability to let the other side to like yourself.So, Leo will virtually deliberately win others' support.In fact, this is a kind of "victory".The best example for this kind of behavior patterns seen in the pursuit of love and romance, then is to get a beloved person, let each other get good mood in the company of admirers.

Possible quality performance: romantic, generous, brave, generous, flattery, appreciated

Magic mirror magic mirror tell me, who is the most beautiful man in the world: Leo needs to get approval, hidden behind the need is for identification of an object - identity.Leo in our bodies that part of the need to accept and confirm that we made to show the effectiveness of the self-image.On this level, we just to know you by the response of others.Poet Robert burns once wrote, "we look through the eyes of others."So, Leo the danger is that the part to give their response may simply be part of the audience.However, regardless of the motivation, no better than Leo constellation bo person eyeball, winning recognition.They have a natural luster and expressive force.

Possible quality performance: creative, expressive, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, outgoing, confident, optimistic, dramatic, showing off, radiant, confident, positive

Born to rule: Leo aspire to the spotlight, they think is important, it is often to Leo to the position of authority.And, since the power behind the Leo represents the will or willingness, so the sign itself is a natural "capricious".Making a decision is by nature.There is a human nature, is for others to make a decision, such as telling people what to do.Because of this, Leo one honour -- sometimes high-handed.Napoleon, the French emperor, his name is almost become synonymous with tyranny, now, it seems, is probably a Leo historical example of this feature is best.

Possible quality performance: authority, arrogant, authoritarian bullying, overbearing, bossy, arrogance, have parents, have the strength, command, the tyrant

Compelling desire: when the desire to be agree with the need of the development to the extreme, will lead to the appearance of too much care.Leo thinking more is some external factors, such as popularity, give others the impression that its image and so on things like that.So if the connotation cannot be achieved to attract others, Leo will put on a selection show, with their own style all pressure, memorable.

Possible quality performance: arrogant and conceited, be confident, luxury, to show off, grandiose, expansion, bright-coloured, extravagance, affectation, pretend, exaggerate, brag

Optimist: in the psychology of Leo, there is a main dynamic factor, that is the pursuit of happiness.We can call a hero's pursuit of secular version, for the purpose of this is very simple: just in order to enjoy the real you.In addition, if Leo can also and let you also have a lohas, that's better.So the main activities of the Leo is the pursuit of happiness, avoid sadness.These can be in Leo to participate in drama, sports, games, parties, love finds traces, because these activities are usually in a fun and happy (a blow out of the card game can let a proud Leo joy).Leo, on the other hand, hard work and discipline are hated, it is enough to prove that they are in the pursuit of happiness.However, the pursuit of progress and improvement of imply that Leo will not rush in where angels fear to tread.

Possible quality performance: love to play, happy, don't like work, the pursuit of happiness, party animal

About psychological blind spots - vulnerable to flattery: Leo may no judgment in judge's character, it is well known, investigate its reason, there are the following: (1) they need love from others, so that Leo is easier to see others the best character.(2) because of this, they also have no immunity to flattery.The above two points let Leo is easy to be those strong salesman, sycophants, the pug, liars of captive, in addition, there are some special hunting those who listen to good leg soft, Leo, of course, from the hand.Leo, in short, are less likely to see the faults of others and weaknesses.

May not the characteristics of performance: critical or questioning spirit, short-sighted, gullible, discrimination is poor, childish, too easy to accept, no immune to flattery

God complex: Leo's self consciousness strongly need recognition and acceptance, so it is hard to get them to admit mistakes.Tightly on the part of our nature, to admit fault and recover the opinion, exit from debate, or apologize for the mistake, the situation is extremely rare.Leo is very seriously, his criticism or shame will make their depression.The signs have a stubborn pride (fixed), easy to let them produce self defense mechanisms, such as denial, rationalization, projection and depression.And Leo may be implementation of double standards, "only states set fire and forbid people light-on", namely do wrong things to yourself and to give unconditional forgiveness, but the enemy will never forgive.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: narcissism, self-centered, bossy and self rationalization, defensive, and stubborn, stubborn, arrogant, boasting, domineering, capricious, arrogance, contempt, can't stand criticism

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