This psychological astrology

cancerPsychological astrology

Guardian star: the moon

Associated palace: the 4th house

The square associated phase: the growing surplus

Polarity: negative

Elements: like water

Characteristics: basic signs

This psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: personal

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Parenting, nourish, maternal, emotional security, a sense of belonging, care, protect, considerate, warm, intimate, acceptance and support

The prototype character

Mother, nanny, dependent children, caregivers, cook, caregivers, nurturers, home housewife, protector

Stage of development

Eight to 12 years old.This is the period of incubation period, childhood "quiet."During this time there will be a perceptual self, have a kind of "inside collect, inclusive", not "explicit, the expression of emotion, moreover also has the stronger tendency of inner control.The children become more introverted, quiet, calm, vulnerable, accept ability.Can they can review, assessment of emotion, more and more considerate, empathy.Memory is awakened, also have the cognitive ability of "reciprocity".The children understand the concept of transition for the first time.At the same time, the superego restrain (since) become more consolidation.This is a self expression foundation is the main stage.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Maternal instinct: cancer represents the mother of a mother's love for her children.It is a willing,, take good care of unconditional love.As a personal sign, this love is very private, mother's love to her children, its root cause lies in it is her own child.There is an emotional bond between mother and child and close contact, so that his children will eventually turn the mother-child relationship and internalization, into the ability of self care.No signs like this gentle, caring, full of love.

Possible quality performance: parenting, motherhood, maternal love, gentle, gentle, loving, caring, kind, kind, sincere, dotes on, pay, warmth, care, protect, choking, hold

Sensitive to emotions: cancer represents's ability to connect with others emotionally, to all sorts of feelings acutely, either their own or other people's feelings.This sensitivity to cancer to cope with the emotional change, be considerate, emotional bonds.Say so, cancer as a great receptors, can absorb all kinds of emotional information.

Possible quality performance: sensitive, strong ability to accept and accommodate, emotion, intuition is strong, absorbent strong, long affection, perceptive, vulnerable

The chameleon or magic mirror: strong need to establish relationships with others because of cancer, so they tend to change the body color with the environment.They are extremely sensitive to the emotional stimuli will give response;And will absorb the emotional tone or emotion in its surroundings.Thus, cancer but it's hard to tell which is your own feelings, which is the emotions of others.As a result, the cancer is often described as moody, emotional and changeful.

Possible quality performance: response, induction, like the chameleon, adjustment, absorption, emotional, mapping, reflect, changeable

Gentle and easy model: cancer would like water, according to the different change their shape of the container.In fact, only when the water being loaded into the container shape change, otherwise the water will flow down until he found a container - a small pond, a lake or an oceanThe sea.On the one hand, this is quite sensitive, together with its thirst for is to love and to be "hold", make cancer can't resist the influence of others.Attention, this feature was totally opposed to Capricorn's stubbornness.

Possible quality performance: susceptible, flexible, plasticity, compliance, volatile, indecisive and changeable, easy to be moved

likeA crabAction - walk circuitous route: although cancer is a basic element, but they like water nature makes it behave twists and turns.Because cancer is not willing to close to the person directly, so will create a situation, let other people must respond.Ideally, cancers excitation response can make you the feeling of be accepted, and it can be wanted.Might as well imagine, there was a shy boy turned around my woman, but never come forward to close to, in the end the girl saw him, he took a glance is shy smile after the boy, Noah opened her eyes and so on, finally they established lasting connection.The key is that the nonverbal information "can I close to you?"This kind of approach or strategy can apply to any occasion.

May not quality performance: direct, indirect, clever operation, shy, latent, hidden, a circle, suggests that is not open, and concealment

Is not good at social, shy, withdrawn: cancer is extremely sensitive to refuse, this makes it hard to in a social situation to build relationships with others.They prefer one-on-one communication, think it more comfortable.Or like in a can express care for.Shallow, frivolous, love to play is not a cancer's specialty.Cancer is a typical introverted people, they are more suitable for receiving inner emotional world, fantasy, and imagination.Cancer the feelings of the pulse, they care about most is my feeling now?"

Probably character: shy, narrow-minded, passive, inside collect, quiet, meditation, sensitive, gentle, quiet, shy, and self protection

Live in the memory of the past, do not forget his roots: cancer represents the memories.From the perspective on the one hand, the cancer symbol with we need to have a memorable past.Therefore, cancer and all about from the origin, foundation and foundation hung up the hook, because these things represent a source of emotional security, let people have a sense of belonging, aroused the love, accept and protection of all kinds of memory.Love of the past, the response to the reality is to collect, save, various symbol to "the good old days" of objects, such as all kinds of souvenirs, monuments and relics, meaningful things, and so on.These things often with a bunch of family photos, children's toys in an old box or big box.Cancer will beautify the past, and it also tends to prove the great loyal families and homes.

Possible quality performance: sentimentality, emotionally fragile, clan, tightly woven ties, family-oriented, loyal, beautify the past, keep, clinging to the past, tradition and history

Rely on behavior: as for the need of unconditional love, cancer symbol of the need to rely on.Despite the word "rely on" the expression of various derogatory sense, in fact people need to depend on each other to get the love and support.This dependence demand also has health.However, due to the very basic requirements often thwarted, so will appear all sorts of problems, that generates this need be express too much or too strong feelings.As a result, the cancer is extremely sensitive to reject, fragile.One of the best interpreter for this trait is the prototype "south beauty", each time on emotion are likely to faint.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: dependence, fragile and vulnerable, vulnerable, fragile, attachment, weak and insecure, acquisitiveness

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