Scorpio astrology

ScorpioPsychological astrology

Guardian planet, Pluto

Corresponding to the palace: the eighth house

Five over twelve of the corresponding phase: waning gibbous phase

Polarity: negative

Water elements:

Characteristics: fixed

Scorpio's psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Transformation, healing, death and rebirth, power, strength, sexual, penetration and mergers, absorption and fusion, eliminate, purification

The prototype character

Injury cured, ghost, shamanism wizard/shaman, magician, demon, psychotherapist, hell, financial wizards, terrorists, agents/spy, banshee, detective, investigators, criminals, black widow, prostitutes, paranoia, fear mongers

Stage of development

36 to 45 years old.Mid-life crisis.Soul of darkness for 10 years.In the face of mortality, and "see the end of the tunnel of darkness".Parents may die.Sense of the passage of time, in the face of forget yourself, your own shadow, full of compromise.) the process of collapse (death and regeneration, and the subsequent update.Give up the same role identity, become more real.With deepening, healing and personal power.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Passion: Scorpio's behavior have an inherent passion and sexuality.It is a kind of extremely keen on non-verbal traits, show the strong attraction like hypnosis.As a fixed signs, Scorpio is a kind of magnetic energy.As a water sign, Scorpio is silent and deep.Scorpio on behalf of the sex.

Possible quality performance: lust, sex, hypnosis, magnetic, temptation, exciting, charming, mysterious, keen, has a fatal attraction

The fear of being overwhelmed and control: Scorpio has the insight, but its own cannot be anticipated.No more cautious than Scorpio constellation, paranoid, and love.It seems to be for an under some kind of external control or some kind of fear of their own wishes against.This fear to mobilise the threat to the perceived risk of defence and alert.Scorpio instinctively knows a secret is the basis of power, silence can best serve the power.

Possible quality performance: cautious, suspicious, paranoid, alert, hidden, distrust, restraint, can not see through, cold, brooding

Integration of impulse: Scorpio represents the sex drive, pure and simple.It has a close contact with another person or actual deep desire.This needs to be willing to lose control, surrender to desire for unity.Sex drive can be sublimated into many outlet, such as the change of the religious beliefs, financial and political power, and even the pursuit of a crime.Scorpio refers to the type of activity is any involved in things outside of self in combination of passion and desire for activities, beyond the self things including money, geographical, companion, enemies, or banned their own desires.In fact, Scorpio represents through combined with things that were afraid and confrontation and realizes the shift impulse.

Possible quality performance: sex, passionate, intense, strong desire, destruction, swallowing, desire, greed, plunder, mandatory, overwhelming

Death instinct: Freud wrote death instinct (thanatos), he said, referring to any impulse to destroy themselves, main show is obsessive repetition, that is forced to repeat early trauma experience of pain.In other words, the thanatos means self-destructive behavior.However, what I mean by "the death instinct" is a kind of fusion to a person afraid of anything, anything a person control, by doing so to death and rebirth is a new identity.

May the characteristics of performance: damage, subversion, decadent, dangerous and destructive, hostile, pathological, crime, evil, hostile

Clever tricks: because Scorpio and hidden, forbidden or taboo about things, so it won't because of fear of retaliation public events.Scorpio is similar to the master plan.Although Scorpio can be careful and deliberate, but it is almost never directly and spontaneously.forThe warThe strategy is more like the style of Scorpio.At the same time, because Scorpio born to adapt to it any hidden things of darkness and in the embedded system, so the Scorpio soberly realize revealed or open secret could be dangerous.

Possible quality performance: concealed, secretive, despicable, the game of power, strategy, not honest, improper, cunning, strategic, plotting and scheming, manipulation, deceit, dirty, insidious, cautious, concealment, dirty, sneaky, plotting

Evil and the devil: Scorpio symbol the trauma of the mind, so associated with fear, pain and shame.Perhaps is only words to hurt or to the slight injury, as a result of minor offense of self-esteem.Or maybe is when someone is abuse or betrayal more serious trauma.Scorpio express the style of pain are rarely directly.Different from the direct response immediatelyAries, Scorpio will pause and wait for the strategic opportunity.Wait for response does appear, it is likely to be unexpectedly and vitriolic.Scorpio born at the most vulnerable place to find others.Fool, ridicule, cynicism, sarcasm, mean comments, aggressive and despicable judgment is Scorpio preferred form of hostility.If the initial damage is very serious, so will be very cruel and vengeful Scorpio.However, this requires in behavior under the background of the trauma of being understood.Scorpio's hostility is actually try to arouse the inner subjective feeling in others body, to get rid of the pain and shame.This is the "evil" in outward projection to another person.

Possible quality performance: evil, bad, evil, sarcasm, vitriolic, vicious, the devil, the devil,, the abomination of the damage, bitter, vindictive, revenge, stress, panic and vicious, cruel, terrible, ruthless, caustic, demanding

Detective, agents, therapists, investigators: anyone involved in the search process of secret information show the Scorpio's desire.Scorpio represents through deception and false, revealing the truth, to understand the core of the problem and reveal potential reality needs.Scorpio is the ultimate goal of awareness we generally call "clue".This doubt, explore the way to reflect the Scorpio tend to perceive risk, regardless of the danger is real or imagined.

Possible quality performance: sharp, to explore, to search, intuitive, revealed, suspicious, paranoid, inspection, review, confrontation, discerning

Conversion agent: from a very positive sense, Scorpio is a great integration, is a godsend alchemist, can repair system and the state of the soul.The effect of the regeneration by members of the nursing profession, these members to let people to participate in the healing process.All kinds of doctors and therapists are examples of Scorpio.The wounded healer is probably the most pure Scorpio prototype performance.The process of transformation, or cure cycle consists of three stages, namely penetration, assimilation, and eliminate, finally will complete, update, and authorized.Scorpio cure entity is not limited to the individual.The same process also can appear in the collective, political, financial, and other a variety of ways.In fact, any system can be reform be purged or be cured.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: cure, regeneration, change, cleaning, changing, assimilation, integration, purification, eliminate

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