Gemini's psychological astrology

GeminiPsychological astrology

Guardian planet, mercury

The associated palace: the third palace

The sextile associated phase: the growing surplus

Polarity: Yang

Elements: like wind

Characteristics: changes sign

Gemini's psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: personal

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Information, learning, knowledge (facts), spiritual incentives, data input, language and communication

The prototype character

Messenger (hermes), the student, "amateurs", messengers, journalists, observer, amateurs, forever young, scientist, Peter pan

Stage of development

4 to 7 years old.From kindergarten to elementary school in grade 2.Is the preoperational stage of piaget's so-called late, and in the early period of the concrete operational stage.Separation from the senses, to form the impression of the world mind.Learning to read and write.Language development.Keep asking questions.Learning outbreak period, to discuss or report known (messenger).

Behavior characteristics and themes

Learning machine, live data: Gemini personality is the most prominent characteristics in its eyes, alert capable, there is an ever ask this ask that mind.Gemini like that "John 5", a happy appears in the film "CCTV" simulation robot, it strongly want more "input".Gemini like a virtual machine learning, can receive information, using a technique can be an object of horror to repeat, the lines.However, Gemini this information to the net, eager to get more content, the characteristics of will let him become tense and nervous.Constantly shaking head around as a bird, pass to each message is unusually sensitive.

May quality performance: stress, anxiety, active, busy, smart, there is knowledge, quick, sensitive, eager, alert

The need for undifferentiated learning: there was once a Gemini do astrological consultation customer come to me.When asked if she ever need me to deal with, "she answered," no.You teach me how to go, I want to learn!"In other words, she didn't want to learn any specific knowledge, she is to give it a general study.The content is even care to learn about her, because for her, learning astrology itself is full of excitement.It is not difficult to imagine, for the two of us it is a relaxed and comfortable time.The key lies in Gemini represents the demand to the knowledge of the undifferentiated.As a result, is also the most has the curiosity in the 12 signs of the zodiac, Gemini most observant a constellation.

Possible quality performance: curiosity, love, observant, warren, love, labeling, like to try

"Mrs Is just facts and" : Gemini's representing the relatively early stage of cognitive development, so do not have any abstract thinking ability.Although Gemini is a greedy learners, to abstract the meaning of the concept is not very interested in, and more cold to specific facts and the experimental data.As individuals, constellation Gemini is self-centered, constellation is not good at the perspective-taking.Gemini in meaning abstraction or judgment, therefore, value the ability is poorer, and that's whatSagittariusStrong point.Like other personal sign, Gemini is relatively no moral sense, or former moral (premoral) can be used to describe some would be more accurate.

Possible quality performance: according to the facts, specific, with no moral consciousness (moral), imitation, empirical, without judgment, dies studies, superficial, indiscriminate absorption, linear thinking

"Grown-up" : for all kinds of new things learn fast: things immediately attract eyeball is Gemini's good at thinking and action.In this stage 4 to 7 years old, also is Gemini,The childThe child with the eye hand coordination, in order to participate in sports, it should come as no surprise.Before this, also does not include all the collaboration ability.On the mental level, Gemini has showed the same words and concepts corresponding to agility.Relatively simple language and communication.Gemini have this ability, can quickly grasp of the essence of things let the moment they can cope with changing circumstances (don't likeTaurusTaurus is very difficult to adapt to the new environment).Therefore, Gemini the sense that gives a person is what all know a little bit, but for any specific things to know.Gemini, in other words, in order to obtain the broad area of study at the expense of the depth of learning.

Possible quality performance: adaptable, random strain, flexible, handy, the two sides, clever, versatile, good coordination ability, fast learning knowledge

Report - the constellation of the zodiac messenger: C - 3 p0, movie Star Wars that excellent eloquence, free walking robot, is another typical Gemini prototype.It to different cultures, planets, language, customs, and know a lot spacecraft, C - 3 p0 absolutely is a perfect messenger and translator.As a protocol droid, it is especially good at in terms of language, proficient in millions of species.However, also has a lot of boring, the characteristics of one of them is that it always nagging, I do not know when to shut up, the result is that many times it had to be ordered to "shut up", so Luke and han can concentrate on doing the job at hand.In addition, C - 3 p0 also brings us joy, is the jokes in the movie, is always restless, like a machine big kids chatter.This is a typical Gemini, besides I don't know when to shut up, but also because of their flirtatious attitude, cleverness and notorious for the little joke.

Possible quality performance: communication, language, chatting, frivolous, talkative, intelligent, talkative, smooth, loose lips, love with puns

Inattention or unstable: like other signs, the advantages of Gemini problems stem from excessive expression.When will this feature too much play, Gemini can cause things dispersed, can not find roots, like a person can't focus your mind.The most extreme example of this is diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, in this situation is very common in Gemini stage children.The symptoms of the disease is characterized by concentration time is short, distracted, can't complete the task.All of these traits are characteristics of a typical Gemini.It is important that ADHD refers to a learning disorder disease.Problem is overreacting, so can not effectively absorb and digest the knowledge.

The another prototype variant, is called "forever young", probably is refers to the "eternal youth".He was like a Gemini, excessive play feature is the lack of bear, capricious, frivolous mind (often imagine yourself fly like Peter pan, poor discipline, hyperactivity, often can't judge.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: fickle, scattered, frivolous, a little knowledge, not single-minded, poor discipline, unreliable, superficial, trivial, rash

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