Sagittarius psychological astrology

SagittariusPsychological astrology

Guardian star: Jupiter

Corresponding to the palace, the first 9 palace

The corresponding phase: three points waning gibbous phase

Positive polarity:

Elements: fire

Changes in form:

Sagittarius psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: the universe

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

The truth, I hope, justice, meaning, wisdom, expansion, moral, ethical, virtue, purpose, travel

The prototype character

Teachers, professors, Zeus, Jupiter, the preacher, pastors, priests, agitators, statesman, theorist, prophets, futurists, DE, lawmakers, traveler, explorer, a pollyanna, optimist, wise, saints and missionaries, the propagandist, promoters, supporters and super salesman

Stage of development

45 to 56.Influence and increase the age of wisdom, far more than young people in particular.Business and politics at the top of an average age of 54.Teaching, advice, guidance and see the truth of the time, is the role of "consultant".Gail?Sheehy (American writer GailSheehy) referred to as "insightful and philosophy caring age".A deeper understanding and improved judgment constitutes the "full of the wisdom of age".To achieve real "ego identity", that is, in terms of ethical and moral self, independent of the others' standard (kohlberg and eriksson).The longing for truth and justice are Paramount.At the same time, it is also expanding, personal income, most children left home, the freedom of travel time.The increase of the overall satisfaction of partner and children have a positive attitude, "feel the life is very good.Become grandparents' age.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Enthusiasm - by god to fill in the heart: merry Sagittarius is perhaps one of the most enthusiastic in the zodiac constellation.(enthusiasm) a word "enthusiasm" comes from Greek, meaning "heart filled by god" (tobefilledwithGod).Root is said "in which" (in) en and said "god" (god) theos.The tone here is faith.Sagittarius symbol of faith in life, faith in god, and faith in the universe.Fundamental belief is that we live in an orderly and intelligent of the universe, higher levels of justice benevolent force in charge of the universe.Everything is meaningful and be "fair", we have to distinguish the distinct distinctions of make life wonderful.But if that optimism is too extreme, we become blind optimism, innocent looking forward to everything will get better, despite all the evidence is opposite.Voltaire's "Candide" satire in the vehicle of Bengal mood.according Dr Is the characteristics of the example.

Possible quality performance: happy, happy, humor, love, communication, positive, confident, active, enthusiastic, hopeful, optimistic, lively, the mood.according to trust, full of faith, hot, bitter, warm-hearted, naive, optimistic blindly

Teachers - theorists: Sagittarius symbol abstract thinking, should be distinguished from the concrete thinking (Gemini).Natural polarity between fact and theory based on the antagonism of Gemini, and Sagittarius.Morality is the ability to think on an abstract level, and our long is not only our own, others will also be included in the direct result of the equation.Sagittarius vision gives it the ability of identification for the future of humanity.By understanding the consequences of actions, we are able to formulate laws, rules, ethics and moral standards.

Possible quality performance: philosophy, religion, inference and hypothesis, noble, intelligence, theory, abstraction, bold, future-oriented, insightful, logical, forward-looking, the prophet

The great debaters: Sagittarius has a certain "omniscient" qualities, independent of the relative value of its opinion.Sagittarius is a kind of "know everything", so the Sagittarius person feel forced to share what you know, even if there is no evidence to support his claim.Although this knowledge may be merely without justifiable reasons, but with view for Sagittarius is an end in itself.Even the Sagittarius faith not supported by evidence, it still has a certain joy in constructing theory.Will tell from the ideal state, people's belief should be based on the introduction of new facts and receptive to change.Again, the constellation Sagittarius is change.When faith become rigid, dogmatic, and does not adapt to the new information, difficulties will appear.As manley howle (ManlyHall) said: "usually, knowledge is only a kind of opinion is on the illusion of level.""He talks a lot" there is no doubt that this expression is Sagittarius.Disney cartoon characters to fu heng heng chicken (FoghornLeghorn) that reflect the characteristic of Sagittarius cartoon image.

Characteristics of performance: probably overstated, arrogance, honest, straightforward, argumentative, dogmatic, brag, preaching, not sophisticated, eloquent, expansion

Justice and noble: Sagittarius represent us demand for moral trust system.But the real moral must go beyond simple kindness for individual or collective.Morality must be put of mankind."For most people to seek the best goodwill" is Sagittarius's point of view.However social horoscope involved operator contract cultural standard, namely "cultural relativism", universal constellation with beyond the personal and collective social environment loyalty related principles and rules.

Possible quality performance: ethics, morality, justice, and a lack of sympathy, preach, of faith, an inspiring, persuasive, judge, principled, propaganda and brainwashing, giving inspiration and oracle

The earth and the thought of brave travelers: Sagittarius may not be limited to the specific, practical things, but things may be related.Sagittarius is always ask and want to know what might be true, what is possible.This promising, explore the characteristics of driven individuals seeking a broader vision and more green grass.Sagittarius symbol with our demand to expand across existing lines, is not only intellectually, or physical.Sagittarius symbol is the symbol of archers, his arrow pointing to the sky.This constellation has the inspiration of idealism moves we have toward the higher status, rise.

Possible quality performance: expansion, adventurous, love to travel, restless, idealistic, explore, visionary, access to the end of the world, make all around

All the good samaritans: fire sign with a positive attitude.As a universal sign, Sagittarius like to extend to all mankind.Therefore Sagittarius is universal love, its literal meaning is "love for all mankind.This constellation inherent faith and optimism makes it can find the best in people, and people are usually regarded as a good man.This is a constellationScorpioSupplement, Scorpio always doubt the worst part of the people.Sagittarius notorious for not actual reformism, it actively supports it think it is good for the public activities.In addition to the religious and philosophical preference, sagittarians are born to be political nature.

Possible quality performance: generous, philanthropic, of charity, of kindness, generous, civic-minded, helpful, generous and easy

Bite off more than one can chew: driven by the need for constant expansion, the Sagittarius main problem is that excessive inflation.This problem can be characterized by a variety of forms.Extreme optimism can only become stupid.If enthusiastic to exaggeration, that a man becomes less reliable.Overconfidence may lead to a grandiose plans and thoughtless waste.And expanded vision of the eager to if not controlled it may become a wanderlust.Or a person may only live in the imagination of the mind, into the nerd in the ivory tower, don't go to contact the real world.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: excessive, dissolute, unreliable, inconsistent, wasteful, foolish, irresponsible, rambling, messy, waste, indulgent, overextended, lavish, impractical, grandiose, manic

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