Libra astrology

libraPsychological astrology

Guardian star: Venus

Associated palace: the 7th house

Associated phase: phase

Positive polarity:

Chemical element: the wind

Characteristics: basic signs

Libra psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: the social

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Harmony, intimacy, fair and just, the pursuit of beauty, partnership, peace, balance and social relations, equality

The prototype character

Venus/Aphrodite, peacemaker, social, love god, diplomats, gap, artist, charm hosts

Stage of development

26 to 35 years old.As a "social equality", entered the comprehensive adult stage.At this stage, began to interested in marriage and partnership.And through the Internet and associated social relations and social groups.Establish working status.No longer like a teenager from various parties, filled with beer drunk, but through a variety of "society", will take part in all kinds of "cocktail".More and more ethical consciousness.

Behavior characteristics and themes

Social relationship: libra is the first collective sign, so it is a socially conscious of the zodiac.The constellation of primary demand is the relationship between;Therefore, the behavior characteristics of libra tend to build all kinds of common bond.In"The I chingThan, "wrote," wang to the founding of the first, governors."Libra one of the most outstanding talent is to help others to open the box, let them participate in the conversation.John Carson (JohnnyCarson), and this is probably the best talk show host in the world, the sun sign is libra.LeoFocused on "interest", and libra is produced to others "interest".Libra's main characteristic is to attract others, and let people feel relaxed.

Possible quality performance: participation, interest, good, love social, attractive, kind, friendly, kind, attractive, easy to get along with, cheerful, charming, attractive

Miss manners: libra focus on behaviour.Every culture has its own customs, customs and practices, constitute the culture of "social convention".Culture forward to ensure the behavior of social members can meet is acknowledged as the good character and the norms of taking care of others.Libra's instinctive behavior as a social lubricant, can help in all kinds of differences, conflict mediation.Libra is one of the most important quality with etiquette consciousness, appearance and manner, and polite behavior.This character education to promote the whole social harmony and peace.

Possible quality performance: polite, friendly, has the tutelage, the etiquette consciousness, sociable and personable, polite, cultured, pliable, clever

Amy: libra will be deeply attached to artistic beauty and natural beauty.The aesthetic cultivation to libra proportion to balance, harmony, symmetry, rhythm and have an innate taste -- in short, is all to the good quality of the beauty of composition and improve thinking things through pleasure.withTaurusLike the different senses, libra beauty tend to be more abstract nature (wind).Here, music, dance and painting will be more suitable.Such quality gives a libra elegant actions and graceful expression.

Possible quality performance: appreciation of beauty, art, aesthetics, delicate, beautiful, elegant, exquisite, poised, charming, serene

The scales of justice: a libra, the principle of fair justice has been awakened.AriesA constellation action, constellation libra is a cooperation with partners - action.Libra painfully aware, "everything has two sides".As a social - wind sign, libra care about mind exchange.They are naturally to let others look unique and interested in different things.Therefore, opposing views to libra is very fascinated.As a stage of development, libra represents our ability to dominate the objective consciousness.The constellation symbol the speech ability in social situations, and this kind of communication to cater to the interest and the level of the others.Libra is born diplomat, have the ability to compromise, fair and adapt.

Possible quality performance: fairness, justice, moral, thoughtful, inclusive, objective, thoughtful, cooperative, balanced development, impartial, mediation, arbitration

Pathological friendly: because libra tend to focus first on others, equal rights and opportunities to give each other, so the libra will show a kind of rational detachment, and this make the constellation is very difficult to take action.Libra also shows a callous disregard of yourself;They uphold fair and impartial.To treat everything, however, if the ability to look at the two sides are to the extreme, libra may be ambiguous, empty and boring, and indecision.Too much deference in their own personality, will let people become too aggressive, to make communication system to balance each other.Libra adhere to the "peace at all costs" philosophy is a fire, because it may cause other people's selfish and abusive behavior.It is for this reason, excessive function libra astrology pronoun is dependent personality disorder.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: calm, calm, surface, superficial, vague, hesitation, harmonic, compromise, indecision, obedient, double-dealing, hedgers, avoid to quarrel, to seek peace at any price

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