Aries astrology

AriesthePsychological astrology

Guardian planet, Mars

Associated palace: the first palace

Associated phase: the conjunction

Polarity: Yang

Elements: fire

Characteristics: basic signs

Aries psychological astrology _ the zodiac

Perspective: personal

Psychological needs (power/purpose)

Existence, existence, independent, timely meet, independent, to action/to do

The prototype character

Pioneer warrior/fighter, or founder, noble savage, impulsive child,babyOr young people, adventurers, competitors, the fighter

Stage of development

Born to 18 months.Piaget the sensorimotor stage, Piaget theory.Prototype narcissism.A separation from/personalization to rise to the process of getting along.Feel omnipotent.Need the most basic trust (sven goran eriksson, Erikson).Undifferentiated themselves.Can't distinguish himself with the object.Pure impulse."I am the world.I, here, now."

Behavior characteristics and themes

Naive: Aries like a newborn baby, Aries behavior seems to be always so innocent, no world.Through new eyes to see, to experience everything.Therefore, despite the prototype is the "noble savage".

Possible quality performance: simple, childish, primitive, natural, wild, naive, simple, childish, fresh, don't put on AIRS

Will: Aries represented as a separate existence of self was born.Although there is no sense is a separate self, or you don't feel very different with others clearly defined identity, but Aries have a strong impulse is to survive as an independent entity.Principle is necessary, direct against the cooperation (libraConflict), and the outside world, against authority (Capricorn).Aries is a "do-it-yourself" attitude to everything.

Possible characteristics: independent, invincible, headstrong, and independent, not to yield, on their own, ego orientation, self management

Never stop motion: Aries seems that behavior can be described as a huge body energy reserves.Might as well imagine them as a galloping horse in the wilderness on the horse, or a head of RAMS ready to attack.Aries is similar to Freud described this I or force (spiritual energy), more seeking sexual impulse directly meet and aggression.Aries relatively without domesticated, uncontrolled, with raw energy, these is their source of strength.

Possible quality performance: energetic, have a boiling passion, strong, warm, irritable, full of vitality, vigor

Birth and start: as the first signs of the zodiac, Aries corresponding is the first day of spring, on behalf of the principle of a birth or start.May be it is because of this, a remarkable feature of the constellation is have beginning, without end.With a fresh pair of eyes to see the world, every human ability of observed curious, Aries everywhere with "I can do that!"Basically, this is an action type signs of the zodiac, Aries seems to be the main point to start, with the complete opposite.

Possible quality performance: founding, positive, urgent, pioneer, decisive, fast, adventure, action oriented, impulse

Undifferentiated self: because Aries experience of time and space like newborn babies, so didn't distinguish between the self and the environment.Therefore, relatively speaking, the ram are lack of ability to wait, plan ahead of the ability, ability to endure setbacks or with ability.This can be understood as, for Aries, except for the moment what all don't exist.Aries has no memory of the past, no future this concept.So, Aries is needed is the immediate satisfaction, because only now exist.

Possible quality performance: impulse and instinct, without thinking, spontaneous, forthright, directly, without hesitation, reckless, abrupt, without restriction

Unafraid: since nothing is considered to be separated from Aries completely, that there is no opposition, so despite the fear or limit not the concept.Everything and anything is possible.Sports brand Nike's advertising slogan "Justdoit!"(just do it!Is a perfect interpretation of Aries.This view proved their superman mentality - a omnipotent overly optimistic.Will try more typically, Aries, but rarely done, more rarely have ended, the promise of more few output, they rarely do look before you leap.Aries than any other zodiac signs, however, are more likely to say when life come to an end "I complaint or regret."Because no matter what accident, they are not lack of trying.A word is particularly suited to Aries, that is courage.

Possible quality performance: brave, self-righteous, reckless, had an adventurous spirit, defiant

"God of war" : a friend in my home, hang a poster, a picture of a newly hatched chicks, are struggling to climb out of the shell.Picture below written words, "stand up, forward, to conquer."This is not surprising, my friend, the sun in Aries.This constellation naturally bellicose, as fighting impulse and impulse of survival.Not simply Aries is life and survival of impulse, and do everything to ensure survival.If thwarted or block, Aries will soon burning anger (zero tolerance for frustration), which is notorious.This can be understood as a ram through obstacles and pose a threat to their survival.But, Aries will never hold a grudge or full of hate.Despite the anger comes to go.Aries manifesto is the best, "I just want what I want, and now!"

Possible quality performance: aggressive, fierce, argumentative, aggressive, good quarrel, angry, impatient, impatient, and decisive

Self-centered: self-centered (egocentric) can be defined as the word "self-centered;Mainly interested in yourself and with their related things, for others ignore anything."Remember said earlier, the baby can't distinguish between itself and the external world, this also can't very well aware of their actions affect others.Also, despite the basic cannot be aware of others.As an initiative and self direction signs of the zodiac, Aries can sometimes equivalent to "lead", but only in Aries to some place as the first to the person, we will play a leading role.If someone follow, Aries are not interested.For Aries, there's only one thing can cause their interest, it's self, and in accordance with the present any impulse to freedom of action.Natural needless to say, the indulgence of the ability to satisfy themselves may make others feel uncomfortable.Therefore, Aries is notoriously rough, regardless of other people feeling, to seek only for himself.Movie actor marlon brando Aries (the sun) in the film "a streetcar named desire" Stanley. Families and gas base is the typical representative of the constellation.(The zodiac /astro/)

Possible quality performance: don't care about others feelings, rough, invasion, cruelty, narrow, contend for the upper hand, a lack of respect, arrogant and aloof

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