How to deal with this woman

How to deal withcancerA woman

Along with the tide of fancy is to change the mood of the female crab, was used to detect the man how major nerve best experiment.Fall in love with a female crab man, don't let yourself into the situation and remorse or give up.And female crab to fall in love with feeling rather than theory.Because her heart is divided.Can you don't be so nervous?Can, unless you are strong enough when she shells!

How to deal with cancer woman _ the zodiac

1. The little girl miss big temper

Female crab's eye is easy to see through the sort of.Called to the father's daughter, while the credit to the teacher's good students, please to the competent secretary.If coupled with a woman's face more drawbacks.This way of threat and spoiled for her many of things she did not want to earn, it with this way, is to the companion, the opposite sex, work, marriage and family.This is also the female crab always give a person not childish.Too much, even a little hate!

2. Yell daring not afraid in the back shell

Always hang in the mouth, life is too short to enjoy life more than a few boyfriend what's the relationship between female crab, do not know is that there is no want to know the true meaning of the sentence or to show their capital, in a word, don't believe it!All the world the most timid belong to her!Open-minded ACTS conservative from female crab has always been strong defensive, her fear of death injuries, a trouble: the first line of defense to the back shell, the name of the second defense to hide, the third defense - pinchers.Although not iron wall, but the function of fire extinguisher is reached.

3. Three heart two meaning love saying a don

"Won't be like" is a female crab from the nightmare.Although she has proved to be attractive, but still use back down to see her subconscious!She chooses to let oneself is not safe for safety.Exposed to the stimulus, the suspected man to embrace her, not marriage is true nobleman, immediately pull conservatives.As a result, you have found her love than those who are brave.Concentrate on better than anybody.Also sad than anyone.Don't ignore her, inferiority and arrogance are exist at the same time.Let her return to no one saw world, burst into tears.Why she is not strong enough to confess said very natural and unrestrained done bold results are horrible

4. Playboy is predators

Will ask her to meet again!Around to friends and family can't resist the cold sweat and exclaimed: why do the good girls, always want to meet with the bad boys.Perhaps, gentle is trap, alcohol is a catalyst, sweet words is a luxury, he love you said for hundreds of times.Good boy is difficult to put these as doneThe testOn a percentage to be easy.But it is good girl never got a perfect score in the exam.Playboy, therefore, the female crab injury sky-high, endless.

5. By traction and change of the moon tides is her mood

Ups and downs, high and low, her quiet all of pretend.Because cancer is ruled by god, so as a month have rain or shine round to be unchanged.Before you become an adult, be faced with several times of transition is inevitable, good bad, is bullish about whether to choose the dark side of the sun shining surface or originally.Was born in the year round in the rain season, from time to time is drizzle a thunder, annoying and let a person look forward to.Cancer marker was described is hands to embrace the child's mother, this noble feelings as the Vatican circular characteristics were described as god embrace everything as warm the earth.Female sex should be one of the female crab inherent charm.Only, this kind of maternal instinct sometimes into intense hatred.A sudden retreat, is love is hate, deserve.

6. Save a spendthrift (the theme of theThe zodiac /astro/)

Always hang don't care about female crab, when she fall in love more than anyone care about deep becomes.Strong jealousy and possessiveness completely like a face child adolescent mothers, although suitable for early marriage as a wife and mother, but don't was first used in repairing the love.And one of the distinctive features of housewives, "budget" can also be found in the female body.Tutor bad female crab do romantic ci kang, others are there, be careful!Female crab to one theme of the subject consciousness clear the money's atmosphere without saying, buy home appliance, such as travel abroad, decoration, renovation, and large banquet guests, etc., which play an impressive Shanghai style.

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