Taurus fitness guide

  TaurusThe fitness guide

  Taurus: an overview of health"

As a Taurus, you know all the senses to feel the world, including touch, sound, smell and taste, and so on.

You love's bed, love good food and even some fabrics like touching your skin feel physical contact (let alone), and is sensitive to beautiful music.You are born to enjoy sent, however, all of you may be a lai in the sofa to watch TV all day.Taurus are often sedentary, rather than a movement.The natural love of chocolate and French cuisine can make you weight multiplier.Curtilage at home and Internet or TV all day long, and application characteristics.

To apply your keen senses, rather than fighting them, keep you often work out plan is the fun of life.Take off your beloved old sweater, wear comfortable and body clothes go to the gym, bring your IPOD, listening to the music you like.Or occasionally enjoy sauna and massage after work.The Taurus woman seems particularly particularly love to aromatherapy massage.When you exercise to lower abdominal muscles are sore, remind yourself that exercise will make your sex life more active and pleasant.

If you find an exercise you enjoy - make full use of it!If you like to ride a bike, on youbicycleTo find a beautiful, not been discovered.If you likeswimmingAnd don't lock in place forever only in do you often go to the swimming pool.This summer, try to go to an outing, like a child into the arms of the ancient natural swimming pool, also can and your closest friends, secretly to a swimming naked!Taurus like green trees and flowers, so in your garden work can bring you rich fruit, and can strengthen your arms and legs.The problem is that only you can really enjoy the process, will let you you're more likely to stick with it.

Dear niuniu, don't want to be aggressive about your eating habits (translator: there should be a suddenly go on a diet to lose weight method).If one day you feel yourself to enjoy the right to food deprivation, you will be deeply angry.The trick is to gradually let you do some healthy diet changes, such already can keep your passion for food, and can keep you healthy metabolism.Even in your health stable period, don't give up, and lax.

Because you are Venus rules, and it is a means hedonism, pleasure-seeking planet, only you regularly returns from your efforts, you will have more power, continue to work hard, and thus achieve success.So records your success on the road every small achievements, and determine your next target.(health)

Finally, Venus will give you a memorable, magnetic voice (and even singing ability), but in winter you will be more susceptible to bother sore throat or sore throats.Adhere to drink a cup of fruit juice at breakfast every day, if you start a sore throat, drink a little honey lemon tea or with weak brine gargle can also ease.

  Taurus: privilege, temperament conspicuous 】 【

Small jinniu throat nose are not very obedient and always will voice hoarse, sore throat, runny nose, so no matter have influenza, small Taurus will have to report to the hospital.It happened that little Taurus in private small folk prescription not interested, so small jinniu sick groan when absolutely remember poorer eliminate evil "this sentence, to find who's right.At the same time to coax coax small Taurus wear a scarf and a mask, in order to avoid small cough up and open the floodgates of Taurus.Otherwise the nose small handfuls of Taurus, but annoying.

Small Taurus to dote on their sensual pleasure, but the complete food lovers, ordinaryThe big fishMeat is not uncommon for small Taurus.Only the French chef dab hand at French cuisine, Japanese chef elaborate cake for dessert, dim sum, Hong Kong master slow modulation to lure out small jinniu shum tender hands, satisfying taste.Under this kind of congenital too, the day after tomorrow the extravagant habits, small jinniu but not fat also difficult!How to make the jinniu handsome boys and pretty dial, little girls Taurus beautiful?If you're not ent doctors, dietitians, sports teachers of this a few lines of professionals, then you must bear in mind that "high not expensive" this principle;As long as with very graceful music and indoor living place adorn order small Taurus the hearts, to express the Taurus for noble qualities that you have (little Taurus is very stupid, can't use implied) small Taurus will dumb grindstone, like the donkey after the carrots;Work, study and sport, undivided attention only to the words "unique taste".

If your lover is Taurus, the most important thing is to let the little bull to keep the peace of mind, can change small Taurus stubborn obstinacy.For example, and the lover of Taurus, jointly study the mysteries of aromatherapy, senior aromatic essential oil, small Taurus will not only calm heart, also can stimulate the small Taurus elegant demeanor is moving, glittering within.If the Taurus annoyed mood, always remember, the outstanding writing skill make love is far more than words can let little Taurus sleep a night, therefore falling asleep before, must remember, using fingers gently caress, can let you both at the same time to achieve super pleasure yo.As for home has Taurus baby, let the chubby little Taurus is both healthy and strong and handsome, forced movement, and restricted diet is the most effective method.Think of some way to put the chocolate, cream, honey and salad sauce hidden, to avoid small Taurus forefinger big move, stop.At the same time also want to let the little bull move, run, jump, more aerobic dancing or international social dance courses, small Taurus will not become big fat.

  Health tips 】 【 Taurus

A healthy diet: warm honey green tea

Health movement: aerobic dance, flowers gardening, golf, cycling

Health risks: voice hoarse, sore throat, nasal allergy, idle and inertia let you indulge in the past, even in the sports and fitness.You always stay in the elementary school age, if you allow it to exist, he would keep you out of shape.Come on Taurus, move, I guarantee you'll love it!

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