Virgo's guide for a holiday

  virgoHoliday guide/travel guide

Intellectual calm virgo will avoid the ends of the earth are the one and the spread of germs and choose to go to a quiet place to see the scenery, by the way, could you also won't have time to bring a few ferial reading professional books and periodicals, use this holiday to improve my own ability.

inThe zodiacInside, the virgo is the love of work, even on vacation, also a strong need to have a job.In fact, a so-called leisure travel is not your interest, that is what you finally think about it.You desire behavior and mental stimulation, to plan a can see a lot of, also can do a lot of things.You may even want to have a need to master a new language, or a new historical knowledge to vacation.

Consider, to India or Peru, Greece, China or Africa, there are a lot of very your growth environment not the same city!Such distinctive distant place for virgo is perfect, can let you immersed in a new strange environment, just to test your survival skills and ability to adapt.Before you set off to attend some language classes (or buy some teaching tape) and as much reading about the country's art, literature and music.You love this preparation process.

Your star sign there is a tendency, not relax in the traditional fashion.You are not lazy sleep on the beach for a week of type, when you travel, what you are trying to forget you every day.When you go abroad, you need to study foreign knowledge, understanding of the localCustoms and habits, query the map in order to avoid unable to go home.These really too good, dear virgo, these concentration can let you enjoy relaxing.

The angel of the god mercury, it is your guardian planet, you travel flavor, but the objective is too strong.For example, you may be the purpose of understanding church in Italy.Or visit London dealer or visit the flea market for antiques or silver collection.

You are a skilled hunters, so you will do a lot of preparation work in advance to prepare the more the more detail you can enjoy the journey.Do you like to bargain, like to find the best combination of tourism packages, you're going to speak on the Internet, and travel agencies.Choose the hotel, you can check your map, looking for a the most convenient place for you, or have the best view.Virgo special details.

For you, travel is a serious matter.You are very scientific finishing your luggage, so you almost can't forget anything.You won't forget the Swiss army knife, even for one thousand you need to open a bottle or made the room, you will put the dirty clothes packed in plastic bags separately, will be wrapped in plastic bag put the bottles of shampoo, to prevent the possibility of explosion under pressure, ready to a small first aid kit.You might even bring a small bag, can return the place to buy souvenirs.On your trip, you can always get amazing attention the details of the return!

As one of the choice of travel abroad, you also can consider to do a luxurious health spa.Make you look radiant can improve your health spa is for you to taste.Do you like private space (virgo usually shy) healthy diet (virgo tends to be a vegetarian), and try all way of exercise (virgo likes to learn new ways to keep healthy).

If the spa in the hot spring tourist area, you will be happy to explore this area on foot (like the constellation virgo, soil, like hiking or walking.)If the resort provides guests with sauna, massage, beauty, seaweed manicure or special mask, whether men or women, these nit-pickers will be very happy.After all, all this can be don't get so nervous, virgo, and you will be very enjoy this moment.

Virgo can consider to a, never seen and never thought, the distinctive local travel.To virgo dream vacation, you can try to, India, Peru, Athens, China or Africa.You just learn knowledge of currency, local customs, to make you feel be agitated of busy lives to put in the home.Busy virgo will like this holiday, all the details and information, all within their grasp.

Virgo's international travel has a choice: stay in a spa or health resort, it can adjust their health status, and they also have a keen interest.Even for these trips, virgo will also set a goal, even as the trip is a project, but - why not?Virgo likes private space (virgo usually shy and quiet), healthy casual dining (virgo tends to be a vegetarian), learning a new way of physical exercise (virgo like learning), have the opportunity to also like walking to explore new areas (soil as the constellation virgo, like hiking or walking.)If a resort offers sauna, massage, and other services, such as whole body to nourish the body, with seaweed manicure for the guest, make special mask with paraffin wax for the guest, that like picky virgo, whether male or female, they will be very happy!Virgo too well nourished!See yet?This can let virgo to slow down their hurried footsteps, or at least can sit down!

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