Aries holiday guide

  AriesHoliday guide/travel guide

The sheep have been looking forward to the arrival of the holiday, holding his hand in the book, file a thrown into air, cheering straight to the most dynamic cities, disco dancing, bar, indoor rock climbing, playing, naughty sheep, physical strength overdraft carefully!

Aries will select the places where new shock for them as their vacation travel destination, also often use personal adventure to test their courage.Your guardian planet, Mars is a warrior, also use to guard your love and experience.Because you are easily bored, so will continue to seek greater, more exciting challenges.For you, dear ram, for you is the activity of stimulus, there is no point on track as you need to do every day.

As a fire, what do you like warm, dry environment, spend a holiday in the north area of China, or abroad, in the southwest mountains and plains of Africa, or in the inland areas of Australia, is a good choice.

Aries love freedom, like to drive travel, especially in the current party is a long, open path.Why don't you come to a crossing international road trip?For national park along the picturesque.Stay in a small town, taste the local cuisine, visit the local market.Try not to rush, just breathe fresh air, easily rest, let the road take you fly.

Camping trip may be an ideal way to do this, but also can test your survival skills.Aries energetic may like rock scaling, parachuting, manual boating or floating in water park.The farm can also go on holiday, where you can ride a horse, or hike.At night, to join the other guests of the bonfire party, share your story.You may want to try to join the survival challenge camp.

If outdoor activities is not suitable for you or that you have already done, in the blackjack or try youThe tigerOn luck, you'll experience these new stimulus to bring of pleasant sensation, especially when it brings victory).A thriller of a roller coaster, or quickly fall from the tower of terror feeling can bring stimulus to Aries, so a like Disney World could fit you very well.

Mars makes you love competition, so you also like to watch games.You can even start planning and a group of friends went to watch the next Olympics.

Whether you are traveling alone, or with your family, friends or to travel with a large group of friends, when you were at the helm, you are always the most happy.Fortunately, most people will be glad to give the plan to you.As long as give everyone a voice, make sure you will be a benevolent rulers, rather than a dictator!

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