This fitness guide

  cancerThe fitness guide

  Summary 】 【 cancer: health

Cancer will be melancholy, and stomach is the first feeling, so they have a sensitive stomach.Don't eat when depressed.Some cancer in order to seek comfort and overeating, some because of the tea rice don't think humbled.To find a suitable for your equilibrium, don't feel well, don't eat too much, also don't eat too little.

The cancer is sensitive to the moon, and often let them moody.When the full moon, let yourself and everyone around him to take it easy!You may need a little more privacy.Make sure you get enough of the B vitamins to alleviate the pressure.

Cancer is inherently the most emotional, if a certain sport or exercise program can let the body "feel" good, that is likely to be your routine.You may enjoy water sports, because cancer is a water sign, and close to the water is more likely to find it.Don't overlook the power of the water - it has magic decompression effect on you.swimmingJogging, beach, sailing, windsurfing or drift - everything to do with water sports!Don't too pay attention to team work involved in fitness programs, you'll be resent.You are like a steady rhythm of movement in particular.Floating and flexible gymnastics movement method, the motion is carried out in the swimming pool, based on the gravity of water resistance, not only will be very comfortable, also very can enhance physical fitness.

All constellation cancer is one of the most will nourish others, but to the loved ones friends make delicious food and personal taste may loose your waist.But don't put down a spatula - you are really like is also very good at this!It is to eat a small portion of food.Search search quality first-class, the taste is also a good diet, give it a try!

For the cancer woman, to pay attention to the intake of salt.You may have moisture loss, chest pain, not only has increased the risk of PMS.After 40 years old, remember to check once a year a breast, if you have a family history of it more early.Pay attention to your diet, if an eating disorder, want to go to a doctor as early as possible.

Finally, no matter where, no matter the men and women, the cancer has little glowing, beautiful skin, it also make them look younger.However is too fragile, cancer of the skin may be the sun damage.(because the sun is not your symbol, the moonlight is!)To choose sunscreen to protect wet products, even if you live in the north to the places where the sun gentle.

  Homesick, tender feeling warm 】 【 cancer: love faminly

Japanese idol drama "of a proposed" the hero of the simple and honest gentle character, always reminds me of the trusted forever little cancer.Aika homely little cancer, the most suitable use "sacrifice, warm care, careful tending to let a person warm to the bottom of my heart words to describe. If you have aA crabCrab mother or father, or crab crab boyfriend date, your happiness is envy letting a person.But have you ever wondered, intimate family cancer or cancer partner also have health problems?To taste food, even can personally arrange delicacies, is little cancer good ability.

But eat too much, too delicate, too fat, but instead become little health burden of cancer, the cause of the spike in the intestines and stomach indigestion, weight sequelae.Worse, the symptoms of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, the old man's house occurs, small possibly early cancer, if there is no regular health examination, how can you escape the clutches of chronic diseases?If you loved one is a female cancer, it would be worse.

Female breast cancer curve, can be hot in reverie.But it was also because of this, the female cancer often neglect the importance of health examination, chest become victims of breast cancer.And female cancer mood swings, are particularly vulnerable to the influence of the moon cycles, makes the female cancer of premenstrual syndrome and severe than the average person.The young girl's cancer, at least can also use a lovely not sensible to describe;A mother but years later, the cancer of hysteria, can you have a family.

If you can't find out the cause of female cancer angry quickly, quickly take them to the gynecology and obstetrics or endocrinology physician, female cancer roaring power, will let all people can't stand it.Caring cancer lover, can use the dinner to please their stomach, but want to remind them not to eat too salty, lest eat much salt, easy oedema, also easy to high blood pressure.Better approach is to want to express love to cancer lover, with health check to take care of their bodies.

If cancer lover always puts off to the hospital, might as well use a spoiled attitude, let love to protect the weak cancer lover with you to the hospital to do a complete health check.If time is enough, at least also should make a breast cancer, gastric cancer, osteoporosis disease inspection well.Baby home has cancer and is a great blessing mom and dad.

Cancer baby obedient is, as long as don't let them crush on fast food, fast food, snacks, snack can keep healthy.Baby loves water sports cancer, can be a lifetime dole in swimming, even if the elderly can bubble hot spring.But be especially careful to remind the cancer the baby to prevent bask in habit, so that sun shading, fleck, skin cancer, can't bargain!

  【 cancer health tips 】

A healthy diet: don't eat too salty, too greasy

Health sports: swimming, wash hot springs,bicycle

Health risk: the stomach, allergic skin, premenstrual syndrome, too instead of aggravation for others can forget to focus on yourself.At the same time, the cancer also easy to regret for the past.Remember to look ahead, cancerians, rather than looking at the past!For example, even if you fat like a meat ball when I was young, now you can reinvent themselves, become slim and healthy.

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