Pisces woman's character

  PiscesA womanCharacter (2.19 3.20)

Disposition gentle, easy to get along with, you have a kind of hard to resist the peculiar charm.This is a romantic and fanciful person, for life is full of desire, but lack of the ability of strain, therefore, you need someone to protect.You like to be everything is ready for you.A constellation of women for the most part as innocent and lovely child, want to be her husband's eye.

In the face of exciting events, or frustrating situation, change your mood is not very intense, on the contrary, will tend to be stable and calm.Your character is weak, some capricious.Others is easy to melt you with feeling, make its place at the mercy of others.You need to learn how to say "no" word, this is your best defense method, however, how difficult it is for you also!

Your life is full of imagination and strong spirit pursuit of colour of life.In the heart often reflect colorful fantasy.The person you love may be very different from you imagined idol, but you're still warm and sincerely fall into your arms.You are loyal to love, and is willing to die for love.Your love life is full of mystery, or total resignation, or the pursuit of artistic conception of Plato type.

Interest in Pisces women face more concentrated.Material or money less attractive to you, even the concept of lack of necessary.A home economics and economic management, you need someone to help.

Stars invirgoHonest and prudent men, able to understand you, support you and respect you.

  cancerMen in personality and you have a lot in common, you tacitly, natural and harmonious with each other.

  ScorpioMen will generate goodwill for you, and will impress your heart with the love of passion, and you also like his strength and masculinity.

  Little fairy Pisces girl

Pisces woman mysterious, romantic, perceptual, feminine, and poetic.She is eager to live in fairy castle, accompanying JunWei prince.She has the wisdom of the endless creativity, imagination and intuition.All in all, she is a no one can solution of the magic fairy.

Unfortunately, many men can't satisfy her expectations, forcing her to not keep distance, is to use your imagination to make up for each other's shortcomings.Dull, behave men the most she can not stand, just want to escape.In fact, she it is wise to do so.

Ideally, Pisces girl want to find can make her forget what day is today, at least from time to time from each other to express love or offer little attentions.She is fall in love of the object can be changed decayed for magical cellini prince.Had better have no shortage of ideas, and a life dull side completely ruled out in the small world of two people.So her ideal object must have a colorful imagination.

She felt vulnerable and often built a wall around to protect themselves.Because Pisces have a mysterious character, she will take her fear buried deep in the heart.Heart was touched, she becomes shy timid, afraid she can't get the same great returns.

Pisces women can create the most romantic relationship, your partner could not help but love her deeply.Her only problem is that a desire to love myth, could make every man in the world can't meet her expectations.

The prince of earth is not much, unusual but don't look for love.But Pisces women can on your own.Play to create magical experience ability, let the imagination to perfection, to create unique personal world.At the same time, she should break the myth of prince and princess, jump out to get drunk of myths and legends.Don't put their own dreams upon each other, because no one can play perfect idol in her dream.Leave the dream in a dream, live in the real world, she needs to be more pragmatic spirit of mating.

  The real Pisces woman

If we say, "women are made of water", he will probably mean the woman is Pisces.Because, no one was more gentle than her."She is a woman of standard", I believe that you will agree that, also a typical Pisces woman, is the embodiment of male dreams.Even if she is not a pretty woman, her gestures are full of feminine flavour.

More importantly, the Pisces woman woman flavour, absolutely is not only the illusion of appearance, she is even completely inside a woman.Among the twelve zodiac woman, Pisces woman is the most no governing man's desire.She is always with a gentle eyes looking at you, seriously listen to you.No matter you are unreasonable, or bragging, she will not pour you cold water, and her mood also along with your joys and sorrows, ups and downs.

When I was in a bad mood, I usually don't want to find a Pisces girlfriend complain.Although she is so considerate, but I really feel feel sorry, my bad mood infection to her.

If you are dating a Pisces woman, you should find that she nearly won't ask you what common real problem, also won't force you to earn a little money.You don't feel she give you any pressure.Especially in you wracked by reality, to hear her gentle words of romance is a supreme enjoyment.Her bosom is your sanctuary.

Pisces woman will usually let her man full of confidence.She can always make you feel - appreciate you, trust you, need you.She is willing to give priority to with you, everything she willingly rely on in your side, protected by you.Such a lovely woman, you say, there will be a which men don't like?

However, such a perfect Pisces women. After all, there are some disadvantages of (otherwise, hath not god so unfair?).However, I believe under the trade-offs, you are still not willing to give up her.

First, Pisces girls love fantasy, not reality.Sometimes she would to life under ideal blueprint, so feel life is full of hope, ecstatic.Her mood always change because of a little bit of trouble.Friend, sad movies, even her fantasy, is likely to be the cause of her emotions.

Second, the Pisces woman is a lack of confidence, even if she has so many advantages, she still often feel not good enough.She may feel not strong enough, not enough self-motivated, capable enough.She always think more to worry about, the more depressed.As a result, she is very need you to give her encouragement and comfort.You speak loudly or an impatient expression, can let her heart.Not to mention you change heart!That is likely to be fatal blow to her.Pisces woman's heart is made of glass, since she gave it to you, you may have to be careful to caress.

Third, many Pisces women have a tendency to self-imposed exile.The main reason is they easily trapped in a kind of emotion unable to extricate themselves (especially sad).Sad encounter with their rich imagination, finally put himself into the tragedy of the abandoned by the whole world.Many Pisces woman after domestic misfortune, emotional setbacks, and so on blow, addicted to alcohol, drugs, or even chronic suicide.

Fourth, the Pisces woman almost don't have money.Do you know!The pursuit of romantic girl, are less likely to use abacus, the notion of "budget";They may be in a few times after the bitter experience, to cultivate some slightly.I have a Pisces's girlfriend, itself work income is not high, married to the husband is middle income of civil servants, but every time we go shopping, she always buy some indifferent to her "eyes a bright.Eight thousand pieces of leather shoes, more than ten thousand a dress and went home without much thought.After go home, discounts and discount offer husband, of course.However, this kind of trick on the credit card bill to bang when it is wearing.

These two years they bought a new house, after a loan to pay out twice, temporary DongJieXiCou lessons, she forced her to reduce the frequency of shopping.Also, stop using credit card.So "easy" things too doesn't suit her.Of course, such a determination is one thing to her frustration.

In fact, most of the Pisces woman is willing to do a happy housewife after marriage (" housewife "will be more ideal, of course), a compete with men in society Pisces" women "are few and far between.Occasionally you may see one or two seemingly indifferent spell able Pisces career woman, but it really extreme fear of injury in disguise.Because, no women will need more than a Pisces woman owned and protected by men.This alone is enough to make a man rang!So, for more than eighty percent of the women, they are most afraid of a third party, is Pisces women.

As far as we have just mentioned, their personality drawbacks, are "a little more than" love "more care" can solve the problem.Don't in when you are in a bad mood, yelling at her, not for her mood turned a blind eye, otherwise you will force she swam to the other a tender embrace.You may want to know, how much the people in the queue behind?Don't blame she doesn't know the budget, if you can, you tube account.Otherwise, see her watery eyes, you can earn too little guilty themselves instead.

She happy waiting like a lively little white rabbit, sad moment, like a frightened deer.Always let a person feel should love her more.Is the most let I envy and jealousy, Pisces woman can always maintain that a naive woman flavour.Even talked about eight times in love, she married three times and have had twoThe child.World vicissitudes of life how also can not defiled with her.Oh, then how to do?

  Pisces woman with "sex"

She is a gentle woman is not willing to let each other down.Because of this, the Pisces woman tend to yield to the requirements of the other positive, and afterwards to blame their own conditions.

She is a woman of mixed body full of sensitive nerve, after a brief flirtation will burn.Itself can be totally immersed in the exciting mood, don't hide your feelings, can bold request, the pleasure of sex can continue for a long time.Should be can make each other feel very pleasant sexual partners.

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