Pisces date

  PiscesThe date ofOn March 21, on February 20th


Emotional, heart kindness, self-sacrifice, not selfish, have strong imagination, nurturing, intuition, understand tolerance, modest and polite, easy to trust other people, not paranoid, romantic, naive, pure, gentle and full of intuition, humble, sensitive, empathetic, emotional, and free from vulgarity, adaptable, kind and compassionate and versatile.


Not enough reality, fantasy too much, not enough risk awareness, too emotional, sentimental, not determined, lack of courage to face reality, easy to fall into depression and cannot extricate oneself, it is easy to get into the habit of lying, are not good at financial management, easily affected by environment, lack of rational, emotional, careless, impetuous, lack of self-confidence and weak and indecisive, lax, impractical.

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