Sagittarius date

  SagittariusDate on November 23 - December 22


Naturally optimistic, the life is full of ideal, straightforward, rich sense of humor, love of peace, friendly, strong power, has its own philosophy, stand up to fight, salvation save enthusiasm, optimistic, lively, frank, high self-esteem, versatility, a high degree of wisdom, quite rich intuition, have the power to inspire others, open-minded, adaptable, have a good judgment, has the faculty to handle emergencies, philosophical thinking, the rich noble sense of justice, is very sensitive and intelligent, love freedom, sincere, honest, reliable, and prudent.


Carelessness, yali, easy to upset people, lack of patience, don't understand the way of the world, impulsive, don't understand, think twice, think so, don't listen to your advice, overly idealistic and impractical, lack of step-by-step plan, and so on color, personality sensitive, a little impetuous, boastful, hyperbole, no sense of responsibility, capricious, has a tendency to restless, and overly optimistic blindly, careless, extreme, clumsy.

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