Leo boy's character

  LeoThe boy's character is introduced

Bullying forever, only see the eyes of myself and the people, and those who can't give yourself the oppressive sense on the imposing manner, in simple terms, the male lion is the king of men, always with the attitude bright like king survive in the world, let others look up to.

But inside, Leo is always lack of security and that you need somebody, so Leo boy always like to stay in women's side, much bigger than himself because it can give oneself a feeling of maternal general regression, to put it bluntly, Leo boys are not grown up children.

Treat love, Leo is easy to like on the natured girl, gentle will take care of people is the first choice for Leo.Such a little girl on the surface seems to be bullied by Leo, the role of is dominant.

You may see a Leo man in the bright sunlight play, or in rhetorical speech, but he never really cold there is no place to do this.He is likely to be on the stage, or is a group of worship before his friends and relatives, he always have an audience as he spoke.

He is a soft-spoken, lion man?He is the sort of elegant serene Leo man?Under his humble appearance, making the sparks of proud, he's just acting the role of a roll with the punches.

Leo boy's character

  Leo boy character explanation

1, thinking:

Leo man love life, brave to pursue her dream, in the process of practice, they always kept thinking, how to "put the ideal into practical action", or "resistance to power" this kind of problem.

2, courtship of chivalry:

He has a sensitive psychological protection, tenderness and sentimental and want him to fall in love to you love is not difficult, need not too much trouble, can say that male lions have a hair-trigger emotions, as long as through his features.

3, eyes:

He will deeply love you like a king Arthur tenderness to considerate you, he will give you a lot of money, he will be romantic, but not two faithful to you.In love, are willing to use the limitless sincerely to win straight from lung abdomen and love without reservation.

4 people around, like the sun zhaofu:

Family is the lion kingdom men's joy, very love their children.Welcome friends mutual exchanges.Careful and meticulous in all things, always want to do everything in perfect shape, and hope that through your efforts, make the people around you can joy and happiness.

5, majesty.

Leo man never allow any disorderly behavior, and his wife can't tolerate make you more prestige, to the betrayal of love.Dignity is the most not put things, they once hit, he would hide in a side, do not give others know he lost.

6, majestic demeanor:

Usually there is a kind of aristocratic or majestic demeanor.Respected, do things quite independent, know how to use ability and politics in order to achieve purpose.Nature is masculine, drilling system, have the sun sort of angry, generous, optimism, Shanghai style, frank, open-minded, informal section.

7, respectable living death:

Respectable lie in "daydream". For the most in life pleasure, "do not keep the appearance" as the pain of life.Would rather go hungry seas don't lose face.They will not throw in the towel, recognize failure, they are too proud, don't ask, afraid will give others despise, but don't know because of this, and hinder to succeed.

8, confidence and arrogance:

By Apollo tube cut, so in him everywhere to sunny, warm, confident, generous."Innate leadership and a strong ability of organization, they like to command others, but too much confidence will become arrogant, and stubborn character, sometimes I don't know how to get along with him.

9, care about the view of others (self) :

Like in the spotlight of the lion male, because they too care about others think of him, so often and not happy, is not willing to throw in the towel's personality, is not the source of happiness.They too self, very easy to overlook the person next to, they have to be the spotlight, it is easy to become the eyes of others selfish ghost.

10 and control:

Male lion, make they want to control other people to be happy, he would use his opinion first, rarely consider the opinions of others.

11, acquisitiveness:

The lion male particularly strong possessiveness, whether it's ownA womanOr his or her own articles, very anxious to put them all on his own name, sometimes, is their own things just don't want to share with others, even don't want to let others touch touch.

12, the die-hards:

Listen to not into other people's Suggestions and advice, stubborn like a cow to pull too.Self-esteem and believe himself to do the right thing, even if there is wrong is also caused by other people wrong.

13 there is sense of responsibility:

Leo is the most animals with family concept in all animals, like social, also more responsible.This is a comparative animal signs of the zodiac, attaches great importance to the table like, hope that each other is attractive.See good prey is the nature of the Leo is chasing, but because of their pure, was also loyalty to a relationship, so they probably because of the sense of responsibility and maintain the status quo.

14, flower heart:

Scott, Leo man is very easy to like a king to have many, many officials, have a is not enough.For him to have a lot of women love him, and he has city state;There are all women all think he is great, it is a very face-saving thing.

15 and protection to:

You are generous and strong feelings.In love, are willing to use the limitless sincerely to win straight from lung abdomen and love without reservation.Desire to you, you will go to great lengths to protect, care about and take care of you in every aspect.Show a rock-solid loyal to you, make your mind and body bathed in happiness and comfortable and luxurious life.

16, sense of justice:

Leo man is the most leading spirit in the 12 zodiac signs and courage, can overcome any difficulties and obstacles.Stick to the truth and justice.Has a strong sense of responsibility and obligation to help others.

17 and heroism

Nothing is worth timidity.Believe in yourself, believe that fair and square and throats is enemy hero.This is the lion's nature.

18, innovation:

Bold and enterprising grand, strong, decisive, good at expression, rhetoric is nice, tend to stubborn impatient, don't respect for tradition, love show their radical ideas, to avoid forced friends or colleagues, in order to avoid hostility from time to time.

19, fury:

Lack of patience, encounter problems don't even want to explain, often sleep in the body there is a nameless fire wall in their hearts, to explode at any time, little things will also angry, hedong animal roars at fellow players, sometimes see a thing is, the more the less pleasing to the eye.

20, contradictory psychology:

Quiet and hot extreme, like a person in a corner meditating, a person quietly staring blankly.Collective crazy, also like and friend hi, enjoy the hot atmosphere.

  Leo boy character

Leo boy is generous, strong emotions, is a distinguished person, his enthusiasm and prestige make success on his career and the ideal.Pride is the outstanding characteristic of his character, in addition, he has ruled out open-minded, vision, difficult and can control the situation.So, it is easy to generate respect and admiration for him.

In love, he is willing to use the limitless sincerity to win heterosexual visceral and love without reservation.Leo people will never allow any disorderly behavior, and his wife can't tolerate his prestige, to the betrayal of love.However, Leo men like to use fancy jewelry dress up his wife, make her his dream idol in my heart.It is a good thing, but some time will let his wife some don't understand, after all, who doesn't want to be the husband of another woman in my heart.But, he will go to great lengths to protect from all sides, care, care for her, to let his wife and daughters just wonderful.So, in general the Leo man's marriage is a success, is happy, love life will be filled with joy and happiness for long.

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