Taurus man's character

  TaurusA man's character (4.21 5.21)

This is a like the stable life and has a pastoral plate of personality traits.Emotional rhythm changes slowly, once triggered will body not from already, however, unable to extricate themselves.Stable and lasting life environment, is very important to you.You don't like strangers or meet by chance to disturb your life.No matter in love, the pursuit of material, you are reliable and safety as the main standards of weighing, even is the basis of your personality and thought.

You is a person, think more about another people who do not refuse to pleasure.Delicious food is indispensable partner in your life.Towards marriage, Taurus people first consider is whether this combination are beneficial to himself, like according to each other's family and their ability to work as the main conditions of choice.Because you need is a can assume the burden of family life, and can help you to arrange finance's wife.You want a good love fragrance full of food.You can appreciate good food's wife.Harmonious love life is the foundation of your feelings, physical balance in your life occupies an extremely important position.

Taurus, for new things to adapt to the slower, don't want to easily change their habits.Family and child is the center of your life, is the capital of your joy and pride.Especially children are your lifelong dream on.Taurus man's character is more smooth, rarely lose his temper.However, once the attack is serious, can make the person the creeps.And the stars inScorpioHave an affinity for women, but the two strong personality and don't meet very often.And the stars invirgoorCapricornWomen married partner, life will be full, harmonious and friendliness.Because the two constellations of women in the considerate husband, manage the housework and take care of their children.

He is a Taurus you?Congratulations to you!You are so lucky, do not have any sign of a man than the Taurus man is more suitable for the husband (in terms of practical point of view).

Taurus men always irritable, not to fall in love, of course, also won't!He didn't meet with you to one side, the bump into the love trap.When he take a fancy to a girl, he will don't go for a long time before we decide to want.I have a high school classmate husband married a Taurus, they are university students, in fact, as early as the freshman year when he was very good to her, but just looked at the whole three years to pursue.At that time he had on his experiences growing up, and family background, there are quite understand.

If you think that are too practical Taurus because of this, too not romantic, that you're wrong!When once he make up his mind, he will take all gentle and sweet, a senior restaurant, exquisite gift, send you to and from work, as these will not less.

Taurus romance is not empty, also won't too passion, he is not a mouthful of sweet words, in fact what all not do for you man.Is not that kind of adhesive to you all day, man will not leave you in a minute.Taurus man romantic way will let the girl have a sense of security, it is a feeling between lovers with his father, like a pair can rely on the shoulder, let a person feel warm and comfortable.?Is a ring to you?So you have to through his review.

You remember, Taurus man will never like a talk, behavior and open woman, he is an elegant lady, a wife and motherA woman.He didn't want to waste time to play love games.So!If you are a new feminist girl, you may not be suitable for him.Are you willing to love for the sake of convergence a bit?With him, especially in front of his friends, don't keep their opinions, not necessary, best less open, keep smiling, modesty is to be seated by his side.He will from time to time look at you, and, after he would like to take you attend social situations together.

When he asked you to marry him, he must have been ready to complete the plan for your future.As for how toBuy a house, how to save money, and he's current financial situation, he will let you know, you won't be filled with fear, usually men Taurus will make you very into a sense of securityTo get marriedThe auditorium.

From the first day of the marriage, please don't be sentimental love dream, Taurus is stable while the actual marriage, you want to spend time with a warm and comfortable home for him, rather than a dream and repeatedly.

Don't worry, he won't want you to be a busy all day, tired like a yellow face shiva's wife, he will do his best to give you the best living conditions, just, please, when after a hard day, she gave him a warm nest, ji za don't in front of him chattering endlessly.

When most Taurus men don't take too much work on the mood of the home, when you fall in love with him is the discovery that, when he was frustrated in the outside, or work not smooth, the mood is bad, usually he will pull a face, also don't say a word.You'd better help him a cup of hot tea, put the sofa cushions for good, let him rest quietly.

Taurus man's personality is practical and industrious, he won't be emotions too long.As for your emotions, you can also learn to his best.After marriage he may put idea on the job, not careful to know your mood.Don'tThe childSon spirit that he does not love you, think of it, yes, all his effort is not all you better in the future?Women do not want to be a lifetime pursuit of romantic love!

For Taurus man, "love" and "marriage" are two different stages.Occasionally in his work, in a good mood.You can play the woman, if really make trouble without a cause that's bad!

And one more thing is very important, that is, always remember, he was head of the family;In all cases, please give him the absolute respect, don't talk to him.

You know, what do you mean "stubbornness"!!!!I told you at the beginning, Taurus men rarely like a woman who talk.Especially hard to endure a like wife, issued a fallacy.When you nothing can be compared in public constantly, looking back at your cows husband, his face set already very ugly.

With your husband in a social situation, Taurus demeanor should pay attention to, otherwise he would not let you on the spot to the table.

Their marriage?I'm afraid this method is not useful to him, I advise you'd better not easily try unless you really don't want to come back.Believe me, if you really back, wait for after their internal heat, think about the benefits of his, you might carry a suitcase yourself back, why?

Taurus man is a "home" model, he is a very pursuit of the harmony of families, for the family he is possessive, unless in his family happiness feel threatened, or his head of the family dignity by the challenge, he will not lose his temper, he is under the condition of normal gentle and kind, more importantly, he is reliable.

Do a mature real lady, you will feel a Taurus husband really great!

Taurus man's character

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