Aquarius woman's character

  Aquarius:A womanCharacter (1.20 2.18)

  Basic character:

Curiosity is strong, the strong desire and often independent spirit together.She is a custom and not willing to echo, talking and doing things all by their interests.

She hopes that all things are possible to freedom of choice and action.However, her reaction is unpredictable, sometimes even to cast doubt on her rational degree, this is especially performance in love.Her emotion is closely related to her imagination, she not only like real people, but also like those who go out from her illusion.In fact, in love, her heart often stagnant, especially when Venus and the moon in her a birth horoscope.

She is easy to go to extremes, may have a heart of the purest, the most ideal of love, also can become completely apathetic.Don't disappoint her, otherwise will not be able to save to lose her.But once she found his true love, then she will put all of his wisdom, sincerity and all for all that you have all unreservedly dedicated to his beloved people.

Her love life is a romantic, more freedom than the traditional program, she hopes in the friendship on the basis of the development of lasting love eternal relationship.For her independence is more precious than pure love life satisfaction.Aquarius women love, therefore, must pay attention to the character of respect for his wife.So your love will be to develop healthily.

Stars inLeoMen will warm to you, you have a common desire and common pursuit of a career.GeminiMen's thirst for knowledge and the sincere friendship, will impress your heart strings.You will live in a harmony of like-minded.libraMen's inspiration and yearning for beauty would arouse the Aquarius woman love.

Aquarius women is a combination of mind and heart.She is sensitive to disadvantaged people or things.Self-motivated and independent personality and good at analysis, she can always see through government propaganda, do right and wrong knowledge on its own.Her character of ideal color, like the best of things.Her mind is often ahead of himself in time.

Aquarius women naturally good friends, and more pay attention to the spiritual light sensual feelings.For her, you must first respect and like a man, is likely to fall in love with him.Her popularity is good, when love is not the small woman, and will not be carried away by love.In love, she didn't rush to the pursuit of a sense of security, but pay attention to the mental and spiritual growth.

She hated to extreme personality, especially so angry, jealous, violent or rude people.She doesn't like others to invade his field.Sometimes she likes freely come and go freely, not willing to answer any questions, meet anyone's expectations.This is her to want to stop their forward object is conspicuously ungrateful.

Her the most suitable type and confidant of faithful man traveled together.Best each other to share interests and ideals, always make a deep communication.Chasing too often, and love too cut men made her anxiety.She is afraid of losing freedom, privacy, and from time.In her calm, independent appearance under, Aquarius women actually very fragile.

She has the spirit of altruism.Nothing, she immediately now.She believes that human rights, freedom, and strive to live by your true faith.Disagreement with others, she is committed to communicate the facts, not stagnation in anger, Shouting or decadent mood.She would rule out negative, the pursuit of the positive and fair character.

Her biggest problem is unable to express anger.Strong emotions made her fear, she just want to escape.But perceived their anger and refused to don't want to do the real health benefits.Try to honest and say you cannot do, a bit better to oneself at the same time, remember, oneself also have the right to make a mortal.

  Aquarius wife

A clever wife, what are the different result?The first point is to be regarded as fools.

Aquarius wife smugness, not easily surrender to a person, is often sneer on Mr, let the husband is full of frustrations.

The diagnosis

Aquarius wife with both sides of the extreme, they are very clever, with a feminist awareness, but onceTo get married, but also is able to bear the title of "a wife.Aquarius always bring some doubts, sounds more has the flavor of the irony, for many men, the serious influence self-esteem, but also said but was too.


In dealing with water bottle wife, to have confidence in myself, Aquarius are not used to praise others, on the one hand because they eye is higher than the top, on the other hand because they too honest, loyal to the eye can see, the ear.

Every bottle wife character, there are both sides of the extreme traditional and avant-garde, themselves do not understand this kind of contradiction, is habitually expressed, let others confused.


Taurus, virgo, Capricorn husband: Aquarius wife fashion-minded person, don't use your get along with her male chauvinism, guarantee is invalid!

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces husband: Aquarius wife love freedom, glued to her too much, can make you look like a son.

Gemini, libra and Aquarius husband: Aquarius wife always wrap praise in doubt, in fact, they appreciate your talent.

Ram, striker, lion husband: with Aquarius, to learn to control his temper, habit they casual attitude towards life.Nail is always urgent, not selfish!

  Transcendental Aquarius woman

Aquarius woman insisted on the pursuit of freedom.But this doesn't mean that their behaviour is bold to open, refused to accept the bondage of traditional doctrine.She's pursuit of freedom is spiritual, thoughts.She may study psychology today, in a couple of days to learn jazz dance, next week to go to the hospital as a volunteer.She seemed to belong to any ethnic group in society, but not really belong to a group.She belongs to her, she seems to be no one can completely.

But she also never domineering want to others.For all things, she seems to have their own standards, not bound by tradition and influence.She is "her" principle, and loyal to the principles.As she is in love, absolutely loyal to her lover.

In fact, so far, I still can't fully understand the Aquarius woman, although already inured to the weird about their behavior, but often there are still a lot of "don't understand".A few years ago I had a secretary, she's a typical bottle girl, with a stable personality, detached attitude.Do things completely with their own steps, but the result of course will try to fit my request.I tried to ask her to do things according to my way, she said no objections, however, a few days later I found that she was still palpable.I will not say more, to show his respect for her.

I appreciate the girl, because she was very young, but very independent, attitude modest and polite.For any matter all very eager to learn, to learn, even better, she didn't like nowadays so impetuous young girl, love repeatedly.Every time I emotional narrative things for her, she always keep calm to listen to, really let me have to praise her home culture.She just broke up with her boyfriend for a while, the other side of the left unwillingly, become angry from embarrassment, while she always keep a rational calm.I'm a little surprised bottle woman feelings cool attitude.Later, a few times she suddenly told me that she felt that he hadn't get things done, did not help me.I only work as her emotional low tide, a few words of comfort her is able to shrug off., didn't have a weekend off work, after I send her on the taxi, she disappeared.

First time I really very sad, because we have been getting along very happy, I always when she was a little sister, what the heck is going on, have to be so don't accuse and don't?I still don't know why, but seems to be some vague understanding the psychological.Maybe she has difficulties, maybe she doesn't want to bother me, maybe....Now that bottle of woman don't like to do more to explain, then we make her clear why again?I no longer worry about her, though, I'm sure she will find the path of the you want to.

  Independent Aquarius woman love

For many bottles of a woman, life is an endless exploration.Are classes, all sorts of multifarious, should be understood, be care.Therefore;If you have a bottle of a lover, you can rest assured, she must be won't have too much time to stick with you.In fact, she may also worry about you will always stick with her.

Almost all bottles of a woman is not "Kim", whether a man with wealth, status is not so important.Whether appearance handsome also is not the most important condition for her.She is looking for (in her mind) with an intelligent and mind, you can accompany her together to pursue "the people" of man.Like jealous and possessive too strong, too radical, too conservative, is not her ideal partner.

You will find a lot of her friend, and all sorts of type are possible.Because bottles of a woman is to own their own moral law, but also respect the laws of different others.She likes with all kinds of friends, but also can get along with harmony 冾.But sometimes she will choose as a loner.Away from family, friends, even away from you.Please be generous and give her some personal space and time, take her body is not good.Don't be suspicious, before she didn't break up with you, bottle woman will keep her loyal.And she just believe in yourself for your evaluation, other people think is unable to shake her.Don't hope she's whereabouts, everything will be all thought, every word of the report to you.Bottle of women do not like lying, but she insisted that anyone "reserves the right to a bit".Such a woman, of course, also won't ask you to surrender the itinerary and confessions.Bottle of girls' "paranoid", is also one of her virtues.

Her clothes wear can often make you stunned.Sometimes elegant, sexy and charming, sometimes sometimes is nifty and lovely.However, her dress is usually by feeling, rather than see occasions.There remains a still more remarkable ability, bottles of a woman often put all the things you didn't go together.Sammikao is a very lovely girl, but, I don't know before.Once we together to take part in a program of video, she wore a clipping, special black dress with a pair of black shoes, chest hang up a cross necklace, left hand wearing a string of good big beads.I guess she probably is a bottle of woman, can't help but ask her.Indeed.My heart was a proud.

I think for such sensible, Aquarius girl, the only thing you can complain about is that she is not enough.She seems to always be cool, never passionate performance.On this point, I have nothing to do with my bottle a girlfriend, they deeply feel wronged, they said "appearance of indifference expression may be different.But their heart is warm and needs enthusiasm."This explanation, I can accept, I believe you should be able to understand.What's more, her cool attitude didn't affect her beauty and feminine flavour.Aquarius: a beauty very much.

I always think of Aquarius women is very accord with modern need to wife.She is neither a big woman, also is not traditional woman fate.She knew in the marriage to keep self, respect for others.Maybe she often in your conversation, from a completely unrelated to the topic.I believe you will get used to it that it was just her way of logical deduction and you different.Over time you will look forward to the fun.

  Aquarius woman and "sex"

Aquarius woman most is not emphasized sensual.She does not exclude "sex", but I can't see it as a lack of enjoyment.She may have the knowledge of sex, as she likes to absorb the knowledge of the other), but it is difficult to have the rich fervor.Aquarius woman can be enthusiastic in the sex scenes echoed each other, but their heart is often keep calm.

Many Aquarius woman to own some troubles calmly and subconscious, occasionally to have a passion for lingering feelings.

  Twelve constellation Aquarius woman and man

1AriesPlays a complementary role: your personality, your calm to calm his impatience, admire his strength, inclusive of his carelessness.

2Taurus: your perception of things is easy to produce friction, in the face of real life may not be suitable for together, but can be mutual understanding friend.

Gemini: you have the same intellectual attitude, conducting method also can cooperate, can do friends, can also be a lover.

4cancer: for the affection, do you have a completely different expectations, therefore, it is easy to make each other feel disappointed.

Leo: will attract each other, you can have a lot of skill to tame a lion.But remember to always give him a "feeling" of love.

6virgoListening apparent12: for him, you can often turns a deaf ear.But for he often ask you to explain, you will be a little impatient.

Libra: this is a very good match.Libra men for other signs of women seems to be difficult to master.But for you, it's a piece of cake.

8Scorpio: may be able to attract each other, but get up may not be so amiable, is easy to the combination of friction.

9Sagittarius: happy can become a like-minded partners.The atmosphere is very good, and become the darling of probability is very high.

Capricorn: in the process of communication, often is you more understanding him.His depression, conservative, stubborn, and will make you think you should give more care and love.

Aquarius: a bottle of a man's natural can work together with you in every respect, but the relationship between each other would be too smooth and lack of enthusiasm.

12Pisces: don't go to see a Pisces man with his intellectual world.You may not be too easy heart-collision, but has less chance of conflict.

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