Cancer woman's character

  cancerA womanCharacter (6.22 7.22)

  Her personality, emotion and love life

This is a full of fantasy naive and warm woman.Her senses only when touched the imaginary Windows will wake up.Is a state of mind forever young, deep thoughts often have a dim consciousness of "girl".She is very loving, but often don't know who is true to her memories.When people trust her, she will be full of warmth, humor and poetic.But, she really sensitive nerve will be out of control, she accumulated resentment and fraught in silence.

She always nostalgia for the past one thing: her childhood or failed to get marriage...She likes to clear and deep soft harmonic music;Appreciate the art of simple and smooth;After deep and gracefuls and restrained is ideal.She often self-reflection and analysis, as she felt she don't know much about themselves.

She needs peace, harmony and security;She is eager to a pleasant living environment can trigger thought;She likes like tire bei attached stone in her little world.The atmosphere of the depression, concrete construction and decoration to make her can't stand the depressive feeling.She likes her house into edify disposition of the temple.

In youth, and her family has a great influence on her, and sometimes even delay her wedding date.In general, is dominated by maternal balance on her body and mind.A mother's love of love in this constellation women got fully reflect.Once you have the family, she will go all out to training and education of children, she was willing to give all my love for the children.

If she's not rises suddenly inexplicably a sorrow, her character is gentle and pleasant.She just wanted to how to make their own loved ones happy and satisfied.

She is eager to get from an older male father or protection.Stars born in Capricorn men will understand her wish to bring comfort and love she needed.She with heavy sentimentPiscesThe male sex appeal to.She can also indulge inScorpioMale hot emotions.

  Basic personality:

Personality gentleness affectionate, have dedicated to the love.Strong exclusiveness and hysteria, vulnerable, once in a bad mood, will be closed.Motherhood is strong, rich sympathy, but also self-centered individualists of everything.To enthusiasm, persistence, love, but do not take the initiative to inner courage, but the heart is far better than the surface.Sometimes stubborn, capricious, quick-tempered, narcissistic.National consciousness is strong, and even against the established order.Some people lack proper manners.


Friends when in trouble, and never turn a blind eye.In addition to the spirits, encourage friends will patiently listen to, in order to help heal his (her) heart pain, can accompany to travel.


Sentimental isn't a bad thing, but will become a sister Lin too sentimental.24 hours a day dazzling rain or shine change can make the person such as falling in the thick fog.

  A model wife

With warm loving maternal instinct, erected apron look very match with you.Has become a model for the qualities of a wife.

  Disposition gentle

Do not positive enough.The equal communication with friends, or to open up and talk to people first met, for you are mildly reluctant.Too cower can hinder the normal social life, you should give yourself some more positive.

  Romantic girl

Whether male or female, as long as empathy with you, this friendship will get your extreme value.With lover together will create a romantic atmosphere, if see you gawk become speechless, without a doubt is it into a beautiful dream.At ordinary times give a person the sense with sweet like candy.

  Stubborn willfulness

Headstrong character, but not because insist on your opinion, but because of lack of ability, so ought to reflect.You know, only a person mind and self sealing will blindly insist on your opinion.


Cancer is easy to feel self-abased for appearance of the zodiac.After compare yourself with others, will issue a series of sigh.In fact, any one more or less is upset with his appearance.From "do not judge a book by its cover," and "all that glitters is not gold" in the UK that you should be understood in two proverb.

  Lies and habits

Most cancers showed wen wan temperament, do not lie, but there are also some cancers in order to maintain their image or conceal melancholy mood will unavoidably lie, just for the helpless, no malicious.But, to hide a lie and continued before another lie is undesirable habits.We must make efforts from the heart, to correct the bad habits.


Get full heart, such as busy with friends frolicking together, or give warm love to someone when they feel immersed in the happiness.

  Index of the flower heart

Before the end of a relationship, can't start another relationship.Flower heart index is close to zero, some cancer into long unrequited love, or by the company of lovers have no feeling.

Their warm personality, it is easy to win the friendship's sake.And when each other really become friends, is you for a while to accompany her happy, for a while with her sad day.I sometimes think they considerate lovely, sometimes they are sensitive and emotional puzzling.As for the you want to fall in love with them!I'm afraid such feeling even more than me!

  In the eyes of others cancer woman

Gentle and considerate woman, cancer is easy to give a person the feeling of "love".If you are a pursuit of "the feeling of love", choose her, are you sure you won't be disappointed.Cancer often give a man a woman "if lose your love, my life has no meaning" of confidence.It's really a lot of men dream feeling.However, if you are just a couple in love when the game, please don't go to provoke her, because, first, for a true meaning of the cancer woman is really too residue, this woman is playing for real, affection is by no means they profane things easily;Second, for some cancer woman, if she fell in love with you, want to get away from her is not so easy.You should knowA crabClamping way out how hard it is, isn't it?Her dog fight spirit will make you very surprise, I saw a man rebelled against cancer woman.Since the "fatal attraction" good less than there.Of course, there will be only a handful of cancer girl, however, you are best not to take any chances.

Her tender and considerate, and love will make you with all my heart was touched, in fact, few women will make you feel is so important.But her emotional is likely to make you almost crazy.She was very insecure and sensitive and easily hurt.A careless, often you will make her, tears streaming down her face, or angry.Cancer women have two, of course, when the normal are as lovely as the warm sun, but make up the mood, one kind is take rain pear flower type, another kind of type is a ticking time bomb.If you're in the former, is lucky, usually take two packs of tissue.If the latter, mental pressure is bigger. I'm afraid.

Let her mood rain or shine, why there are one thousand species, probably because she suddenly think you never hugged her for a long time.May be you just to her girlfriend, tone of voice is too soft.Maybe even you just kidding, said her new perm hair like a bird's nest.Right!I forgot to remind you that it is best not to literally criticism, or teasing you that this young woman, she almost fragile cannot afford even a trace of love for her.All in all, including the moon waxing, rain or shine the tides of the water, is likely to be affected the cause of her emotions, and her biggest worry, she is always in worry, worry about isn't good enough, worry about whether you no longer love her, she often need you to confirm.So I think, for you, the simplest method is to directly tell her!

I think, in addition to love her, isn't there a better way to get along with, but you must bear in mind that love her method is not tolerated.When she was repeatedly, give her gentle comfort, after her mood calmed, you must be honest to tell her, she is overly emotional, what kind of damage caused to you!Your true feelings to let her know, she is really love you, she will know should be modest correction themselves.Don't an utter silence, you will spoil her.Cancer woman has a strange characteristics, and that is if you don't tell her "enough", she would try and see what you can tolerate her to the point.She seems very hard to understand what is "enough is enough".In the end of her emotional reached the point where they are unable to control yourself, of course, you will eventually limit, too.

I have a few cancer friends of marriage, is such a problem!In the end she when regret too capricious.But, my conscience that hold husband, how much should also bear some responsibility.How could spoil her, and then go outside for gentle comfort?Strange to say, after the cancer women's emotional problems, their actions will make you great p stunned;In the sad sad, this woman will probably go to tell her husband's new sweetheart, what should do to his taste;She might be from laundry wash his good suit to "their" address;She is more likely to use private savings to help him pay credit card bills.You don't believe it?I swear, this is true.When cancer of my friends told me their great deeds, I almost fainted, too.They is such, sometimes hateful too, sometimes and nice too.She needs you pet her, she is also relatively spoil you.For cancer woman, spoil a man seems to be possess the best way to him, even if you left her, today after you think clearly, sooner or later will return to her side, because nobody will love you like her.

So, you should understand, you have to learn to use the proper way to love her.If you know the way to get along, she will be a rare to find a wife.You can enjoy the sweetness of love life, she would pay for your house is reserved for nothing.Cancer of women still have a characteristic, that is usually though she is a fragile, emotional, a pair of can't live without you, but really when you encounter problems in reality, even when you are desperate to help, she will become a strong and resilient women.You can like children into its mother's arms to depend on her, she will be careful medical your wound, strong with you.Most cancer woman has a lot of money, to know the truth.(unless she has a prodigal or rising sign) usually she will only be in depressed (think) you don't love him, will spend money to calm heart anxious mood.For the sake of your pockets, often would be wise to give her the feeling of "love".

Please use a mature and responsible attitude to love her!Don't spoil her, and then blame her!True love a crab feedback you will get rich.I sincerely hope my friends every cancer, can meet a good man.

  This woman and "sex"

Women's sex is somewhat shy shy, it is difficult to use sex as a game!If the person with the attitude of the play, she would feel uneasy, even angry.She was going to hidden in place, each other very sincere investment circumstances, can be guided into the situation.But once in the situation, is the ability to totally indulge among them.Cancer of women's sex can be very passion, but may be lack of skills and sense of humor.

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