Gemini boys character

  GeminiThe boy's character is introduced

Has a character called cynicism, Gemini boys is such, they treat their there is no specific definition or planning, is always go even there, free and easy free and easy to let a person very envy, but there's no way to learn from them.

Gemini man isn't everyone see what all don't care, most of the time they are upward development, is only a relatively obscure their performance, so you can always find a Gemini play to play, but never lose business.

Gemini is dedicated towards relationships, they at a time and a heterosexual contacts, but you will not stay for responsibility, once love will be decisive to go away.Gemini treat family there is sense of responsibility, very filial piety to parents.

Gemini boys character

  Gemini boys character explanation

1, unable to break free of:

Gemini man is like a mystery, to join you in his love very deep, lost time, and pray for marriage, that would be in trouble, they are like a turning turn trojans, has been in turn, and you followed him beat about the bush, let the music understanding, and follow the bizarre rapeseed workshop.

2, the two sides lead to changes in:

Gemini man life goal is not fixed, if you keep your distance, will find that they have a funny and interesting.Their hearts have a heart, only belong to his own, never to show off to people.He paid more attention to the feelings of communication, he is not self-centered, just a skittish, contradictions.

3, to abandon old friends and make new knowledge:

Gemini men often old friends, making new knowledge.Not because they were rude to break righteousness, mainly because of their own characters and mercurial, again and again to make like-minded friends is very natural.

4, keen observation and natural sex:

If you really trust him, will find that he's always so curious, Gemini man mind your heart bottom thoughts can be intercepted and decoded, as if you in directly express their thought.They have natural sex, because he's good at bewitchA womanIn the heart.

5, spoil the child is father:

Gemini man and child can easy to get along with, I never punished severely.He may spoil her child, crazy playing with children.Gemini man is mr.right, colorful painting beautiful, let you fascinated crazy.

6, "at the same time has two love" :

If you two can have a listen to, a dream job, then the typical Gemini emotional coldness can heat up greatly.Before the burning fire of the flesh, he must first go through a composition of the spirit and soul stirring.

7, many friends, but very lonely:

When Gemini man feel lonely sad, will only be a person hide crying in the room, or a person depressed.Gemini is also very afraid of being hurt, and many times keep everything to yourself rather than hold their own handles by others.Over time, therefore, has formed the habit.

8, the surface of the sun, the heart dark:

Basically is a very painful.On the surface is always very energetic, very happy appearance, but nobody when they are always very sad.There would be a sense of sadness, but they don't let others found.They are afraid of being hurt, also afraid of being abandoned, can only be proofed himself with everything.So Gemini man is very nervous, spirit is fragile and easily split personality, because too many things.

9, flower heart:

Gemini man is recognized by all of the flower and most ruthless of the zodiac.Gemini's biggest sorrow is the thought of two people, but only a person's body.Gemini has the right to love the man she loves, also have the duty to protect the person I love each other, only a Gemini, love is only the obligation.

10 and capricious:

When all the people are very happy laughter, Gemini man suddenly silent, then walk alone...Clearly the moment is very happy, the next moment became a pairDead fishIn the face.Gemini are often inexplicable sadness.When the grief of the pressure to Gemini, they will really at a loss.I do not know how to express the vent, only myself who silently suffers.

11, strong diplomacy:

People like to talk and have a good social finesse, it is easy to become one with strangers, a master of making happy atmosphere, bring yourself good relationships.In terms of money, how much would be some savings, the use, the province a province is a major principle.Because the Gemini love social activities, often spend money on intercourse dinner party, coupled with good face don't like the mouth to borrow money, also don't know how to speak, unless there is a necessity, otherwise will never borrow money.

12, smart:

Having strong curiosity of Gemini, intelligence collection and analysis ability.Thorough tight-knit work enthusiasm, work plan, can grasp the main point, can quickly get the job done.

13, the pursuit of perfect:

Always in pursuit of perfection.When they have done at a certain moment in the dispute, although the heart is very moving, but afterwards will constantly reflect on and it was not until after the in the mind to come up with a perfect solution let oneself have a rest.Heart extremely sensitive, even after a long time, also can remember a word or a look from others, because their moment in the review myself, moment in their pursuit of perfection.

14, are inherently contradictory (two sides) :

Usually with lotte attitude appeared in front of the public or a friend, is cynical impression.However, once a person's time, their inner secrets can be expressed through feeling.Not to say that his hypocrisy, but Gemini character determines their behavior.

15, good parents:

When someone breaking into his personality, or his family, he would break out, to accuse you of wrong.When you meet the unfair things that he is keen to attitude to things not people, no matter how much you have authority.Sometimes the Gemini family parents will feel full of a sense of security.

16 and friendship:

The difficulties for a friend, he will try my best to help you, he will because you happy and happy, because your sad and sad, his mood will always follow you.

17, do not perseverance:

Although is very smart, quick learner, able to quickly know true nature of a thing.But would not study hard work hard, do not perseverance, easy to divert attention.

In the 18th and smooth:

Do love opportunistic, wipe your mouth like the honey as sweet, people up to heaven and in earth, in fact credibility is not high.It happened that a group of women in the deceived.

19, wang:

Unsettled can have two faces, one second, even if is a man, his heart never in rotation, so they are very nervous, more want to head out of the question easily, they always want more than others, but usually not deep.

20, idealism (critical)

  Gemini boys character

Gemini man like to live in their own world, he likes things can be in the range of his control, Gemini is easy to lonely, everyone says it is a kind of disease, is the lack of a common heart, the world only to change yourself to change others.Mouth with the public, the heart with elite.

Gemini boys is a kind of attractive and there are some people who want to color, they leisurely, affable, often give a person with impression is always an outsider.They like instant change, I don't like eternal lasting, they are good at thinking to find a way to, is an innovative capability is strong, is suitable for the dry engaged in mental Labour.Endless desire for knowledge and curiosity, motivating his constant pursuit and exploration.

Gemini man life need most is the general audience, rather than a vigorous love.They often doubts about love, love to use irony as a weapon to protect themselves.But they know the way of the world.Easy to win others' trust and favour.Gemini men are generally good at rhetoric, witty humor, his presence can make conversation atmosphere warm up quickly, and together they will never feel lonely.In addition, they hope that life is carefree, work time is free.The Gemini man is generally not willing to bear the responsibility of family life, and like to live a "with a" life, if married, their families will become a warm place for parties and endless conversation.

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