Capricorn man's character

  Capricorn man's character (12.22 1.20)

  The basic characteristics of

Capricorn men with sober judgment, thinking more than action, can look at things objectively.Has the stamina and the indomitable spirit, have a high sense of responsibility and amazing endurance, after 40 years old could be elected leaders.Even details of experience and knowledge, will also get hard, and hope to use learned knowledge for the benefit of humanity and society.Capricorn men brother's help, you cannot expect parents to only their own self-made success.Some rigid, lack of flexibility, stubborn and too cautious and indecisive, sometimes miss the available opportunities.Have very strong curiosity and independent spirit, able to calm calmly face the crisis, but there is no quick fix.

Capricorn men have a high sense of responsibility, discipline, so has a higher prestige in the public.Due to a lack of flexibility, is rigid and easy to colleagues or the people around you, just as a lubricant in interpersonal relations using the warm and easygoing, to succeed.In the face of life is not to rush, to have a littlefishingDon't worry not xu's spirit, such ability can win fame and social status.

  Capricorn is the husband

  The zodiacCapricorn the husband is the most traditional husband image of men.They attaches great importance to the approaches and its image, often deadpan, meticulous act, a natural householder rack shelf, antique figure has to stay in the 19th century.

The diagnosis

Capricorn person, under the influence of Saturn (ruled), natural inhibitions, indeed invisible.Even if he's out on the vast, that is because of business needs, rather than his nature.

Capricorn is a lonely star sign, not good at expressing emotions as a result, makes the people around all don't know their heart.While men depressed by, social values, suppression are less likely to external leakage of the heart.


To know Capricorn the husband's heart, can only be careful observation, no matter how you kid, carrot and stick, rejection of all he is invalid.Capricorn inside collect, only in their casual movements qiao qiao.

The more anywhere there are a lot of people, he increasingly far away with you.He won't be in food for you, but in the eyes of the public, you will find a pair of loving eyes look in the eyes.


Pisces, cancer, Scorpio, wife: don't blame his indifference, Capricorn husband pursue your passion, has been converted into momentum to the enterprise.

Taurus, virgo, Capricorn wife: your steadfast, most can understand his work spirit all year round, pay more attention to his body!

Ram, the lion, the striker wife, Capricorn belongs to think before the individual character, if you always rush him hurry up, they will be to have a heart attack!

Aquarius, Gemini, libra wife: appropriate adjust yourself and respect each other and can be compatible with Capricorn husband's male chauvinism hong!

  Can't stand the cool

For robust stubborn Capricorn, romantic love is hidden deep in the heart of the dream, although he seems to be so strong, the appearance of a "who need you", in fact, he is very need gentle encouragement."The lack of a true confidence" is often the common fault of Capricorn, you must often praise him and encourage him, he is likely to be "cool" appeared on the surface, in fact heart "in the seventh heaven".Capricorn men are carried the heavy burden, archduke struggled to climb up the mountain sheep.Tradition, responsibility, ideals, and the desire for wealth and social status, all in a big burden, it is a burden, and urged him to upward force."Perseverance" is the largest of Capricorn men's personality charm, no one can be like him, so far, not afraid of difficult, not afraid of failure.

Even the occasional strong Capricorn man need emotional vent.Capricorn men, who are always stick to it, don't reach the goal, not to have a rest.

  If you fall in love with Capricorn man

Some girls fall in love with a man, Capricorn friends might say, "oh, my gosh!How could you fall in love with a man so boring!"However, I think you are a vision.Indeed, Capricorn man is basically don't like social, he will quietly doing things alone.

Even their favourite leisure activities, is more static, for example, reading, listening to music and so on.

Some Capricorn men because of the environment, will often take part in social activities, he is rarely the most characters in the social occasions, he is usually quiet, let everybody was very surprised.Capricorn men usually can't give you a very rich stimulate social circle, this you should have mental preparation.

He seldom take the initiative to let others know him, of course it has to do with his conservative personality, cheerful naive girl might make him easy to open the heart door, if you really know him, he will be very comfort.Give timely encouragement and praise he will let his confidence.But if you are looking forward to his enthusiastic echo, I'm afraid I will be a bit disappointed, knowing none of it!

Praise, of course, just know can't get such a practical and working hard man.He will often go on a "good mother" typeA womanOften to the wife and the children said, love is made of his virtues.He is very family-oriented;Most Capricorn man, don't take a woman to marry is not accepted by his family home, if must choose between his family and you, is a painful thing, usually you have a little chance of winning.So, let his family like you, more than half of that you will be successful.

I said is the actual Capricorn, he also has a practical ambitions for the future.Many Capricorn man married a helpful to his career, or social status of women in marriage.So even if you are not famous door, at least you also have to be right, to impress his boss lady.Rebellious young girl is not typical of Capricorn, at least, not as a "wife" typical, you can warm and generous, cheerful and lively, but also have to behavior in the traditional social norms.Perhaps in some occasions, he will say something frivolous rare to relax, but says he will not agree that you have such a performance.Especially in front of his boss, the boss or employees, there are few men more than the Capricorn man attaches great importance to the social status and social evaluation.You don't want to do a stumbling block to him.

He is stubborn and traditional man, marriage is not child's play for him.Once he was determined to marry you, he must have been for you closer observation, understanding, the actual evaluation.Capricorn men rarely impulsive decision a marriage.His loyalty is a reliable of marriage, for family is sure to better future efforts.You'd better to respect the marriage.I stressed in front of all sorts of things, you'd better don't forget, after marriage or waiting for him to turn around, it's hard to have a second chance.

  The husband to marry a Capricorn

To marry a Capricorn's husband, like buy life insurance, although not very sweet to hear, but you will get all the most practical care.For most Capricorn men, it's their duty to take good care of wife, more can let have a good wife, on behalf of their career success, the higher the social status.Capricorn maybe your husband will ask you write clearly the family book, but in fact, Capricorn husband often is so generous to wife, he just want you to always remember "he" is the head of the family.

He attaches great importance to the social status, also pay more attention to the status of their home.After his career have a foundation, he will put more efforts on their homes, and your marriage will be like fall to eat sugar cane, eat sweet.As I have repeatedly stressed that their pursuit of wealth, fame, and because of these two things will bring them a sense of security, give them confidence, when they are due to a lack of confidence within the depression disappears, you will see a Capricorn warm, humorous and romantic.It was a man who worth waiting for.

As soon as possible to complete his ideal to help him, you are his wife forever, when you have a golden wedding anniversary, he might with roses to your bed, you will be grateful to such a women who have a vision.

  Capricorn men and "sex"

Most Capricorn man's sexuality is conservative, not very good at technical temptation, is usually a passive.But for your girlfriend or wife is different, he often to be active and bossy.

Capricorn men in general is very strong, and have a lot of endurance, but lack of flirting skills and atmosphere build, if you are a pursuit of romantic atmosphere, atmosphere that the master the work has to be responsible for by you.

  Capricorn dad

Your Capricorn man would be a very dignified father.May there will be a little bit of dictatorship, he attaches great importance to discipline, and respect for his children.He is hard to beThe child"Playmate", he is very like dad's father, and is a responsible, reliable, trusted the children's father, occasionally, you may need to remind him not to be too strict.

Of course, you don't do it when the child's face.

Capricorn man's character

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