Libra woman's character

  libraA womanCharacter (9.23 10.22)

  Libra girl

Beauty is very high female libra give oneself confidence, more attractive.

Libra women old (old - fashion), romantic, often falling in love with love, and all illusion.The beauty of love god made her dizzy.Whether it is a rose, a Latin love song or a glass of champagne, taught her to move.

She attaches great importance to the appearance, often can't see the lover's true nature.Romantic said to make her calls, especially stimulate her imagination at the same time, made the things of ordinary life wonderful.Libra women creativity is extremely high, and there is quite a beauty.The way she love rich taste, elegant approach can even affect each other.

Libra women hate the most ugly things, dirty sloppy appearance is the most exclusive object her sensitive antennae.She is the ideal object and enjoy the good life is beauty, love man.At the same time, she needs best emotional partner, can laugh with her, the depth of the communication.

Libra women very insecure, and pay great attention to oneself, often underestimate their abilities and attractive.She likes to entertain foolish ideas, often invented some ability is insufficient.Worried that others will refuse to oneself, often makes her a daze during the day, night insomnia.So her feeling of anxiety when he first love is very strong.Due to the affected by others, she needs to rely on other people's praise and sure to keep in confidence again and again.

A bit better to oneself, don't let not safe feelings overwhelm you.Ask yourself enjoy advantages of personality, don't spend time thinking about their own restrictions.Prove to the world that you not only like you, in the heart also has a lot of treasure to share with others.When you really like and you get along with, your unique personality, persuasive, finesse, nimble, and full of wits will attract many of the opposite sex.

  Libra wife

The popular libra's wife, between friends at home and it seems easy to get angry.Little things, the mood is always in the wind.What makes them lose poise, become so nervous?

The diagnosis

Constellation libra is not easy to get angry, but libra wife below all the people of the glasses, it is under the influence of social environment: a woman should husband and boss, colleagues, subordinates, relatives, friends, and share the intimate partner.

Pursuit of justice, and eager to have a companion libra's wife, always feel oneself only one over ten assigned to the husband, and not in line with the "other half" half of the term, the in the mind is very uneven, of course.


Libra's wife have a relaxed view of life, it is very sticky person, very afraid of loneliness.Mr. If you are busy, no time with Mrs. Flowers, please don't forget to look for some things, to keep her busy.A lone libra's wife, will lose the beauty of the Venus (ruled) richness, become a ton of explosives.


Taurus, virgo, Capricorn husband: libra's wife heavy spiritual than material, don't to work as an excuse, they figure don't money.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces husband: considerate don't become a nagging, libra wife love companion love freedom, don't stick too tight.

Ram, lions, striker husband: please keep grace, libra is contemptuous of people literally blush thick neck.

Gemini, libra and Aquarius husband: in addition to a clever mind, don't forget to their next bit of work, the appearance of the libra's wife like the other half of the beautiful!

  In the eyes of others the libra woman

In my good friend, libra women not a few.Due to their stable personality, and it's like to make friends and itself, therefore, tend to be perfect typical popularity.I like to chat with my girlfriends libra, travel, shopping, and even discuss something "serious".Only don't want to find their, is "complain", "complaining".

A lot of time we will be very emotional, for the people around, things, and have a lot of complaints.Really want to find a will talk to the men of his own "indispensable" beefing.At this time, you'd better not bother a libra woman.Because, rational and fair she is not out of tune with you.Crab bridge or fish woman may infect your mood completely;AriesOf orLeoThe woman may think of a way to help you to get out;Bottles of a woman may be silent meditation to listen.The libra woman?She'll arrange things for you from to end time, and then tell you, what is your wrong, what is wrong.Should be how to deal with, next to a...Way two....She is not responsible for processing emotions, but she really can help you deal with the problem.Encountered difficult problems, therefore, can look for her, strange mood is another please brillant.

If you want to pursue a libra woman, this is the first you should have the concept.

  How to pursue these women

Libra is a beauty to the highest risk a constellation.Libra woman, in fact, most of them can have a kind of elegant temperament.They almost can be said to be a complex of "man" and "woman".In appearance always mastered the feminine flavour of delicate, and ideological logic concept with rich men smart.Better yet, libra women rarely have steal the limelight.They tend to understand their own smart hidden in a pleasant female tender, never let it pointedly stabbed men's self-esteem.Therefore, whether for homosexual or heterosexual, they are rare to find a good partner.

As for how to win the heart?Of course, first you have to be a very logical man.Too too persistent, extreme, an emotional person, are not libra women's idea of a good partner.For most of the libra woman, the first important thing is to find a "good guy"."Alone" is her first fear.All good things for someone to share it really make sense.It is conceivable that the libra woman to choose her "date" especially a lifelong partner, this is how serious.

You'd better have the noble taste of man, because most of the libra woman is for "beauty" of great taste.Wearing a red sweater and green trousers, wearing a purple hat man could have predestination thin with libra woman.Bad living habits, oil scale opportunities are not the man.Of course, personable, gentle men, will surely be libra women's favorite.

Again, if you are a man who don't like to talk a woman, I am afraid, that you are not suitable for libra woman.I don't mean they love nothing can be compared.In fact also really few libra woman will noisy impression to the person.Almost all the libra women only have the natural speed.She is good at speaking, like to discuss with people, analyze things all right.And a lot of time, it can give you some help.Because, she often likes to analyze things from all kinds of Angle, to find an objective and fair.

Libra women don't like too emotional person, of course she was repeatedly person itself is not love.Because she is so "unreasonable".She likes to reason with others, more reason with myself all the time.But people always have mood, and worldly things (especially the feelings of things, not everything makes sense makes sense.In this time, the libra woman balance arm swing up sharply.You don't have to be nervous, not to mention no matter the reason with her (that's her often).A bit more gentle, more sweet love.Soon, she will return to the original equilibrium of beauty.

Many libra girl in emotional instability, will tend to overeat.I have a libra girl, often in marriage love consultant role between us.She is deeply trusted by our rational objective.Thought that one day she fell in love with a friends are opposed, and objective conditions really great men of the problem.We discourage, natural not much use.Because every time we debate, everyone is not her opponent.All faults can give she said into advantages.And half a year later, the man suddenly abandon her, married a rich girl.Just the blow, she upset, depressed let friends were worried about her.Everyone took turns to accompany beside her automatically.Two months of overeating, she is fat the 13 kg, but the mood gradually calm down, and soon got to know now, "he", everything, including shape, all restored.

Facing changeable die, libra woman with a good sense of balance.Almost any situation, she can always find a way to let oneself heart balance.This, for her man, is really rare.Is also for this reason, many libra women after marriage can become the good assistant of husband in career.As I said, libra woman the idea of "partner" are of the utmost importance, so, no matter in life, or in business, is committed to being a good partner.Moreover, libra women never do with you rob the chairman.

If you does not need the assistance of her career in business, I suggest you still let her free to develop her career after marriage.Result, a simple housewife life, for smart libra women seemed a bit too boring.I'm afraid she will need more playmates to ease her loneliness.And turn yourself into her only objects of the debate, obviously a little cut.And secondly, libra woman often require "enough" money, to satisfy her desire to "beauty".I can't say the libra woman must have some waste.But I'm sure most of the libra woman taste "cheap".So, let her self-sufficient, you will be much easier.What's more, they are indeed very has the ability to work.

She is a woman with husband first.She can do a gentle lovely little wife, also can be with you to create the buddy of his career.She is reliable and not boast.The best advice for you, but never rob you of elegant appearance.Her stability is enough, not many women capricious and proud, unreasonable shortcomings, she is respected and many husbands love wife.As long as you have patience, occasionally listen to her plausibly xun you an hour (in this case, not too much) my conscience.When someone makes her balance arm swing strongly, give her gentle romantic comfort, especially when she was eating, you should realize that this is you it's time to show up.Care for her, your patience is a panacea, as long as timely take, she immediately to restore equilibrium elegant image.It is no wonder that there're so many people say, can marry to a libra woman, is really "jianzhang, gas"!

  Libra woman with "sex"

Libra women like "love" is a woman, very pay attention to the technique of "love".In the aspect of "sex".

Libra women don't like the sexual intercourse of rough and the lack of emotional appeal.And so she is willing to give up and pursue other fun.She attaches great importance to cooperation with each other.The mutual flirting is very important for her.Libra woman won't play the role of active attack in sex.But once the place oneself among them, will fully cooperate with the requirements.It is to belong to attach importance to the typical sensory stimulation.

  Twelve constellation libra woman and man

Aries: his radical way of doing things with your weighed are quite different.If can complement each other's help each other.Otherwise we are easy to conflict.

2Taurus: the pursuit of "beauty", you are able to have heart-collision.But he sometimes seems to be too difficult for you.

3Gemini: you are all belong to the typical intellectual, many ideas can coincides with mine.The relation between each other is also not too sticky.

4cancer: for you, he seems to be too sentimental.And your reason and calm, sometimes let him misunderstanding you indifferent.

Leo: his natural and graceful attitude is basically can attract you.If have a common interest, can be Shared each other happy partner in life.

6virgo: generally speaking, he usually won't be the typical you admire.And your "truth", he often dismissed.

Libra: generally speaking, this is a combination of beauties type.But be careful you always in each other has said a lot of opinions, is always difficult to make a conclusion

8Scorpio: for you, they seemed a bit too strong personality."Rather than" philosophy of life, it is not belong to the pursuit of peace libra.

9Sagittarius: you are very easy to play to good friends.But Sagittarius men like to convince other people's habits, I'm afraid you have a little not too orientation.

Capricorn: your life is completely different to the basic idea of, it is very difficult to understand his stubbornness and prejudice.And he might think that you have enough principle.

11Aquarius:: in astrology, this is the most suitable for your sign, he often have with constant strain, and acceptance of different views of magnanimity.You can in the case of have ego space, good get along with.

12PiscesHe: emotional ups and downs, character difference with you.Although some time together you will feel very enjoyable, but most of the time is still under different pace.

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