Sagittarius man's character

  SagittariusA man's character (11.23 12.21)

  Natural humor

Sagittarius men naturally humor, understand life.The most humorous man wit;Witty, humorous man resilience, bright and clear, humor man social activity;Humorous man pleaseA womanLove, humorous man was a woman.

Humor, Sagittarius men every day full of vitality, never seems to not sorrow taste, as long as there is he in, don't worry about no joy laughter.

No matter in any occasion, humorous man can create a relaxed atmosphere, laughter., no matter boy or girl to make friends with Sagittarius men is a great thing, humorous men friends.

Friends, overhead nature also is big, but he doesn't care.More generous humor man, his cherish every friendship, even for my best Pal.

Sagittarius men, however, mostly for economic spending without a plan, so, even though his income is not thin, but spending is very big, even often in order to help friends and money, regardless of is all the money themselves to their friends, their money, but that even tomorrow without any thought on how he maintains his life.

Whether early love lively little girl, or a mature steady women, they both like humorous and funny man.Humor Sagittarius men, however, seems to prefer slightly point heroism lively women, particularly sporty girl, but her pursuit of goals.

Therefore, if after marriage, he found his wife don't know anything about housekeeping, he also have no regret, he knew that it was his own choice.

And most likely candidates Sagittarius man's wife, is those who grow up together with her, such as childhood friends, classmates, because Sagittarius men like a profound emotional foundation.Girl, but her pursuit of goals.

Therefore, if after marriage, he found his wife don't know anything about housekeeping, he also have no regret, he knew that it was his own choice.

And most likely candidates Sagittarius man's wife, is those who grow up together with her, such as childhood friends, classmates, because Sagittarius men like a profound emotional foundation.

  Sagittarius husband

Striker husband was a long not bigThe little boyIn theThe zodiac, has been listed as restiveness naughty character.

Sagittarius nature optimistic, generous, like to help others, the personality is always more sex, this also is many women are crazy.

The diagnosis

Striker husband was naive frank, enthusiasm is not necessarily the enthusiasm.Their interest in the opposite sex, it is said by a natural curiosity, both the nature of the traditional.What they really want, or the freedom of life, and navigate all of life.


Striker husband like the ball, take the hard play the farthest away.They naturally with rebelling, when I was a child not to hear parents nag, when the husband also hate hedong animal roars at fellow players.

How to get along with the ball?Don't take it, it is the darling stay in the side!The husband have a striker, the best way is don't tube him, let him follow one's inclinations."Laissez-faire" is the highest state of get along with them.


Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn wife: Sagittarius too free nature, make you a bit hard to load.If the husband when the kite, you will be tied to his death.Regard him as the ball to learn!

Pisces, Scorpio, cancer wife: learning to live independently, is the best imperial art.Striker husband don't like, remember to give them more space.

Gemini, libra and Aquarius wife: air sign and Sagittarius, forward are all signs of the zodiac, you although no problem in communication, but must pay attention to the real life.

Ram, the lion, the striker wife, don't get angry for Sagittarius forthright speech, unpretentious character, also mean they don't lie.

  The absolute optimism

A lot of men interested in Sagittarius, dabble in a wide range, but I'm afraid everything won't study very thoroughly.Because of his broad interests, with a lot of people may overlap, so he will have many different types of friends.Some friends accompanied him about politics, some accompanied him to play, some did a business with him.He is very busy, few Sagittarius men can give a person a kind of feeling at a loose end.Especially when he suddenly interested in any new things happen, may be in quite a while, all other things (including you) was temporarily left behind.

When you first started with a Sagittarius man, will have a honeymoon - you are the people who are interested in.After, if you can let him keep heat, depends on your skill, because make a Sagittarius men put the idea to focus on love for a long time, is indeed a very difficult thing to do.

He is an absolute optimism, countless lofty ideal in the heart, is often easy to overlook the problem at hand, because this often accelerating forward, but they went to the ditch, woman beside him occasionally remind his carelessness is very good, but if he talk to you when he's ambitious plan, throwing him a pot of cold water, it is really made him sick.In fact, you really don't have too much load of his "safety", because the optimistic Sagittarius men, it is not easy to be crushed by a little frustration, but the fact of lessons will help him grow, let him be careful next time.

A lot of Sagittarius men are a little "spirit", when you are stern told him what matter when not feasible, he was determined to try to voluntarily.I don't know did you encounter this kind of situation?If so, please don't fall, beside say somewhat ironic, you be careful he will climb up!Best to put it another way, you can say: "you do a lot better than I had expected, you are really something!As long as the next time...Change, to ensure foolproof."

He will think you are too be loved, too know him.Sagittarius men seldom feel really depressed.One thousand unfortunately this happens is, of course, when you perform!

  Sagittarius men flower heart?

Many people say that Sagittarius men flower heart, in fact, I think it should be said that he was dating many women really like, rhetoric method of cheating is not his.I said above, he is easy to mingle with people, to the girl of course, too, once he felt some congenial with some girls, he will be very happy, very sincere pay his friendship and affection.Actually Sagittarius men are more mature, more hope to find a true heart with his like-minded partners, but they are not careful observation, slowly into the type, so it's always easier to start, it is easy to disappointment, so it's easy to end, Sagittarius men seldom curated intentionally.

Like a commentary tea filled a lot of the cup, you can say which isn't a cup of tea?Is very sincere to every one he, like to really have him, only to turn itself into a super cups, let he poured all the tea all in!

  How to attract Sagittarius men

First of all, you have to listen to the ambitious plan, he said cheerfully occasionally remind him some details, let him surprise you smart.

Second, you'll play with him, the majority of the Sagittarius men interested in outdoor sports, when he led you to take part in a social situation, don't put pieces of old k face.

Third, Sagittarius men loves to debate with a friend, you're very interested in listening to, and then give me a cavity at the right time, his theory is in an impregnable position.More importantly, don't limit his freedom.For the majority of the Sagittarius men, freedom is their baby, "no freedom or give me death", he is really love you, willing to be together with you a lifetime is also true, but he won't give up the pursuit of freedom.Sagittarius men, is by no means can be on a belt tied to her husband, that you must not forget it.

Sagittarius men tend not to detailed report to you, especially in advance, his attitude is not to a pair for your approval.If you ask east asked west, he might well have turned against.

The more you give him freedom, he confessed.

Sometimes Sagittarius men straight also can let a person a little can not stand, his outspoken sometimes hurt your heart, sometimes can not let you down.If you want to happy together, you have to learn to adapt to, and appreciate the candid character he won't turn.

Of course you also have your world of free development.He is usually busy don't have time to limit you.Want to cheat a Sagittarius man, is a very easy thing, but if he find, will cause irreparable rift, "sincerity" is he the most important way to get along with.He will respect your freedom, as he himself, you will have a lot of space to play their own career and interest.But I still suggest that you try to cooperate with him, and when he fell into other people's love you all don't know!

  Sagittarius men and "sex"

Sagittarius man most can be called athletes.Although usually looks very gentleman poise and little hands flirtatious behavior, but on sexual passion and skills.If you can make a great atmosphere (Sagittarius men are often a little aristocratic temperament), choose a comfortable place, then an enthusiastic echo, you'll get on very well.

You remember, Sagittarius men's pursuit of not only physical, but mental.

  Sagittarius's father

His son is the idea of a good partner, the daughter of genius dad;Although he spoke no way so lets the child was awkward, sometimes his quick temper will make the children feel a little pressure, but they still feel he is very cute.Indrawn child will be hard to communicate with him, because he often stressed call a spade a spade.Wrap the sameThe childWill make him worried, even losing patience.He hated to lie, that you have to always remind you of your child.Do you want to help him with better communication between the children, but don't cry because it is the child to occupy your too much time alone.

Sagittarius man's character

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