This girl's character

  cancerThe girl's character is introduced

Give a person a kind of safe breath, there is no pressure on the image has no fatal attraction.But this girl for things to calm and tolerance of people around to give, it is very warm.

If this girl is perhaps the greatest advantage of virtuous, careful do their things and arrange a lot of things to help others, you ask her to help her half will not be refused, as long as you don't hit her interests or don't let them too irresistible, cancers can be classified as the kind of person who compare width, and inclusive.

Cancer girl, sometimes also can become evil, after being hurt too deep, cancer of the girls would choose not forbear, do some violent fight back, revenge category, for example, but acted very secretive, very ugly out.

This girl's character

  Character, a girl in the constellation cancer

You start it is difficult to conclude that the cancer she lovesA womanIs the girl like the moon or a crazy woman.The rainy season, her sorrow will make you feel depressed.Sunny days, she always smiles and gives you a gentle and kindness.

Experience her feelings like see some movies that hysterical humor, exciting.

She let heart itch, you want to close to?To understand the cancer woman is 20 characteristics.

1, dedicated cancer woman:

Money is one of the cancer woman like subjects, even though you don't have money now, but as long as you have money, she will help you to deposit, not to waste with you.If you bought her a valuable gift, she will blame you shouldn't spend so much money, please believe she is from the heart.

2, enthusiastic, and considerate:

Because has keen observation to the people, and rich emotions, the cancer woman is not difficult to become a bridge of interpersonal communication, the bridge, sleek and pleasant, but only 3 people through at a time, otherwise easy to split.One thing they can never tired, again and again to run smooth, but she thought it must be capable of.That is to say, enthusiastic, helpful, should your cloth.

3, lack of confidence led to hesitate:

Without confidence, shy timid is also a cause of indecision.The cancer for self-expression is fear.Of course advantage is low-key modest.

4, collect little habits:

They seldom throw out a needle and thread, buttons, old clothes, pot and its her some worthless things.For her, every kind of things have emotional value, these is very dear to her and carefully take care of your things, she envy far less dominant.

5,To get marriedCrazy:

Cancer, want to get married woman, once the heart has belong to which would consider marriage, if the other party is also interesting, must hit it off, and although she usually shy, really give away all his adventure spirit.

6, sensitive:

They are born to be very sensitive creatures, but you don't too easy to find a hystericalA crab."Out of control" to make them feel embarrassed.Compulsively modification and shy personality, make the crabs on the show their elegant and harmonious, with much ado.Therefore, strangers make cancer people feel nervous, and there is a difficult to improve the sense of alienation.

The lack of a sense of security:

7, melodramatic:

Prefer to occupy oneself suppress, actually very sad, but act like a pair of fine and laughing, suddenly tears dropped again.Familiar with friends see in the eye, know you sad or happy, why so melodramatic.

8, sentimental:

Tends to have a melancholy and daydreaming, she often for that then remember the good old days of the past, and easy to live in the shadow of the past.Temper, often well, questioning of others, also can follow their own happy to reject or refuse to answer.

9, maternal:

Love, is the feeling of need, the cancer woman family first, and if she is a loving person, she will be the best for you, the cancer is forthcoming, the tenderest, the most honest.She love you is to help you laundry cooking, do cattle and horses, as long as you like and don't violate the principle of her thrifty gift she will buy for you, too.

10, suspicious:

The cancer woman paranoid, extreme personality and temper, competing with their love, mulling over.Due to low self-esteem, total feel insecure anyone can't believe in yourself.

11, people:

Lack of security, like adhesive to stick to love and to be loved, trust and care about their people have dependencies, also likes to torture yourself love, clearly is small things can make to good temper of fire.

12, gentle affectionate:

The cancer woman is dedicated to the love, is a very love a spoiled child, always have a very gentle, let a person unconsciously, he spoke with the whispers.

13, not positive enough

Work attitude is not positive, the equal communication with friends, or to open up and talk to people first met, for you are mildly reluctant.Too cower can hinder the normal social life, you should give yourself some more positive.

14 and compassion

Friends when in trouble, and never turn a blind eye.In addition to the spirits, encourage friends will patiently listen to, in order to help heal her pain in the heart, can accompany to travel.

15 and emotional

Sentimental isn't a bad thing, but will become a sister Lin too sentimental.24 hours a day dazzling rain or shine change can make the person such as falling in the thick fog.

16, model wife

With warm loving maternal instinct, bind up dressed apron with her very well.The cancer woman have potential to become a model wife, xiangfujiaozi, wife and mother, not her.

17, lack of sense of security:

The cancer woman is very need love and stable constellation.Love suspicions of individual character, make them on the voyage of life everywhere is the lack of a sense of security.But with a mother's love of cancer, is willing to pay for love.

18, romantic girl

Whether male or female, as long as empathy with her, this friendship will get her extreme value.With lover together will create a romantic atmosphere, if see her gawk become speechless, without a doubt is it into a beautiful dream.At ordinary times give a person the sense with sweet like candy.

19, headstrong

Headstrong character, but not because insist on your opinion, but because of lack of ability, so ought to reflect.You know, only a person mind and self sealing will blindly insist on your opinion.

20, happiness

The cancer woman get full heart, such as busy with friends frolicking together, or give warm love to someone when they feel immersed in the happiness.

  Cancer girl character

Give a person a kind of safe breath, there is no pressure on the image has no fatal attraction.But this girl for things to calm and tolerance of people around to give, it is very warm.

If this girl is perhaps the greatest advantage of virtuous, careful do their things and arrange a lot of things to help others, you ask her to help her half will not be refused, as long as you don't hit her interests or don't let them too irresistible, cancers can be classified as the kind of person who compare width, and inclusive.

Cancer girl, sometimes also can become evil, after being hurt too deep, cancer of the girls would choose not forbear, do some violent fight back, revenge category, for example, but acted very secretive, very ugly out.

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