Tarot Aquarius signs of the zodiac

Aquarius: the water container

On January 20, the sun began to January of water cycle.Aquarius:The correspondingThe tarotAs a "trump card star".Aquarius ruled that includes both traditional thought of Saturn, corresponding on the tarot "final trump card";Also has the modern planets Uranus, corresponding on the tarot "fool".Aquarius is a wind of the zodiac, above the tarot meaning about wind photograph, with intelligence, communication, logic thinking, determination, and overcoming adversity.

The legend of ancient

Of the English word of Aquarius the Aquarius, derived from the Latin vocabulary, means "containers of water are".Astrology the origin of the Mediterranean, when Aquarius rise period, just in the rainy season, andThe floodSeason, will the whole region into a vast expanse of water, like a big aquarium, aquarium.Unlike water element, cancer, Scorpio and Pisces symbolizes the water of the rivers and lakes, water bottles of water is more like "is not the tianshui" coming from heaven.

Tarot _ the zodiac constellation Aquarius

In the ancient legend, the symbol of Aquarius, depicts Ouranos, dump the water of heaven earth over the mainland.Ouranos, originally is a god of the sky, in charge of the various phenomenon of the sky, the wind, rain and air.Although Aquarius often and "rain" is closely related, but ancient astrologers will it as air element, it is because it itself has the temperament of the wind, and coincide with the ecliptic, the other two air element of Gemini and libra, constitute a "triangle".

inCapricornThe winter solstice, the sun from the dark world return journey to the bright world.The symbol of the liberation of the soul from the dark, coincided with the Greek legend Persephone, daughter of Zeus, eventually imprisoned her release coincides with the meaning of hades.Persephone's mother Demeter valley god see daughter back particularly happy, so she began to relieve her anger when used to winter grips the earth.Symbol and "the water of water bottles", is to save human dew "heaven", lean toward earth.

The symbol of Aquarius and holy water

In the jewish and Christian baptism ceremony, the church is adopted to carry water with water the water bottle mean method.Bottle of holy water, bring blessing for new life.Religious people believe that the holy water will be the new soul, liberated from the past dark and sin, start a new life and soul.On the tarot CARDS, "ace star symbol" great lucky the hope of the future.

The tarot "ace star" and "fool"

In the tarot "ace star" brand, depicts a naked virgins, one foot on the land, one foot in the water.In her every hand has a bottle of dumping, to lead the water to the land.This, is a symbol of the ancient Aquarius.

And the brand, "fool" depicts a young man to see the day, toward a cliff.At his feet and his dog tried to remind this dangerous man."Fool" symbol means, a novice just started his own soul."Fool" is a brand, and astrology, "Uranus" is closely linked.(The zodiac /astro/)

While Uranus represents god Ouranos, the earth goddess gaia's first child.He became the first god of the sky, and by the dumping of tianshui to help his mother nourish the earth.And make his mother Ouranos laterpregnancyGreek mythology is high to insinuate Greek nobleman, so this kind of violation of ethics describe many), gave birth to the first god in charge of the human.And then Ouranos became a tyrant, gaia with Ouranos son, Saturn's patron saint Cronos castrated him.

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