Tarot constellation virgo

On August 23rd, the sun into the constellation of the zodiacvirgoIn theThe tarotIn this constellation is associated with hermit card.The virgins in history, purity and innocence and hermit living alone as well as the characteristics of the self independent are mentally to be admired.Virgo is on behalf of the spiritual, intellectual and androgynous planet mercury control, at the same time also is associated with a magician in the tarot CARDS.

Virgo belongs to earth element - around 450 BC by the Greek philosopher Empedocles (Empedocles) in the poem nature (OnNature) in the first put forward the basic one of the four elements of nature.Tarot pentagram characteristics of soil characteristics and soil on the bottom of the elements of the pragmatic and secular features.Virgo and hermit card are with characteristics of giving up worldly pleasures.

Tarot _ the zodiac constellation virgo

"Virgin" plays an important role in the western culture.Christian tells us that god chose the virgin Mary gave birth to the child, and sent the three wise men (magician, wizard and astrologers) follow light came to Jerusalem, in Bethlehem of el nino.Over the centuries, the virgin Mary is considered for the world to spread information clean and pure angel.In a famous Hollywood film, the virgin Mary, affirmed the immaculate conception, and guide the bernadette dug up flowing spring water.Roman gods of the female star oven (legend is a virgin), are also associated with spring water from the outlet of the holy stream.Many contemporary astrologers will also be the asteroid vesta in associated with virgo.

Roman mythology is responsible for vesta (head of eternal burning in the hearth flame planetary) of sacrifice priestess was asked to work must be a virgin.In, they haveThe little girlWhen it was the high priest (the Pope) selected, began to engage in 30 years for a cycle of the sacrifice of kitchen work.This time, they must maintain a pure, otherwise will be the savagery.The sacrifice of kitchen virgins are required to exercise the right of religious rituals, fetching water from a spring god, take care of the sacrifice of kitchentempleAnd to protect the temple in the fireplace flame never extinguished.About vesta's myth and the association of kitchen with virgo brought vesta on astrology work, sacrifice, commitment, and the spirit of service to others.At the same time, never put out the flame of vesta control also to the hermit with tarot card to guide people's characteristics.

The term "hermit" comes from the ancient Greek hermit, is also live in the desert.Christ first in the history of the hermit in Thebes, Paul, he began his life in the wild in about 250 AD.Hermits who are down to escape religious persecution and fled into the desert, they cut off all kinds of entertainment in the world, the whole body and mind into prayer and fasting to repay their sin.

Talking about the near virgoLeoWe have mentioned many of the western culture about the lion and hermit myths and stories.One of them say is st. Jerome (SaintJerome) as he before Chris did Andrew, help the lion pulling a big thorn on the lion's paw and eventually tamed a fierce lion.Saint Jerome used his knowledge (controlled by the mercury) to placate the fierce lion.As a renowned godfather, academics and hermit, st. Jerome, fully embodies the wisdom of mercury (magic) and virgo to detail carefully as well as the characteristics of the public service (hermit).

The magic of mercury

Mercury, virgo traditionally ruled, associated with the magician in the tarot CARDS.A magician in the tarot is a manipulation of the can represent earth, air, fire and water tool of the four elements of handsome young man.The magician's hand up to heaven, left hand points to the ground, with several centuries pious astrologers are used to remember the proverb "because in heaven, so on the ground" to express the most appropriate.The magic of mercury from it to intelligence, reason, logic, analysis and the ability to master the details of control.Modern the ancients seems incredible technology, the product of forces is mercury.

Hermit is the most like magic after getting old image.Experience had taught him a separate reason and technical understanding to the connotation of the thoughts of the whole understanding is not enough.Hermits like a magician "over there, do these", and more attention to seek guidance from the inner to illuminate the way of the heart.

Hermit of doubt (The zodiac /astro/)

Saw the hermit in the tarot card, we ask ourselves: where we walk on the mind journey.Whether we like a magician had mastered the four basic elements of the world, whether we have the ability to control their own heart to stay calm and understanding of things.We can control the inner flame, or let them out of the burning heart.Whether we have necessary to cut off some of the world's entertainment for greater pleasure.

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