Tarot constellation Leo

On July 23, entered in the sunThe tarotWith "power" this card represents the zodiac signsLeo.About the lion's portrait penetrates the whole of western culture and myth.With high dignity and golden mane lion is to control the sun, and the lion is in the tarot CARDS have the same name this card represents the "sun".
The meaning of the lion and the sun with the element of fire - around 450 BC by the Greek philosopher Empedocles (Empedocles) in the poem nature (OnNature) first suggested the basic one of the four elements of nature.The most appropriate fire element about the description of the sceptre is initiative, courage and boldness.

In the tarot "power" is a brand, is a beautiful little contention, standing beside the lion, and the lion looked at her slowly closed his mouth.Before the tame beasts, young girl with a bunch of flowers to guide him.If this is the "peace and violence" in the 60's the root cause of politics?In the older version of the tarot CARDS, "power" is called "toughness";And instead of girl is the ancient Greek hero LuJieDi o (Herakles) image of grappling with a ferocious beast.

Tarot _ the zodiac constellation Leo

In the LuJieDi (Herakles, hercules) myth of the lion (Leo)

Legend, the LuJieDi is then god Zeus (Zeus), and the human beauty Alcmene (Alcmene) between the crystallization of love.Alcmene, when her husband to go out with Zeus gave birth to o LuJieDi extramarital affairs.Zeus then carried Hera LuJieDi o (Hera) named for the child.There is no doubt that Hera feel the king's dignity have been violated, and vowed to revenge.

In the long wait, o LuJieDi finallyTo get marriedAnd grow to a warrior, and at the same time also is one of the most beloved sons of Zeus.At this moment, Hera used a curse o LuJieDi mental disorders.In the case of mental disorders, the LuJieDi killed his wife and children.Because of his temporary aberrations, o LuJieDi found guilty, are required to accept 12 years of slavery, and to finish the 12 pieces in the 12 years almost impossible task.

O LuJieDi first task is to enter the nemean (Nemea) big forest to kill the legendary invincible lion.O LuJieDi had lion-hunting experience, when he was 18 years old, the first time he killed a lion as a symbol of their adult.Nimmi adah, however, is too fierce lion in the forest, the lion has no effect on general weapons in combat, the hunter bow will bounce back from the lion's leather.O LuJieDi eventually took the lion into a cage, and then lion strangled shirtless.This is called the "perseverance".

Andrew Chris (Androcles and the lion

Another about the myth of the lion in a cage in ancient Rome.Andrew Chris (Androcles) is of Tiberius (Tiberius) and Gary gura (Caligula) in the era of a slave from Africa.To avoid the cruel masters, he hid in a cage.But, in a cage because he met a big stung into the feet and feel the agony of the lion.Androclus (Androcles) help the lion appeared big thorn, and take care of it.Later, Chris slave owners was caught Andrew cast him into the large Colosseum in the face of a lion.But luckily, Andrew Chris face lion old friend of his.The lion did not eat him, also it in front of all the Romans kissed him.Andrew Chris and the lion is free.And play "Andrew Chris and lion" author George Bernard - shaw was born on July 26, 1856, his Leo sun and Venus in the 3rd house of representative writing.So it is easy to understand how he inspired.

The lion and the Christian

Christianity in the student's patron saint Jerome (SaintJerome) is four scholars in the period of the century, is also a Christian church the priest.Due to his own beliefs, he came to the desert like a "hermit" (which is also very important in the tarot card) general seclusion for 2 years to seek enlightenment, strength and inner peace.One day, a lion came to their seclusion, against all the monks, but have found hermit st. Jerome inner strength.Saint Jerome found on the lion's paw a big thorn.As he before Andrew did Chris, st. Jerome made a similar kind behavior, finally tamed the lion.

Another important myths about lions in the Christian religion is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.In the mythology, a lion's cub, in some versions is the lion's three cubs, died at birth.However, three days later, the lion father for them they breathe the resurrection.

Doubt (brought by the "power"The zodiac /astro/)

When the "power" in the tarot CARDS, we ask ourselves, how can learn to use their inner strength.Whether we should do like LuJieDi o, what we can do to make up for some "abnormal" part of our body?We should honest face our inner true self?Whether we have the courage to face your own mistakes?If we let the sun in our heart?We should use violence or polite to persuade?

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