The tarot constellation of Gemini


On May 21, the sun began to enter the annual cycle of Gemini, when he fell on the corresponding is the "lovers".Sign Gemini belongs to the wind, the patron saint of mercury, the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology.Mercury in the corresponding on the tarot card for "magic".And in theThe tarotThe upper hand is fasten explanation and daily life are closely linked, and intelligence, communication, logic, conflict resolution, select, and overcome the bad meaning.

Gemini and "brotherly love"

Gemini English corresponding Gemini in Latin is the meaning of "twins".It is the third sign, but it is the first to use the word "people" on the ecliptic image as a symbol of itself (ram is a kind of image of RAMS, the Taurus is a bull).Original Gemini the image of the two, is the Roman god of the Castor and Pollux.After they are Sparta leda and epigenetic Zeus and Spartan king entanglements.So, Castor because is the child of Zeus and become immortal, and Pollux is Spartan king's children, so it is an ordinary mortal.But the two children very well with each other, have that.When Pollux died in battle, immortal Castor begged Zeus to let it become mortal, so that you can talk with Pollux meet in the spirit world.And as a result, the two children, Gemini is placed on the Milky Way.This myth highlights the strong of the Gemini "brotherly love", which is why particularly pronounced in the birth chart Gemini, always with some homosexual tendencies.

The tarot _ the zodiac constellation of Gemini

Castor the constellation of Gemini

Under the general space telescope, Castor of Gemini constellation has a total of three: two planets orbiting a and a normal special dim red dwarf.And under the amplification effect of precision space telescope, which was originally three star, all can see is made up of binary, so in fact is six.So in reality, the "twin" characteristics of Gemini is also very good.

Gemini, difficult choices and RoyThe war

Gemini's mythology, is full of difficult choices.Castor itself, you need on choose immortality or with her brothers death choice make difficult judgment.And the other a pair of twins, Roy of Helen and Clytemnestra, the twin sisters are also facing the dilemma of the brothers are similar.Clytemnestra, mortal, and Helen, the daughter of Zeus, is immortal.

The trouble with the goddess Eris originated from Zeus forgot invited a wedding.In order to quote this "vendetta", Eris brought the marriage to a "golden", and indicate it is to the most beautiful goddess "in mockery.The goddess of wisdom, Zeus's wife Hera, Athena and the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, all want to get the golden apples, so from now on to a dispute.To quell the battle, the goddess of the three decided to let the sexiest man in the world, Roy Paris to make a final judgment.Aphrodite Paris in Greece is the most beautiful goddess Helen to temptation.And Paris agreed to help Aphrodite, and Aphrodite report her method is Helen from her husband Menelaus stolen.And the Helen has long been interested in Paris, there is not a resistance to the idea.But as a result, Sparta and Roy began to recapture Helen's war.From the beginning to the end of the war, Helen was somehow Sparta and Roy which prayers and tortured.

In the tarot "lover" and "magic"

Tarot CARDS on "magic", depicts a young man wearing a magician's robes.On his right hand have a staff toward the sky, and the staves of the left hand.Symbol in the top of his head, there is a sign of the infinite, immortal, and spiritual strength.In front of him is placed on the table with four things: a disk, a chalice, a sword and a stick.Respectively with the four elephants in life.On his wrist, there is a python wrist strap made of leather.And this kind of python ouroborus, has the characteristics of a consuming its own tail, so also imply that the immortal life cycle.

And the brand "lover", describes the initial Adam and eve in the garden of Eden to survive.He stood behind them, an angel.And eve standing beside the tree of wisdom and around the tree, are in the "magic" that a brand in python.And Adam is standing under the tree of life, the tree has 12 fruit, symbol with the 12 signs of the zodiac.(The zodiac /astro/)

In the bible, god created Adam first, feel lonely and Adam, god will begin from one of his ribs, modeled after he created eve.This is a very typical "twins".And the pair due to steal to eat the forbidden fruit also began to suffer from endless torture.Because they have a choice, humans began to the eternal torment.

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