Capricorn constellation tarot

Capricorn: wave gable a sheep

Every year around December 21, the sun began its annual Capricorn cycle, and inThe tarotOn,CapricornBrand is the symbol of "the devil".And the guardian planet Saturn's tarot symbols, is "the final trump card".Symbol Capricorn is the earth element, with a strong sense of work, finance, education, and the concept of family life.Capricorn this kind of "final trump card" and "the devil", and half man and half goat in Greek mythology is the god of animal husbandry and pan pan enemy the devil (satan) with very closely.

Capricorn, Saturn and the winter solstice

Capricorn constellation Capricornus English word, it is transformed Latin vocabulary, in Latin, its basic meaning is "horned goats.Capricorn, is the first ten constellations on the ecliptic, in the northern hemisphere, marks the coming of the winter solstice.The winter solstice, is the darkest days of the year, so on the symbol, the sun has been completed the journey on the level of the dark, such as close to hell journey began to return to the light.The ancient Romans held around the winter solstice celebration, celebrate "is not to conquer the rebirth of the sun" (natalissolisinvicti).

Capricorn tarot _ the zodiac constellation

And before the celebration of the sun, is the Roman saturnalia, general is December 17 - December 24.This festival, the Romans reaction to their own Saturnian Saturnus.In Greek mythology, Saturn is kronos.Kronos is the sky god Ouranos and the sons of the earth goddess gaia.Legend, the gaia to lure his son kronos Ouranos castrate his father with a sickle, making the sky and the earth get separated.

In ancient Rome, saturnalia are the most happy holiday all year.In "the Great Britain encyclopedia" records: "during the saturnalia, all work and commercial transactions are suspended, free and slave is given a brief as they want to do.And some of the traditional ethics has been relaxed, people are also free holiday gift exchange."In other words, during saturnalia, earthly devil was released, there is no limit on the enjoyment of life.

Capricorn and animal husbandry and the god of the pan

Capricorn in mythology is often described as a person and a half and half sheep satyr Pan (Pan) (usu. in two lines: "warcraft 3" forests of the night elves guardian image should also be acquired from the myth of inspiration).Pan, is one and a half man, half god of forest, is a sexual desire strong men.And "erotomania satyriasis corresponding word in English and also derive from the myth.

In the most ancient legend, the pan onceescape, jumped into the water, as to the lower part of the body into the fish and the upper part of the body remains like a goat.

In the medieval myth and legend, pan was portrayed as a only Angle of goats.To deliver legend, pan maid after saw this strange "man", extreme panic.Whereas the English word panic, panic is also portrayed the maid saw Pan after feeling.

In 1990, astronomers MarkShowalter filmed in observation "rangers 2" after the picture of the universe, found a small satellite orbiting Saturn and named it "pan".Literary world in the day, "Neptune" is thought to be found with the same value.

The devil (satan) : god's envoy

Satan (Sadan), the word in Hebrew means "rival", first appeared in the bible of the old testament book of "job".Satan is god sent to earth to find those who do not follow the truth, and broken the rules of heaven.And it means is through a variety of temptation to test people's hearts.And Capricorn ruled by Saturn, in charge of the symbol of the "devil" Capricorn, traditionally known as the "great teacher".

The "devil" in the tarot CARDS

"The devil" of the tarot card is generally a copy to the picture on the "pan" draw monsters, symbol of the people in the temptation, good nature need to be tested.This kind of test, often through the most fear things in our heart.Maybe each of us, in the heart, desire for money or power is too greedy ideas, these ideas hinders us to become a pure person, so you have to pass the test to be able to correct.

"The last trump card in the tarot"

"The last trump card" of a brand is a wreath, symbol of Saturn's orbit, symbolizes the farthest to the naked eye can we see stars in the solar system.(The zodiac /astro/)

"The last trump card" symbol with a complete.Symbol we arrived at the end of the journey, and accept what is Saturn's been the teachings of the great teacher.And in this journey, we learned the true meaning of life.

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