Tarot constellation of Taurus

Taurus: the bull

Every year on April 20, the sun into the annual cycle of Taurus.TaurusThe English nameReferred to as "Taurus" is a Latin derivative, its original intention is "the bull".inThe tarotTaurus and closely linked to the "high priest" brand.

Taurus belongs to the soil, ruled for Venus.Venus tarot corresponding to as the "queen".And tarot soil as a faction, the meaning of the symbol for "work, fiscal, financial, planting, nourishing, learning, education, and family life".And astrologers is generally believed that the moon, tarot corresponding card for "high priestess", at the time of Taurus, is the location of the promotion.

Tarot _ the zodiac constellation of Taurus

Taurus, selene bull

When the sun through the Taurus,AriesPeriod of the birth of a new life began to grow prosperous.Say simply is, April showers bring may flowers.The Taurus sign of the bull, in the most ancient civilizations view is the symbol of the fertile and rich, creativity.So we should not strange to understand why many festivals are related to labor, work within the range of Taurus.Such as the May DayLabor day, maypole celebration, in this time.A symbol of Taurus the bull's horns, represents the crescent moon cycle, it also suggests that the relationship between the moon and Taurus the inextricably.

Myth JosephCampbell author once wrote: "in ancient summer, selene bull is a eternal life, it has the positive power of straight beard symbol.It will be the end of each month by something called the "lion".And rise again at the next new moon, when it will be reborn again."

Egyptian mythology Osiris Osiris is a death and rebirth, it has been called the "bull" god.The sumerians (the ancient Euphrates river downstream residents) bull god Dumuzzi, also have this kind of death and rebirth and the characteristics of the cycle.JonGrate myth writers called the god of the dead of winter "child", because the god symbol "reborn in the womb of the sun from the night".The winter solstice, is the longest night, the shortest time.

Taurus and "priest"

The word in English tutor, or clergy Hierophant, comes from the Greek hieros and phainein two words, meaning is "sacred" and "reveal".The term is used to call the ancient Greek sacrifice the supreme god, of the high priest.They are sacrifice to god of Demeter (palm agriculture,To get married, goddess of fertility) and Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and hades took to marry after the ghost).The high priest and his assistant, high priestess, this ceremony presided over year, celebrate Persephone to hell and rebirth.But only the high priest are eligible to touch the goddess "left".

In Greek religion, corn breeding symbol of the spiritual life of human being.Therefore, the high priest is the revealer of truth.

And an interesting thing is that now the Pope John Paul ii, is a the sun, the moon, Venus, mercury, and transit all fall in Taurus.

Tarot CARDS in the mentor, the empress and the high priestess

"Mentor" of the tarot CARDS, depicts a clergy stands between two pillar of god.He holding a scepter, a crown on her head.At his feet, is a row of keys, a symbol with he can contact with the mysterious knowledge.And by his side and two assistant, kneeling on both sides, respectively, to wear clothes, bright and dark is reminiscent of the "high priestess" of the tarot CARDS."Mentor" is a brand, symbol by orderly and sacrifice method to obtain the spirit of truth.

And the brand of "goddess", we can see a great goddess sat on the throne was surrounded by fertile land.Her head is the crown of twelve stars, respectively symbolize the 12 zodiac signs.(The zodiac /astro/)

And "high priestess" brand, depicts Persephone sitting in a dark and light between the pillar, a symbol of her disposal these two areas.

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