Tarot sign of Pisces

Pisces: the god of the sea

On February 19, the sun began to the annual month cycle of Pisces.inThe tarotOn,PiscesCorresponding to the "moon" this card, and the traditional guardian star Pisces is Jupiter (the same as the striker), correspond to the inside of the tarot "wheel of fortune", and modern guardian planet Neptune, corresponding to the tarot is "upside-down" male.

Neptune'sThe English nameAccording to Neptune, is the name of the ancient mythology the god of the sea, and "the moon", then control the ocean tides rise and fall.So it is clear that Pisces is a water sign, and the meaning of water system in the tarot, associated with love, friendship and the change of human emotions.

Pisces tarot _ the zodiac constellation

Pisces and the symbol of the cross

Pisces, symbols are tied together, two fish, swam to the opposite direction, respectively.A fish that swam up, has been to the eastAries;The other fish, wander down, has been to the western water bottles.The inverse direction of the cross, to form a staggered "cross", the symbol of Christianity.Cross on the vertical axis, represents the spirit, and the horizontal axis, the symbol of the material.

In ancient babylonian mythology, there are two fish will be a huge egg to the shore, and from the egg, was born the valley of the goddess Ichthys Atagratis and her son.

Ichthys every year, have to undergo a death and rebirth.The myth of the Ichthys and Pisces, later in the course of history, the Chinese and contact Christian is more and more closely.Across the Pisces, is locatedvirgoAnd virgo in Greek mythology, and Christianity has a lot of origin.

The ancient Greek myth of the fish and monster Typhon

Typhon, in Greek mythology, the earth goddess gaia is the youngest son, is she and the god of hell Tartarus children.Typhon is a muzzle flame, with hundreds of demonic monster dragon head.Typhon, this word in the Greek vocabulary the corresponding meaning, is "strong hurricane", also related to the meaning of "hot steam".

Now of the English vocabulary (typhoon) the word "typhoon", it is from this story.And medical "typhus" (typhus), also came from the etymology.When people think of this terrible disease, it is considered to be a monster Typhon's spit out the poison.

There was once a time, Typhon control throughout the day, because it took advantage of the statue of Zeus and affectionate, will be the scepter of Zeus stole out.In order to escape the clutches of Typhon, the gods of Olympus, change into various animals running.The symbolCapricornThe pan into a half sheep fish, the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite and her son, the god of love Eros, turned themselves into the two fish, not to separate, in each other's body is connected to the silver cord, hide in the bottom of a young ferrari in the river together.

Therefore, the combination of love and desire, is the symbol of Pisces will prevail.Astrology Pisces symbol, is to use two symmetrical crescent.

Later, with the help of the Phoenician prince cadmus, Zeus finally conquered the Typhon, it will be buried in the bottom of Aetna mountain.Until now, people who live near the mountain of Aetna, also can often hear the shout it.Cadmus tactic to is to use the learned from Apollo, with the temptation of music (Pisces rules) help Zeus to overcome this monster.Since then, the celestial order has resumed, love and desire to the world again.

"The moon" and "upside-down"

Tarot "moon" brand, is traditionally portrayed "two dogs in toward the moon bark".These two dogs one is dark, one is light color, the symbol of the spirit and material.And, behind a small lobster leap, symbol in the ancient babylonian mythology provide huge egg from the water."The moon" symbol with a warning in the tarot, tell people may now see a problem is not clear or is being confused by some of the things.These, also the negative factors of Pisces.(The zodiac /astro/)

"Upside-down" actor in the tarot CARDS, depicts a man hangs down with two legs, to form a cross.And its interpretation, is to tell the interrogator to understand to the existing situation of mental health factors.

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