Sagittarius constellation tarot

On November 22, once again, we ushered in the celestial striker.inThe tarotCorresponding card, the striker as "moderation", and it is ruled by Jupiter's optimism.Jupiter in the tarot is corresponding "wheel of fortune".Striker belongs to the fire sign, it is the symbol of human motivation, dedication to work, power, it is energetic, enthusiastic overflow, have the courage to competition on behalf of the soul.

Temperance: the advantages of human

Greek philosopher once listed four should have the basic human virtues: careful (wisdom), perseverance, integrity, and temperance.The combination of these four virtues, need good, as if a "moral" of the four seasons, remain in the hearts of people.Tarot CARDS on the four cardinal virtues have corresponding card.And the tarot itself, is a used to teach people to moral and spiritual picture book.

Tarot _ the zodiac constellation Sagittarius

Temperance and the tarot

About the specific meaning of "moderation", tarot is explained."Moderation", is a good integration of all kinds of things, all kinds of ideas, a mild a balanced approach to life.It is representative of the card above a winged angel, one foot in the water, stop has been foot on the land.Behind the angel, a red sun is rising.And the angel is a holy grail of liquid, dumping to another of the holy grail.

We can find on this card, the four basic elements (fire, earth, air, and water) the symbol meaning of all appeared in the figure, it is a symbol of integration.

And the word "moderation" in English, originated from Latin vocabulary.Latin the meaning of the original word is "moderation and self-control".Similarly, also has in the Greek vocabulary about the corresponding word "moderation", but Greece this adds a corresponding word meanings, that is "good integration of the soul".

Also, in the ancient books of the famed temple of Apollo, also has the description about moderation, specific explanation for "never too modest force.

The Roman goddess of moderation Temperantia, under the painter portrayed, is always a standing under the rainbow the charm of the goddess, the symbol of a combination of various elements.The rainbow is seven color, so each color symbol on a planet in the solar system.The rainbow after the rain, it isSagittariusThe beauty of the colorful bow.It is a spirit of tolerance and broad, which is a kind of optimistic Sagittarius forever the spirit of the symbol.

Jupiter and the wheel of fortune,The zodiac /astro/)

The star striker of Jupiter, traditionally known as "the great harvest", is a kind of divine symbol of good luck.And Jupiter's corresponding to the tarot "wheel of fortune", tells us that the so-called lucky is a change in power, is a kind of cosmic cycles."Moderation" and "wheel of fortune", the two and the striker about intention, together is to tell us, should restrain one cultivate the virtues of moderation, so as to make us better adapt to the world of change and uncertainty.

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