The constellation libra tarot

libra: mythology scales, sword, and a symbol of justice

In each year on September 23, or so, as the sun began its annual cycle, libra and inThe tarotLibra, brand is the symbol of "fair trial".Libra is a word to refer to the Greek to harness sling, immediately is therefore astrology libra symbol is similar to a balance, and like a sling.Offenders will be brought to justice, and husband and wife will be tied together by the chains of marriage.These myths in balance, sling and sword (another symbol of justice in the tarot) in western culture has a long history.

Tarot _ the zodiac constellation libra

Fair: Greek goddess themis and wear

Themis and her daughter wear are ancient goddess of fairness and justice.In classical Greek mythology, themis symbol hand hold the balance of justice, another hand holding a sword.She closed her eyes, in the decision process is put forward to a fair abstract concept of trust.

Goddess themis with god Zeus gave birth to a girl named dai, she became the goddess of justice, political affairs and social affairs in the world.Like themis, wearing a sword in hand, but her hands symbol is not a fair balance.But according to the practice, wear is also known as the goddess of justice and is portrayed as saint, holding the weight of the balance in the balance of grain.

Wear can be:virgoThe saint

The poet had to wear can be described as a fair maid, she sat beside his father Zeus and points out the evil of the human heart.In ancient times, wear can be just located in the constellation virgoScorpioBefore.In charge of agriculture,To get married, the fertility goddess Demeter, after her daughter was kidnapped, become the saint's protector.

Sequential goddess: wear and her sisters

Wear can be also a goddess, in charge of the temporal sequence in Greek represents "hour", this also is the origin of the word horoscope, sequence is used to mark time.The ancient greeks worship goddess of timing, because they are guardians of the sky.

Thinking about tarot, when the sun enters libra (The zodiac /astro/)

This is a used to thinking about justice on the tarot CARDS and queen of the golden era.Study their design, to find the relationship between them.When the summer leave think why they are associated with your inner and outer.

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