Aquarius: an ideal mate

  Aquarius:An ideal spouse

  Constellation Aquarius worst matched


Pisces will be challenged to your target, and show the irritating fuzzy attitude.Although you also interested in new things or new experiences, but in the daily habits or environment will produce conflict.You can only embrace each other in the spirit of space, is not fit to live together in the real world.


If combined with Taurus, you may.Taurus is trying to bring you back to the real world, bluntly to analysis the ideal unrealistic to you.Your thoughts on marriage may be today, and it seems difficult to unify.


If combined with Leo, you will immediately face challenges and physical conflicts.Leo will require you to decide according to have goals and the priority of the verbal agreement to action, sometimes you are asked to adjust their priorities.In the face of your observation and detection, Leo will never come.


Scorpio will have a huge impact on you.This is good for Scorpio also.But note that don't form with Scorpio obedience and govern the relationship.Scorpio always want to ignore your request, maintain their dominant position.So you want to explicitly indicate that on some issues, your position is strong.Scorpio may ignore your request until you can't stand and in surrender.Accept these for Aquarius is not easy.


See some pedantically conformist Capricorn, you inevitably bile.If Capricorn taboo you sigh the colorful social life, you might as well also stand on his personal stance.If Capricorn is a strong desire of careerist, you should stick to their position and look for fun.You will be criticized him too much money worship.Don't expect you can gently to influence each other, only to stop it.

  Best matching constellation Aquarius


Despite the huge enthusiasm and creative force and horizontal seat you.If you are stubborn, headstrong obstinate, Aries will solemnly announced that make a clean break.Do you often share moments of friendship and Aries.Is the common nature of you stay in one place, and from this point of view, sometimes to keep the pure friendship developed into love or only meet more suitable for short of love.If two people meet, after decided to stabilize will lay a solid foundation for future development.


And Gemini you feel each other at the instant of the encounter unusual charm.But Gemini will in order to verify whether the first good impression on behalf of the real you, and secretly investigation.Get on well and Gemini, you face that might make other constellations lovers noisy over, you will be on the premise of not hurt and perfectly.


You and libra can keep a harmonious relationship.Coordinate the implementation of a libra can work, but the final decision up to you to do best.You need plenty of time to understand each other, to ensure that the straight way you won't hurt the libra, especially related to sex.

  Aquarius: general matching constellation


Between Aquarius might be very perfect, may also tired.Because, you will lose on their own after combining the objectivity of thought and action, almost become a man.If you can in life to maintain consistent attitude and idea, can live in harmony, otherwise easy to split.


Cancer can fully satisfy the Aquarius have not felt his desire for the peace of the inner world.But can you accept this is a question.Cancer is tactfully to avoid problems, accustomed to play small temper, will always complaining.If not, you can wholeheartedly into your work.But how do you end what, perhaps only old genius know.


If combined with a virgo, you have to listen patiently virgo interminably said you is how and why break his (her) heart, make its pain.But virgo insight into social relationship, so you can always listen to him about the interesting story, never feel boring.In love bond between you not strong enough, to maintain a close relationship, so you have to spend more mind.


Sagittarius hidden inside the domination, once you understand this, will generate repulsion, do you have in common is all have open thinking.Disposition optimistic, has the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius will tightly hold you resist the heart.Faced with a decision, Sagittarius will not like you stubbornly hold on to the end.

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