Leo ideal spouse

  LeoAn ideal spouse

  Leo's worst matching constellation


If you and Aquarius, will experience many dramatic moments, appreciate doped with compassion and sympathy for love.You will be able to overcome all adversity.You act like the combination of agile air and fire, can realize the advantages and disadvantages with each other, bring surprise.


Leo and Taurus, when a dispute, do not hesitate to abuse each other, bad ruthlessly discontent.However, if your environment and career tendency is consistent, you will cross the combination of all obstacles, get a happy ending.


You're with Sagittarius will spend happy wonderful time.You all like to flatter each other between each other, never blame each other.Sagittarius is somewhat blundering, but he (she) will actively work hard, keep yourself and your consistent pace.

  Best matching constellation Leo


And enthusiastic about everything, go forward despite straight, will make your life permeated with infinite vitality, make you optimistic rhythmic lifestyle, deeply immersed in the happiness.You will be from Aries heterosexual a wide range of interests and experience a great deal of help.


Leo can appreciate the decisive to quickly solve the difficulties of Gemini.Gemini's charm is not just about this is, in fact, Gemini rational thinking and strong concentration will help you more accurate judgment.


Personality strong Scorpio always relentlessly pointed out your mistake, Leo unique confidence.You and Scorpio has a strong will, and can recognize each other.Scorpio sexy glamour strongly appeal to you, make you to stay away from, but you can use your own will be restrained.

  Leo constellation matching in general


Leo can't stand the Pisces slowly close to yourself, because you feel such relationship illegibility and unpredictable, so special want to Pisces can give up ambiguity and wait-and-see attitude, more simply replaced by direct face to face.Mature Pisces have broad and objective perspective will give you a lot of inspiration.After two constellations combination would be a very harmonious relationship.


Leo &cancer are equally compelling hope.Your self-righteous and complacency cancer had sometimes unhappy.In this kind of combination, the biggest problem is wrong understanding of each other's feelings.Your cancer has made strong power, cancer spouse will eventually abandon their narcissism, and Leo hand in hand to create a stable life.


If there are similar to each other's ideal, then two LeoTo get marriedAlso is a happy ending.But if not, you will stubbornly stick to your way of thinking and attitude towards life.Compromise might undermine your relationship, so take extra attention.Compared with the plain marriage, you both tend to pursue what we think is more important or way of life.


You and virgo are a traditional mode of thinking, so can keep stable relationship.When the man for Leo, the woman is a virgo.Situation is just the opposite, virgo women may hide their ideas had angered because Leo.


Libra don't limit your action.He (she) will try to treat you gently.But you think it is because the lack of trust to take attitude.Your ability to close, can complement each other, each other so can help each other in many ways.


Do you like to explore the characteristics of can produce strong charm of Capricorn.But he (she) often confide your to others the Leo always let him (her) sad.Pay attention to you can make the nerve slow Capricorn the opposite sex.This combination will bring you endless vitality and broad interests, but you must learn to take care of each other each other's mood.

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