Capricorn's ideal mate

  Capricorn's ideal mate

  Capricorn's worst matching constellation


If combined with Aquarius, marriage for you is a challenge.Aquarius will insist on what an inquisitive attitude, never follow the master discretion you decided by the rules and operation mode.You may try to keep an open mind and their conversation, but stable life is out of reach for you.


Aries agile movements and keen judgment may make you a surprise.You admire Aries have career foundation.Because you are used to thinking repeatedly, weighing the pros and cons, so always can see from the other side of the decision.When will you tell your opinion to each other, but must be dealt with properly, because it is likely to lead to long-term.


If you can completely control the Gemini, even if it is a positive, cooperative attitude, then this is enough to as a once-in-a-century wonders and recorded in the annals.Gemini day change, capricious, but you can't stand this.Even if you was sporadic charm and mystery, and the sky's the limit, Gemini may not be able to make Capricorn you get it.


Libra pursuit of harmonious living life as a wild stock or floating clouds, and the life you desire today, so your life may be full of complaints and discontent, you will feel regret it.Do you like the look of the libra leisurely leisurely, one day to know that his (her) heart is full of insecurity, will get a big surprise.Then you would probably be fusion of a variety of opinions, to keep the doctrine of the mean libra distance, and began to get cold.Careful you might don't like libra open manner, but likes to communicate with libra, exchange each other's opinions.

  Capricorn is the best matching constellation


Capricorn to comply with the form and tradition.If you and family Taurus, you can enjoy a traditional life.You are a happy couple and Taurus, love each other, full of humor, and to strive for success.


You are eager to stable life and cancer both understand each other, also hope to timely communication thoughts.Cancer may always in your opinion agitated extremely trivial affairs.Cancer can seriously listen to you pour out, in view of your idea put forward the opinions of the connotation is rich.You enjoy silence sometimes, and sometimes heated debate, but everything is so harmonious, your life is very happy.


And several other wood like constellation, you and virgo are likely to ignore the fickleness of each other, let the other party insisted that excessive claims.However, even if not expect to see clear attitude directly, virgo heart still hope to get your concern.And you will not heed his (her) preferences, in its own way care for (her).


You like to participate in the activities of quiet and emphasizes the independence, at this point has a resonance.Your love is also in this kind of activity of germination.But this love is generally not underway.If your emotional cycle, each other can keep stable family life.In addition to your spouse Capricorn, I'm afraid you can't find a condemnation of you thanked the second man.

  Capricorn constellation matching in general


Pisces are very considerate, and you can make up for the deficiency.Pisces at any time won't be able to use a decided to suppress you, will only lead you pleasantly concerned in this matter.Don't blame the Pisces happy-go-lucky attitude to life, this is but a tiny drawback at best.


You don't like to boast of Leo and bravado, hope he played some kind.Both spiritually and financially, you will give him (her) a great deal of support.But you don't use all of his energy to help Leo to finish what he (she) obsession.


If can reach mutual understanding and Scorpio, you is worth celebrating.Although it is impossible to avoid the argument, but not as to abuse, slap each other's civil war.For you, a few hours or even days don't say a word also not a strange thing.As long as you don't monitor each other's action, let the emotion has been rusty, also won't produce too much of a storm.Melting suggestion is for you, shall be your indifferent attitude, so as to improve the quality of marriage.


In your opinion, what is your motivation in some cases seems unreasonable, but if the backing to certain habits, also can justify.But your motivation of Sagittarius has always carried a sceptical.Sagittarius oneself also can't prove the legitimacy of their actions.With the gradually understand for you, Sagittarius will lead you to coruscate gives infinite vitality.

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