Virgo's ideal mate

  virgoAn ideal spouse

  Constellation virgo worst matched


Virgo and Aquarius is personality not harmonious couple.You have a fear of each other can't understand the way of life and strange, like revealing each other's weaknesses.The communication between you carry out in a spirit of dialectics, this is unmatched by other signs partner.


You don't like Gemini impetuous restless and double character, for he (she) gained by the flashy social success just not interested.But you like and Gemini, encouraging a dialogue or profound knowledge to play each other.


Virgo is Leo's bluff and no marginal attracted to show off, but when recognize that under his (her) a sophisticated appearance actually after beating a pure heart, will feel very disappointed.But remember that make you into a fantasy is yourself.Located in adjacent element of you can give each other a lot of things, but the larger effort required to achieve this.


If combined with Sagittarius, you can communicate without any obstacles, but that's about it.Although you appreciate Sagittarius energy and original view, but he (she) begin well but end badly, he accused you stupid impatience will often make you angry.

  Best matching constellation virgo


You and Taurus in a cautious attitude to solve the problem.But you are used to criticize each other's shortcomings, but not to reflect on their own problems, often behave arrogant in front of each other.However, no matter how you is very good, the combination of sexual life is very harmonious.


Like you, cancer is smooth in the pursuit of comfortable nest.You are sensitive, to hide hurt feelings, sometimes deliberately carried their anger over his shoulder, or suddenly cried aloud.If you love can have more tolerance and understanding, you will be very happy couple.


As virgo you are all looking forward to the purity of love, so with virgo the opposite sex, the fresh feeling like you always have the lover, and habits and ideas is consistent, harmonious relationship.But there are some obstacles in the communication, you at this time if the use wisdom to solve the problem, you can enjoy a better life.


Capricorn personality as you boring, stiff and rigid.Of course, this is your personal judgment standards as a benchmark and the conclusion.You are resolutely defend monogamy, so you can be honest to each other, you will also maintain the combination of a long time.

  Constellation virgo generally matched


Infuriated the kindness of you will be in Pisces and simple and honest, but your fickle character will agree, to create a happy marriage.In the ecliptic 12 palace is located in the polar opposite of earnest attention you all social problems, from the instinct to understand each other's needs.


Like Aquarius, Aries is also not easy to get along with your star sign.Despite the way with you feel things have substaintial distinction, but you will still be in Aries activity acclaim, although you secretly feel busy feet without the Aries like fool stupid.


First feeling when libra charm, gentle, but you will understand this libra always hide his heart, he (she) have you never seen another different faces.But to some extent, the secularization of this with you and you often spicy published criticism.


Your character is very different and Scorpio, but your differ in thousands ways can benefit each other.Initial contact, Scorpio spouse will seem aggressive, on high, and you will be assimilated by his passionate personality.

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