Sagittarius ideal spouse

  SagittariusAn ideal spouse

  Constellation Sagittarius worst matched


When are you getting along with your Pisces will be confused for each other, believe each other is very strange.Pisces is always behave attitude uncertain, hesitate, make you chagrin.Belong to the water sign and Pisces is not picky harsh or critical spirit of type, but you would love him (her), and take the initiative.


Belong to the earth sign virgo always want you to become stable, but soon realized that with a pleasant way to achieve this goal is very difficult.Even if you act on high, thrusting, virgo's manner is also appropriate, extremely well.If you together, you should first be familiar with each other's language habits.


Combined with Capricorn is one of the most difficult combination.Do you like challenge and leap, but you simply can't keep up with the pace of you, will only maundering.Do you like to debate and wisdom of communication, and Capricorn does best is in Sagittarius kite hit hole, screwing up.

  Optimal matching constellation Sagittarius


Aries with newcomers after an unprecedented enthusiasm to challenge to you.The question you face is how to make your feelings each other in time, and to achieve orgasm.In the running-in into the harmonious process will inevitably have quarrels, but lengthy explanations are not necessary.No matter how, you will find endless pleasure in this combination.


If with Leo, you will be fed up with his (her) a strong sense of competition, but you can always attract the Leo can firmly tied you blundering heart.


If two Sagittarius, full of exciting things and activities will increase sharply.But everything is just the spice of life, no matter how to won't make you apart.Even though you ou spirit even yell to each other, all the unpleasant will soon evaporate.

  Sagittarians usually matching constellation


Aquarius in your self bondage, or some mistakes for help.Aquarius is full of resilience, even continuous discussion for several hours, you do not matter.But you may feel too clingy, Aquarius some hate.Even though you may feel a lot of fun in this discussion, but it is hard to get the satisfaction of victory.Once at the end, you fail you may be mad at bundle on luggage away from home.


And Taurus common characteristic is that you can keep calmly in daily life attitude, especially on the body harmony.But once you are satisfied with the achievements of Taurus, Taurus will act haughtily.You might be this attitude showing contempt for Taurus, but Taurus does not abandon his arrogant attitude, it will hurt both sides.


Gemini, and you will be able to bring joy to each other, but neither should be faithful to each other in the sense of responsibility.So you may feel a brief co-habitation rather than marriage.In the ecliptic 12 palaces and you are the poles of the Gemini can see your heart, I hope both of you can be in harmony are an organic whole.


Cancer for your actions and words always make not the expression, and it is very difficult to understand him (her) inner thoughts.Even so, you will be taken from each otherGo to schoolTo many things.That is what makes you a combination of increasing consolidation.Cancer will be with you, to cultivate the spirit of courage and adventure, you will learn from this cautious attitude.


Libra will be to love to the next level of your produce a great deal of influence.Libra is good at self-control, like silently waiting for your response, focus on your attitude.Libra things than you close, so if you're trying to rationalize, your idea is likely to be lost.


And Scorpio even if you don't meet, can also live well.When you loud Scorpio will hide their tracks, until your your true self, he (she) will appear.It will touch your nerves.You will be very strange, why don't he (she) continue to express themselves.If Scorpio's cautious happens to coincide with your personality, your marriage will be impregnable.

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