Taurus is an ideal mate

  TaurusAn ideal spouse

  Worst matching constellation Taurus


You and Aquarius all belong to the stability of the constellation, because you have the attitude of the fixed and fixed judgement.So you will often quarrel.However, in fact, you and Aquarius easier than you might think to achieve harmony.You always stick to their ideas that sometimes become the fuse.


If combined with Aries, you every day for trivia and tit for tat.Despite the intense character may be attractive to you, but aggressive attitude and will make you mind.


As used by Leo, you also wont take different attitudes in different stage.Into a but you always, no one is willing to back half step, it is difficult to compromise.Advise you not to rush, to gradually build trust and respect.But it takes a long time.

  The best matching constellation Taurus


Two, Taurus will feel enjoyment of ease and comfort.But if both of them don't keep a clear head, then more advantages in common can become overshadowed, cause the gap to a certain extent.You are too similar, but it is difficult to recognize and grasp the other party.As long as you can as far as possible to maintain each other's self-esteem, you can get along harmoniously.


Combined with cancer, is ready for his mature step by step.Taurus and cancer may reach an agreement on this point in the pursuit of stability.Faced with problems in life, you will be able to use humor and love each other to be resolve, happily spend every day of life.


The habit of virgo will sometimes make you impatient, but compared to others with already very worth you rejoice.Do you have a unique aesthetic feeling, in the life tend to follow the feeling, virgo the polite and criticism spirit just complementary with you, and improve each other.The combination of you will contribute to a happy marriage.


You are to immediately turn nu for smile of Capricorn capricious and angry, but also enjoy humorous way of communication between each other.If you combine with patience and honest kind of Capricorn, can form a harmonious and easy and comfortable, happy, harmonious and happy family, and can last.Your love from the beginning of the sweet kiss, to withstand the long time test.

  General matching constellation Taurus


You should always think by themselves to dominate your life, to overcome this idea is not easy.Pisces character of broad mind along with you, make you become sentimental.As long as see Pisces serene quiet, you will feel.But if you want to by some model Pisces mate, will encounter great resistance.When you love will stay fresh for a long time, not the increasingly barren.


You appreciate Gemini most intelligent.You will be attracted by the glamour of talented and intelligent people, this depends on two zodiac signs on the strength of the charm of middle earth and air mixture.After you choose as a mate Gemini, will not when he (she) get social acceptance show jealousy.


You don't have to too much effort and libra can form a stable relationship.Libra spouse will quietly accept your quirks, you especially like this.If faults, is libra will dissatisfaction hidden in the heart, until my heart become very happy.If you would know how to properly express dissatisfaction from the outset, can be very happy to get along.


You always doubt at the opposite end of the force, Scorpio disguised an ulterior motives, so often to careful, wary of the line of sight.Scorpio seems never to be near you.But in the end you can comprehend "suddenly look back, that person but in the lights dim".Scorpio you choose as a mate, they put a lot of time working on his (her) heart, to understand thoroughly.Often there will be contradictions between you, but can last a long time.


Sagittarius keen and pleasure will leave deep impression to you, let you feel very comfortable, but you are hard to reach agreement.The first problem is how to make your pace to unify, the problem is so difficult, almost no way to transition to the second question.

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