Aries is the ideal mate

  AriesAn ideal spouse

  Constellation Aries worst matched


If your Capricorn) and values to the opposite sex, may because of miscommunication, the relationship is difficult to understand each other and cause.Capricorn the opposite sex will be for you to ask for too much, and you also not afraid, but marriage is not a way to meet their requirements.Capricorn's silence and hard can make the opposite character you feel unbearable.


Straightforward, there are some unreasonable Aries if combined with careful meticulous personality and even awkward cancer, will have very romantic life, but also easy to chaos.Cancer will think highly of you, and you will be her evaluation is too low for him.When everything was revealed to be the veil, the bottom, you can have a strong sense of being deceived.


You will be alone Taurus is different by him that she was deeply attracted.But close to the side of your character that you is hard to get along in harmony.Two of you are stubborn willfulness, emphasize self, have a tendency to follow one's inclinations.

  Despite the best matching constellation


Everyone is a fire sign, in a pair of, tend to be attracted to each other in love at first sight at a glance, then begin to love.And get along with down, more and more in tune.Life for their own pursuit of happiness, everyone is free to moderate his, their will not be too subjective to increase in the partner, is born of a couple.


If two Aries and love each otherTo get marriedYou'll never feel boring and long time.Quarrel in the eyes of others, just for you two person life flavoring, playful frolic.Can produce two Aries personality complement each other, so can contribute to a happy marriage.


Aquarius spouse can make up for what you lack of aggressive, expand field of activities for you, she will go along with you hand in hand.As long as able to tolerate the differences in the character of each other, you will enjoy full of love, concluded a happy marriage.


You and Leo are to grasp the method of the carefully to avoid each other's privacy, respect each other burning fiery character.Two people will be pleased for temperament similar to each other, and will immediately with warm eyes.You are the most ideal couple.

  Despite the general matching constellation


And Scorpio have not reach your target shi don't give up.If can reach a consensus on this point, you will have a happy marriage.If not, even if you respect each other's aggressive personality, Scorpio will take you into long, long boring willpower standoff battle.


If combined with Pisces, you will continue to make each other stimulation.If you can meet each other's imagination, but latent instability, not endure.Because compared to the Aries push forward power, Pisces the shrinking power is much more powerful.


Combined with a virgo, you of personality to achieve complementary, but if you need quite a long time to reach this point.Virgo spouse can make you calm down, but because of too suppress his feelings, for you blindly self-surrender, may cause it doesn't matter, no matter what will make you wrong idea.


If married Gemini, be about to rely on each other a lot.If not, you will be in the place where is far away from him that she spent most of the time.Gemini spouse will make full of patience you back a heavy burden, but you will be able to mutual inspiration and motivation.


You may gasp in admiration in libra clever means and rich expressive force, while libra will appreciate your frank and optimistic.If you have a common goal and mode of living, can contribute to a good marriage.But you often forget the importance of these two points for marriage.

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