This ideal spouse

  cancerAn ideal spouse

  Cancer is the worst matching constellation


If combined with Aries, you also can become temperament is intense, but the combination itself is pleasant.You must have seen the red man and the voice of the sharp images of women, it is your picture.It is necessary for you to learn how to curb his temper.If so, you will be very harmonious couple.


If combined with libra, although the surface calm, but inside is riptide swells.Libra even with sorrow will not show to you.Cancer hate constraints, often will show discontent.Your marriage relationship is not so much the relationship, rather than the relationship between the patients and psychiatrists.


Sagittarius is always sharp sharp arrows shot to his heart to you, so it's difficult to family harmony.But you can always through the witty humor release tension, to solve the problem.If Sagittarius can bring myself to calm down, to cater to the pursuit of stability of cancer, and cancer is not the Sagittarius inadvertently hurt self-esteem comments on the heart, this relationship will also be able to maintain a long time.

  The best matching constellation cancer


Combined with Pisces, your eyes will accumulate a lot of problem to be solved, it is indispensable to to live a better life in the future, so it's impossible to be lazy, ignoring its existence.You have to work together, to predict will face difficulties, through all kinds of difficulties bravely.


Cancer and Taurus will form a smooth and moderate relationship.Do you have in common is a gentleness.You must cultivate yourself frankly side, at least to make efforts to communicate more smoothly.Even though you love the small temper, vowed to reach the goal don't give up, but the combination you can carve out a brilliant life.


Cancer and virgo has become outstanding partner's potential.Both quiet sedate, like deep thinking.Of course, you will also be critical for small faults and bickering.But your common characteristic is that, even in the mood not happy when also did not spare the other's praise, and they all understand carry forward the virtues of patience and can pull through together, so most of this combination can contribute to harmonious and happy marriage.


Capricorn in the ecliptic 12 palace is located in the very opposite, you can with your personality to develop good complementary.Do in marriage life, even in the deepest feelings to each other, you will not show too much excitement.Capricorn's hidden, you may be automatically nodded approvingly.

  General matching constellation cancer


Aquarius doesn't like Sagittarius have no courage to trample on your feelings, but rarely think of apologize to you.Aquarius hopes to discuss, to a clear conclusion, and you tend to simply deal with, so the characteristics of Aquarius will benefit you in many ways.


What will happen if combined with Gemini, many interesting things.Gemini will constantly tease you because you have a phobia.He (she) as you wary of things.

Your efforts will eventually abandon their habits, and Gemini spouse agree on pace.


Similar constellations combination will have a lot of benefits, such as to be able to fully understand each other, have common life attitude and so on.But the disadvantage of this combination is easy to lose about the behavior of rational thinking, this is an obvious between cancer.If you are not deliberately changing chatter of bad habits, so even if no disagreement will quarrel.


Cancer has a hidden talent, while Leo likes to boast in front of people, so you will feel Leo spouse can always compelling.Leo will not obey to control control, cancer is very difficult to put blame on you.Even so, you can communicate feelings to share each other's many ideas, two people will pour into a great deal of love and passion to keep temperature.


If with ScorpioTo get married, it will face many difficulties.Your character is similar, in a very long period of time can't mess with your Scorpio motives drawn.

In the end things will be toward the good direction, no amount of bumpy you can cross.

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