The love of the 12 signs and cancer matching index

  cancerThe love of the 12 signs and matching index

  AriesHe can't stand your passive personality: positive.Matching index: 38%.

  Taurus: love each other, but for all negative, difficult to make progress.Matching index: 61%.

  Gemini: your tenderness will only let him have his own way.Matching index: 55%.

Cancer: get along well, but with their own shortcomings to ask other people easily.Matching index: 79%.

  Leo: what do you think he make you feel safe, but can't stand his domineer over.Matching index: 52%.

  virgo: a friend and lover, but avoid by all means in the association between cheating.Matching index: 67%.

  libra: in order to attract him, often should pay attention to dress up, make you struggle to cope with.Matching index: 20%.

  ScorpioSaid: congenial personality, always devoted to him.Matching index: 90%.

  Sagittarius: do you have the excessive demands, will make his escape.Matching index: 46%.

Capricorn: is he your rely on, but there are differences in values seem to each other.Matching index: 89%.

  Aquarius:: in front of him is always unable to express their views, and feeling depressed.Matching index: 43%.

  Pisces: the most perfect combination, is each other each other's partner for life.Matching index: 99%.

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