The love of the 12 signs and Aquarius matching index

  Aquarius:The love of the 12 signs and matching index

  Aries: each other's personality simply, easy to get along with.Matching index: 67%.

  Taurus: Taurus strong exclusive desire, let you want to flee.Matching index: 27%.

  Gemini: no matter go to where, your feeling is very good.Matching index: 92%.

  cancer: each other's values is different, so much time to get along with.Matching index: 45%.

  Leo: his ideas aroused your interest, each other exchanges.Matching index: 86%.

  virgo: he loves preaching, it makes you can't stand it.Matching index: 42%.

  libra: he will take you to experience the real life fun, and support each other.Matching index: 98%.

  Scorpio: met his shrewd, you'll have to surrender.Matching index: 31%.

  Sagittarius: happy, but his enthusiasm seems to be unable to meet you.Matching index: 64%.

Capricorn: you rely on him all things, contact real cannot hold game mentality.Matching index: 59%.

Aquarius: is each other's best lover, usually when a friend first.Matching index: 78%.

  Pisces: we can go to sing, to train each other's feelings.Matching index: 53%.

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