Aquarius boys don't chase you

Aquarius:Why don't the boys chase you

He didn't pursue in the concept of the word

The word in the sea of bottles easily won't produce the idea of "pursue" or "not the pursuit of", because he will be very objective very understanding to the simple view of the relationship with the people.Even the opposite sex, the general will first start from the friend.He likes and doesn't like tendency is established on the basis of whether to appeal to.Anyhow, he will try to put the "pursuit" drown in social life, even if the initiative is everyone empathy.

Don't want to destroy the interpersonal harmony

Bottle highly hope friendship into love and then into a hurt, finally we even make friends, maybe even become a mean person.So he will try to transcendental view of all this.But if you push too too nervous or language interference, and the bottle will be little play bad.

Aquarius: the reason why boys don't chase you

The duke of zhou interprets of query