The dark side of Taurus

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing the Taurus _ the zodiac

The moon in Taurus danger lies in the fact that excessive indulgence.Persistent,TaurusKnown as a feature, it is god's gift and a curse.Moon in here will be trapped in itself is a need for security, you are locking in the inherent patterns and habits, even if it is no longer good for you, continue because once upon a time it used to make you feel good.The uncertain future will cause of anxiety in the moon in Taurus, so you can try any method to gain control of your emotions, relationships and family.This month, it is necessary to learn more about how let nature take its course, not overly dependent on you feel good or a bad mood in the helpless.

The dark side of moon in Taurus: addicted to feeling

You desperately need to appreciate by your family and your inner circle, so that look valuable, regardless of this value is your attractive appearance, your gardening skills or you unique humorous way.When you didn't get what you want, you will sink and sink, through food, sex, or anything make you feel comfortable for the pleasure of the flesh.This is a subject of life, what do you want to see you are so valuable, does not need to rely on external recognition.When you are proud of your moon, you can see that life has its ups and downs, and understand your feeling the same high and low.You may often sexual impulse, but regular activity can take you away from it.Spend some time on the actual things, had built some buildings, or tease animals play, these can become your spiritual sustenance.

Please, no matter what your inner desire is really loyal to their own physical and emotional needs, to make it progress.The fundamentals you need to pay attention to live on earth - food, shelter, health and interpersonal relationships.In order to go out of the darkness by the end of the big sun forever, you have to understand that your body needs is preferred, rather than ignore it to pursue the spiritual yearning desire or control.The moon want to welcome you back to nature in the cycle of life, to respect all the creatures and we share the same earth.When you accept your sensual desires, you have the energy to come from inner to produce a sense of security.You will find a real lasting happiness.

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