Gemini's dark side

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing the Gemini _ the zodiac

The moon in the sign exemplify a common problem in modern civilization: division of mind and body.We tend to emphasize the mind rather than instinct.Or because of carelessness, or is completely ignored, your body's deputy often ACTS as you thought.You've been busy, it is easy to forget to take care of yourself.When you and your body really need to a good and long time of communication, please take a short break, give your body a break.

Admittedly, you natural and positive way of life to provide the desired energy, the moon is also in the study of body and mind of attachment doesn't mean that you want to make oneself into a continuous flood of information.Your body is in itself a lot of information, and make it possible to have the rich ideas and spirit of adventure.Because you like from what they see in the conclusion, you may get into the habit of assumed they already know.You change the physical and emotional often leads to recurring health problems and recurrent depressed mood.Gather the breath of god to the moon in Gemini exercise may help you reconnect with your body attachment, and release too much tension.

The moonGeminiThe dark side: mind over body

You tend to give their overly emotional appeal to reason, further to separate you from your body.When you feel sad, for example, you may put some external things to forget sad.You may immediately to try to figure out a "sad" and not fully perceive it.You might have to do some research, in order to get as much information as possible about the "sad", and never really listen to your heart.

You will be too dependent on others to tell you how you feel.As the moon in Gemini, the feedback to you who you are, as a result, you will become a certain life in others life peepers and never completely living in your own world.Out of the dark for the light of the moon in Gemini, learn and physical connection again and that it is a reliable source of information.When you do, you'll help all people involved in a new all-round communication mode.

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